Homebrew Rules - Ancient Kingdoms




-Human -Half Elf -Half-Orc -Elf, Gray -Elf, Gold -Elf, Dark (not Drow)
-Dwarf, Hill -Dwarf, Mountain -Dwarf, Sundered -Halfling -Gnome, surface -Voadkyn (Giantkin) -Firbolg (Giantkin)
-Mentari, Fire Water Air Earth - Monster race (SEE BELOW) -Dragonborn, Exile
Understand, my world is Humancentric.
Any monster race not in the C&C Player's Handbook may have very different reactions from common folk. From caution, to awe, to anger, to violence.
Want to be unique? SURE THING, but you will take the consequences of your "uniqueness." Drow are universally "illegal" in all nations, save for Gothmyr.
Orcs and half-orcs are hunted on sight in Pennimair kingdom. Dragonborn are beyond rare and feared. Hobgoblin and monster races are treated like "less than human" in most of the world, as they are not meant to be as civilized as you choose to play them. You will be the outlier and will have an uphill battle in towns, UNTIL you show them your acts help, not harm. If you play an Orc, when we're going into Pennimair, know you're CHOOSING to play a race that is kill-on-site ANYWHERE in Pennimair. (orcs are hated.)
Play what you want, but know any reactions to your race is already established, not as a punishment to you.. but as a way our humancentric world exists. Be warned.

Dragonborn: In my world, Dragonborn are a mysterious race, brought into existence by an currently unknown means. They are not native to Edus, and are not a natural creature. The Dragonborn are from an isolated area within the Wildreach and only the rare few venture out of their sealed, secretive community to 'go adventuring'. They are looked at with as much awe and suspicion as we would, if you saw an actual biblical angel walking into your grocery store. Common folk have heard rumors and legends... but seeing one... is a different matter altogether. Others know of Dragonborn, and their very strict code of honor. so playing a Dragonborn like a lewd, horny bard who steals, won't work in my world. Their colors range the colors of metallic and gem dragons, and their personalities match their draconic color-equals....to a point.
There is no way, in any way, I allow chromatic Dragonborn to be played as characters. These are called Draconians (see: Dragonlance) are are the enemy.


**any core classes in the C&C PHB are allowed**
**all Adventurer's backpack classes are allowed (with concessions+)**
Default races from PHB have NO LEVEL LIMITS.
Humanoid races or splat book/ 3rd party races follow Rules as written. But I ,as DM, have ultimate veto/change powers.
  • There are Psionics in my world. I use them.

  • All Gods and some demigods have Specialty priesthood kit classes

  • All Deities have Holy Knights. Paladins of other alignments other than Lawful Good have different class titles.

  • True Paladins are lawful Good. ONLY Lawful Good

  • There are regionally specific classes that are available. (Saracen-type dervishes for the desert region Al'Shiael, Anwari Beast-Riders etc.)

  • There is a page with a List of Deities here: LIST OF DEITIES

  • I use critical hit tables and critical fumbles... for BOTH SIDES.
  • HEALS ARE MODIFIED in my world. Healing outside of combat, always gives MAX HP given from heal. In combat it is rolled as normal.

  • Healing spells and potions are modified as follows::

    • CURE LIGHT WOUNDS = 1D8 +1/level (up to +6)
    • CURE MODERATE WOUNDS = 2d8 +1/level (up to +6)
    • CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS = 3d8 +2/level (up to +6)
    • CURE CRITIAL WOUNDS= 4d8 +1/level (up to +6)

    Character Generation:

  • Stats dice rolling Methods: I - V (page 13 PHB) or with the code on the bottom of this article, in roll20

  • If starting level 1, MAX HIT POINTS

  • Observation: Choose either your INT or your WIS bonus (this is your investigation, your spot, your search, your insight checks)

  • Clerics can choose non-bludgeoning weapons, IF their religion allows

  • If it is NOT on your sheet. It doesn’t exist.

  •     "I think I got a healing potion back in that orc cave..."
        "Is it on your sheet? No? then you musta dropped it."
  • Some helmets will cancel the first Crit to the head.

