House Druval

"Savages crash upon our horns, like waves on the rocks, We remain."

Grigor Druval - Patriarch, killed by assassins within the Druval Slaughterhouse during a visit to Araburg.
Ivora Druval - matriarch, Killed in her sleep in the Druval Estate in merstat.
Aaron Druval - 1st Son, Killed in a brawl on street at the same time his mother was murdered.

Lady Jessica Druval

Now Matriarch of House Druval
5'5'' 100 lb Human Gothmyri Female, 16 years of age.
Level 1 Fighter.

A 16 year old girl, forced to live after her father, her mother and her older brother died within three days of each other. Now alone, the quiet and sorrowful girl with happy brown eyes now sits in the matriarchal seat of a house, being slowly deconstructed by enemies and rivals with little to no support.
Lady Jessica runs House Druval, with only a handful of loyal guards and men who see family over coin. If House Druval isn't saved soon from its enemies, within and without, they will lose everything and become destitute commoners.   House Druval controls
  • Druval Slaughterhouse in Araburg - Only income left, barely making profit.
  • Druval farms, 70 acres and 100 head of cattle - land bought and steer claimed by House Malthorn.
  • Druval leatherworks - closed and building bought by House Greve.
  • Druval Goods of Merstat - Sold to House Greve.
  • Druval Goods of Clove Hill - Mysterious fire, burnt to the ground.

Ser Reginald Druvald

Uncle of Lady Jessica Druval. Brother of Ivora
Patron of Druval Slaughterhouse of Araburg
Knight of the Iron Hammer (now dissolved) 5'9'' 240lbs, Human male of Gothmyr, Sixty five winters of age.
Level 4 Knight

Ser Reginald Druvald is a relative of House Druval. A regional name change added the letter "D" to his last name, marking the man as if from another family. He was brother to the late Ivora Druval, and is uncle to Lady Jessica. Upon seeing the dead body of his brother-in-law on the slaughterhouse floor, and finding a mere day later his sister and nephew killed in another town to the north, Ser Druvald contacted Lady Jessica and swore his sword and expertise to House Druval.
Ser Druvald is an aged man, beyond his prime and in the twilight of his life, but still dons his armor to help protect and guide Lady Jessica in running the remaining business her family owns. Ser Druvald travels back and forth between Araburg and Merstat often, to keep a close eye on the Druvald slaughterhouse.

Lord Evan MacCready

Protector of House Druval
6'3'' 270 lb. Ironese Human male, black hair and beard. blue eyes.
Level 6 fighter
Lord Evan MacCready speaks with a thick Ironese accent. His smirk always disarms conversations. Evan MacCready was a fellow hired mercenary for Lord Ser Grigor Duval when he was younger. As word of his old friend being killed reached MacCready, he left his job and made his way to House Druval. MacCready swore his life to protecting Lady Jessica. He arrived mere hours after Jessica's brother, Aaron was killed.

Louis Shepard

ex servant of House Druval
5'8'' 200 lb Gothmyri human male of fifty winters.
Level 2 fighter

Louis Shepard was a man servant of House Druval. He has been with the family for decades. After Lady Druval was murdered, Louis quit his job and disappeared into the town of Merstat. He has become a drunkard and is rarely sober. He sells fruit at a stand during the day and drinks his pay away at night.
He is nowhere to be seen in Merstat and hides from his failure to protect Lady Ivora.


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