House Fornhurst

"The Horns of Gothmyr, with the Gilded Hooves of Commerce"

Lord Ser Duriel Fornhurst
Level 9 Knight
Human, Knight of the Purple Phoenix
Patriarch and master of the House, Lord Ser Duriel is a man of fifty winters, stands over 5'8'' with a slight slouch. His right hand is scarred and covered usually with a white glove. Lord Duriel is a man who is well-educated and trained in Kings Watch Collegium. His mastery of Commerce and shipping is second only to his reach and influence across most of central Gothmyr. Duriel is very forthright, very honest, and is a strong willed man, but will fight ferociously for what is his.

Lord Fornhurst controls:
  • A large estate on 3 acres in Merstat with 15 servants.
  • A large estate on 1 acre in Redfield with 6 servants.
  • Main 24 room Villa on 2 acres in Araburg with a staff of 20.
  • Fornhurst Trading Company established in 5 cities: Merstat, Araburg, Kings Watch, Redfield and Scarsburg.
  • Has 45 Wagons, and 13 Covered Carriages for transport of goods or people, and 100 horses and pack animals.
  • Has the Allegiance of The Purple Wyvern Order.
  • Controls and owns deeds to 3 major Mine lines outside of Merstat.
  • Owns Large share in Diamond Del's Tavern in Merstat.

Markus Roonhook
Level 6 Fighter
5'10'' Human, brown black hair and short beard. Thirty five winters old. Markus Is the head guard and assistant of House Fornhurst. Markus runs the wagons and shipping for House Fornhurst.
A gruff, short tempered man with snarky attitude, but usually jovial, if slightly scathing. Markus is an only child, whose mother worked for Lord Fornhurst since Markus' birth. Has saved the life of a common rogue, and taken her on as a sister, Fawn Deckwood. Markus is loyal to a fault, and will give his life for House Fornhurst.


Fawn Deckwood
Level 5 Psionicist
5'3'' Human, raven black hair with piercing blue eyes, twenty-two years of age.
Her demeanor is that of someone who stares at others entirely too long. She is called "Creepy" due to her inherent psionic abilities. Her personality is that of a cracked psyche, and a woman with fleeting moments of clarity and sanity. She often talks to herself due to her slight brain injury. She was born a psionicist, but was convinced she could get more power and increase her abilities with psychic surgery. This surgery went bad and forever changed her mental state with no chance of reversal. She carries daggers all over her body, and is quick to use them.
Fawn was found by Markus as a stowaway on one of the wagons during a trip, and was adopted by him, teaching her the ways of shipping. She loves Lord Duriel like a grandfather, and treats Markus like a big brother.

Lord Tomas Fornhurst
Level 3 Fighter
6'1'' Human, Blonde hair and brown eyes, Twenty-five years of age.
Lord Tomas is the bad example of every descriptor of a Noble. He is haughty, elitist and overtly entitled. Lord Tomas spends more money than he takes in, spends money in front of others to show off. Lord Tomas will look down on anyone not noble and treats commoners like playthings or invisible servants to his lavish lifestyle.
Lord Tomas arrived on the steps of the estate of his cousin, Lord Duriel Fornhurst, asking for a familial favor to shelter the young and homeless lordling. Lord Tomas claims his family's estate in Vodton was taken and claimed by monsters, and his family killed. Lord Duriel allowed his cousin to stay in the Merstat estate under the condition that he overlooked and ran the holdings in Merstat.
Lord Tomas spends more time in the Merstat brothels and high end taverns, throwing parties.

Omid Ayasu
Servant and butler for Lord Duriel Fornhurst
Level 2 Cleric
6' Human, Bald head with thick black handlebar mustache, forty-two years of age. Omid is Shii by blood, but Gothmyri in body and soul.
  Omid Ayasu was hired by Lord Duriel's father, Lord Durien Fornhurst when Omid was age 8. He was a stable boy and a house servant. As his faith in the gods grew, his medical skills and healing ability were taken into account, and he was elevated to the House Doctore. Omid worked for the Patriarch and helped the young Lord Duriel stay safe. He has matured and watched the young lordling learn to become the new man of the House. Lord Duriel began having Omid at his side at all times, and travels with his lord.
Omid is silent, unless spoken to, like a servant.

Lord Duriel considers him a friend.

Ser Kedro Ironflange

Knight of the Purple Phoenix
Level 7 Knight
4'9'' Dwarf with fire orange hair and braided mustache and beard. 184 Years of Age.
Ironese Dwarf from Caer Braigh, now Merstat.
  Ser Kedro is joyful, smiling and even a bit of a jokester until war or serious subjects are broached. He is stalwart and loyal to House Fornhurst. Ser Kedro is one of the Lord Duriel's oldest friends, outside of Omid. Ser Kedro is the knight that took Lord Duriel into the Purple Phoenix Order as his Squire. The Dwarven Knight fought hard to establish himself as a knight surrounded by humans, living among them and making his name and reputation known.
Kedro is distantly related to some of the other dwarves who live and mine in Merstat, but keeps his allegiance to his once-squire, Lord Duriel. He has little love for Lord Tomas, but keeps (most) of his comments and distaste of the Lord. Kedro keeps his distance from Fawn, but respects her loyalty to their mutual Lord and his holdings.

Dame Helen Snow

Knight of the Purple Phoenix
level 6 Knight
5'4'' half elven Female with White hair and brown eyes.
Born in Olto, in Gothmyr.
  Dame Helen Snow was raised from a common orphaned female, left on the steps of a church of Prens in Olto. Dame Helen Snow is named "Snow" as all orphans of the North. Dame Snow Is mouthy, brash, and very unreserved, but still holds the air her Knighthood demands of her. She is unafraid to voice her opinion, and loves to be the first to draw her sword.
Dame Snow joined the Purple Phoenix Order when she was taken by Lord Duriel and Ser Kedro. They were making their way west to explore the Northern Border Mountains. She squired to Lord Duriel and has worked under his order and the House Fornhurst ever since. She was elevated to Knight by Ser Kedro, and she has sworn fealty to both protect the Order, and House Fornhurst. Dame Snow protects the Holdings of House Fornhurst in the North, and is the messenger to Lord Duriel for all communiques.

Maribeth Drummond

Member of House Fornhurst
Guard and House Captain of the Guards
Level 5 bard, College of Blades
  5'10'' Human, brown hair cropped short, with brown eyes.
Gothmyr born and bred, from Kings Watch.
Maribeth Drummond, known as "Captain Drum" is a strong willed, agile and incredibly able Captain of the Guard for House Fornhurst. She answers directly to Markus Roonhook. Maribeth Drummond came to House Fornhurst and applied to join the House, after having her life saved during a trip across Gothmyr on one of Fornhurst's Caravans. Maribeth took the saving of her life as a sign, and began working with and for House Fornhurst out of Merstat and Araburg. She dresses like a noble, speaks like a noble, has the penchant for pride like a noble, but still will take off her gloves and draw her rapier at the drop of a hat. Captain Drum, as she is called by her soldiers, works tirelessly for House Fornhurst. She has familial links to many noble houses in Kings Watch. Currently, Captain Drum is in a romantic relationship with Omid. She does not let this distract her from her work or her duties.




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