  • Some shields give +1/+2 to AC. and will cancel the first Crit to the shield arm.

  • I don’t track encumbrance, but if you got three sheets of stuff on your character, we will have a talk.

  • Spellcasters can determine to have their cast spell do minimal 1 damage (non lethal). Rules be damned.

  • All thief skill checks can be re-attempted adding increasing difficulty each attempt, cumulative. 3 fails is disaster.

  • My nations are based on analog nations. All races from one nation ,speak in the same accent. If you want to do an accent, then you determine where you're from. All dwarves are not Scottish. Iron Kingdom Dwarves are. Only one exception:
  •      No matter the country, no matter the origin, if you speak halfling, you speak PIKEY. Halflings all speak native Pikey.(see: movie, Snatch)
  • You your character dies, mid-campaign, your next character HAS to be made with ties to the current plot, or involved in some way to AID the party.

  • What To Expect From Me (DM):

    RULE 1: Talk to me. I’m not unmoving. If something bothers you, talk to me. I am totally open and will listen. (preferably after game, unless it’s too heinous and needs to be addressed sooner.)
    I run a heavy story-driven game. Plots and subplots are the bread and butter of RPGs. I will throw red herrings like they’re falling from the sky. I try to put together good plots and sometimes are simple, others that are deeper layered. The more YOU dig as a player, then the deeper I will reveal more plot.
    No Rape, No agency stealing. But I do deal with real-world adult themes. Slavery, murder, and viscera are parts of my world, and as D&D even weaves them into their worlds, I do as well. If you’re sensitive to those things, see Rule 1.
    I am keen to the “Rule of Cool”, but I expect you to be intelligent enough to explain ‘why or how’.
    I don’t do voices. I may do accents, but I will make NPCs memorable.
    Actions have consequences. What your character does, or even says... MATTERS.
    I refuse to DM a group of James Bonds or solo Wolverines. If you want a solo game where you have the spotlight constantly, never needing help from someone else, find another DM. This is a group game, of interacting, team work and storytelling.
    My world is made up of 6 iterations of the world. Gods, powers, kings and warlords are actually previous players' characters. You pray to a god? I can TEXT THE PLAYER WHO MADE HIM and send your request to your god. If you seek to overthrow a Baron, I can and will TEXT that Baron and tell him "Some rat-catchers are in your southern region, starting an uprising." My world lives. If you destroy a castle...it's DESTROYED. Your actions mold my world, so this doesn’t get “Reset” next campaign. My world is made by me, but DESIGNED BY YOU! Entire kingdoms on Edus are forged from a high level player, carving his own realm out and staking claim. Your characters may become canon and will be used as NPCs (if you survive).

    What I Expect from Players:

    Pay attention. I devote DAYS to make the campaign. Your attention for a few hours is the least you could give me and your fellow players.
    Take notes unless you have an eidetic memory. Your notes will help you AND me. Journal entries you publish for the group to read net you a bonus in your session XP. (+10%)
    If something confuses you, or makes you think I did something wrong (per rules), don’t stop me mid-game. Wait until end of session and ask me or discuss after game.
    I can always retcon a ruling.
    If you give me a character background... I WILL weave it partially into the campaign. You’re here to tell a story. I’m here to help make that happen. No background? No problem, but not as much spotlight.
    What kind of background? Example: "Born in {small town}, two sisters. Older brother owes thieves' guild lots of gold he stole, then vanished" - I can make soooooo much content out of that little background. I don't need a novel, just some relationships and maybe a starting location or affiliation. Alignment is a GENERAL path. It isn’t a locked down “way to behave”. Everyone wavers in and out of their alignment as the situation calls. But I do expect you to factor in your alignment in our decision making.
    Chaotic Neutral /evil alignments is not a ticket to be a dick. You’re in a party, be a party member. On the flipside, how you interact with NPCs/the world, you can do it as you wish.
    Be a team player.

    ROLL20 Stat Generation (method C)
      &{template:default}name=Ability Scores


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