House Barone

House Barone
House of Five Towers

House Barone is a mid-level Blood noble house in Hepulchor. House Barone has a dozen acre estate on the outside of the Senate Ward, and multiple places within the main city itself. They are an ambitious house that seems to draw little attention. It is not known if this is planned, or hindering the growth of the mid-level noble house.

House Barone is a noble house with no clear product. There are multiple wizards and clerics from their family, they have two mill companies, a parchment milling guildhall, a trio of shipping galleons, and fifteen dozen head of cattle. There are also two textile shops within Ciudal Sahn and six more in surrounding towns. The enigmatic house has voiced its interest in books, scrolling and other products of writing. House Barone soldiers train with other House soldiers at academies, and are first to volunteer for two years in the Hepulchor Military.

Members of House Barone:
Matriarch Giuseppina Rena Barone
  • A secretive and mysterious woman. Unseen in public eye for years, she runs the house with a silk gloved fist.
Maestro Ermano Barone - House Patriarch and Weaponsmaster
  • An older man, in his mid seventies, strong as a bull and twice and cunning as a fox. Ermano is a master swordsman with his +2 rapier and +1 spear.
Fratelli Donaldo Barone - High cleric of Prens
  • Cleric of Prens, Donaldo is the most public, handling the family duties as the eldest son. A fighter and thug, but smarter than your average cleric.
Manita Francesca Barone - High priestess of Eilyene
  • Currently she is living in the church temple high on the Sol Monte mountain above Ciudal Sahn. She has not been seen for years.
Maestro Raphael "Raf" Barone - General and soldier
  • Young, brash, troublemaker and all around braggart. Loves drinking, womanizing and dueling. claims five kills on his Rapier.
Maestro Franco "Shiver" Barone - Mercenary and Wizard
  • Recently bed-ridden with an illness, left the wizard academy in Ciudal Sahn, to convalesce and take care of his mother.
Maestro Antonio Barone - Wizard and Shadow Mage
  • Current fifth year student in the Magicka Academica in Ciudal Sahn. Focusing on Conjuration magics.
Maestra Piera Barone - Sorceress and Wizard
  • Currently abroad. rumors abound she is in Gothmyr, studying darker arts.
Fellina Barone - Ranger and soldier
  • Holding a large warehouse and ship up the river at Turto. She commands 40 mercenaries loyal to the House.
Etto Barone - Sailor and Wizard
  • Currently the Ship's Mage aboard The Purple Squall, operating out of Ciudal Sahn.

  • Recently, House Barone purchased the adjacent land and holdings of an exiled Noble House. House Barone, in doing so, now has doubled their land and increased their wealth.
  • There was an old abandoned Church that stood on land between the two properties, but was swallowed when land rights were drawn.

  • Etto has recently returned from an extended trip to the Jade Isles. He has locked himself in the Barone family house and not come back to his ship as of yet.

  • Type

    Maestro Ermano Barone
    House Patriarch

    House Barone Soldier Mercenary

    Fratelli Donaldo Barone  

    Rafael "Raf" Barone


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