Hepulchor Cult of Malgam

The Cult of Malgam Followers and clergy of The God of Change
Malgam is the dead god of Change, transformation and life. Malgam was killed by Palin and sent to float in the Astral Sea. Dead but not forgotten, Cults of the dead god still grew in secret throughout Edus.

The cult of Malgam is a loose group of followers and acolytes to the dead god of Change. The cultists pray for spells, and commit crimes and deeds in the shadows to further their god's will. The cult works out of "hives" or conclaves scattered in towns and cities around the globe.

Area of Operation:
As previously stated, there are dozens of conclaves and hives of the cult, but the high church can be found in Hepulchor, outside of Nisbor. There is an old, ruined cathedral that once belonged to the Church of Eilyene, but has been taken over by the commanding hive of the church of Malgam.

Every hive of the Church is ran by it's own leader and group of officers. The main church outside of Nisbor is run By High Changelord Consor Vallens. High Council of Three enacts High Changelord's decrees.
The council consists of;
  • Changelord Evan Faustino
  • Changelord Rotimus Augusto
  • Changelord Cherica Montenegri

The cult works closely with Church of Brauun as well as clerics of Nimbos from time to time. They stay neutral to most other, except for Eilyene and Palin followers, which they take particular joy in killing or corrupting. many fallen paladins are victims of the cult of Malgam's corrupting influence. Corruption is change, and change embodies the cult's god.

High Changelord Consor Vallens
Religious, Cult


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