Hek-Ra- The Battle Lord


The Battle Lord

  Hek-Ra (Heck - Rah)
The Warrior Priest, Battle Lord, War Father
War, Warriors, Battle, Confrontation
Greater Deity
Chaotic Good
Followers: Two gray morningstars, crossed on a red field    


Hek-Ra is the god of War. He is the Bringer of War, and the Warlord of the Eternal Battlefield. To those who follow him, War is a way of life, not a means to an end. War is waged to only beget more war. Confrontation is the truest path to personal enlightenment.
Appearing as a giant, clad in full bloody platemail, wielding two golden morningstars, Hek-Ra is often seen in visions on battle fields, as that is his church. His chosen or his priests see Hek-Ra during a war, and his visage is a sign of fortune for the side of war. During a charge across the battlefield, if led by one of Hek-Ra’s clerics, the image of Hek-Ra will be seen by the enemy, above the charging unit, racing along with them. This demoralizes their opponents and increases the war and the casualties.
Hek-Ra is the son of N'Asu, God of the Dead. And Hek-Ra increases his beloved father’s plane of Purgatos with each war. Hek-Ra works diligently to keep his father deep in souls and has a burning hatred for Nimbos, who Hek-Ra sees as a spoiled rotten child with a foul temper. Hek-Ra also openly opposes Caen, due to his portfolio. Murder is death without war, or confrontation. Hek-Ra also refuses to interact with the Elven Pantheon, due to the Great Offense, as Hek-Ra sees their leaving as cowardice before the great battle. Most of the Dwarven Pantheon respect Hek-Ra. It is rumored Jhudsûi and Hek-Ra play a twisted game with their followers, seeing which race can pull off the biggest war.


Hek-Ra is worshipped by anyone who is at war, warriors who see war daily, or those who are titled warmongers. Hek-Ra is a fierce god and his followers fight to increase Hek-Ra’s presence on Edus.
Priests of Hek-Ra are known as “Battlelords” and his paladins are “Blood Knights.” Hek-Ra gifts his chosen with many abilities if they follow him without equal. He is a very active god on Edus, and is often seen on the field of battle.




Alignment: CG, N, CN
Favored Weapon: Morning Star
Weapons Allowed: Any (esp. Morning Stars)
Turn Ability: None

  • -War is nature. War must be held above all other decisions. Never talk treaties.
  • - A dishonor cannot be allowed to stand. A dishonored priest is nothing but a coward.
  • - Priests of Hek’Ra must always spar or fight, at least once a day. Preparation of War demands practice.
  • - Those who oppose the decisions coming from priests of Hek’Ra that pertain to war, blaspheme his holy name. Blasphemers must be dealt with after war or battle.
  • - You may not decline alcohol offered. Alcohol loosens peaceful men's tongues and waddles them into war.
  • - Warriors who fight well are healed first. Those who do not…are not. Hek’Ra supports no cowardice.

Level - Ability
1. Cast “Mark of Hek’Ra” Priest takes one round to point at opponent and claim him “Marked” Priests rerolls all attacks (to hit) –1 per combat
3. Cast Instill Fear 1/day
4. Cast “Mark of Hek’Ra” Priest takes one round to point at opponent and claim him “Marked” Priests rerolls all attacks (to hit) – 3 per combat
  • Cast Fear 2/day

  • 6. Counterstrike – 1/day must be called before opponent attacks - 20% chance on hit opponent back without speed penalty immediately after priest is hit. Can work if Priest is missed – Must be done with preferred weapon.
    7. “Stubborn of Hek’Ra “ Ignores Slow spells in combat.
    -Cast Instill Fear – 3/day
    9. Cast “Mark of Hek’Ra” Priest takes one round to point at opponent and claim him “Marked” Priests rerolls all attacks (to hit) – 4 per combat
    10. Spiritual Morning Star – 1 per combat. Dmg per hammer spell.
    Counterstrike – 2/day must be called before opponent attacks - 20% chance on hit opponent back without speed penalty immediately after priest is hit. Can work if Priest is missed – Must be done with preferred weapon.
    11. “Enemy of Hek’Ra” Ignores Charm Spells (1st-3rd) in Combat only
    -Cast Instill Fear – 4/day
    12. Counterstrike – 3/day must be called before opponent attacks - 20% chance on hit opponent back without speed penalty immediately after priest is hit. Can work if Priest is missed – May be done with Any weapon
    13. In combat, gain 2 hp per combat round
    -Cast “Mark of Hek’Ra” Priest takes one round to point at opponent and claim him “Marked” Priests rerolls all attacks (to hit) – 5 per combat
    14. Cast Blade Barrier 1/day
    -Cast Instill Fear – 5/day
    15. Cast Mark of Hek’Ra 6 per combat -Full dmg on marked opponents
    16. Curse of Hek’Ra “marks” opponents in a 60’ radius, rerolls to hit all marked as long as they stay within the 60’ radius.
    Religious, Organised Religion


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