House Freemar

"The Knowledge roars while ignorance cowers. Fear Freemar."

Lady Grizelda Freemar

Matriarch of House Freemar
Baroness of Araburg County
6'3'' 140lb Human Lavi female, Black hair and Blue eyes. Fifty One winters.
Level 6 Wizard, Noble

Vocal and Mean is an understatement when describing Lady Grizelda. Her tone and attitude drip with venom and condescension.
Lady Grizelda Freemar is a distant relative of Lord Archibol, but calls herself his cousin. She is originally from the southern border of Anistlav, outside of Tinursk. Lady Grizelda has worked hard to keep her house active, profitable and always in the "scene" since her husband died of a mysterious disease. Lady Grizelda, or "Zelda" to her equals, carries herself like she is the countess of Araburg itself. The air of her blooded nobility is intoxicating, but her loud venomous attitude brings back the reality of her true self. She has a short temper and isn't afraid to tell anyone, even other nobility, the stupid choices of their decisions or actions. Many a time, she has been ejected from noble events, due to throwing temper tantrums or just being vile to the wrong guest.
Lady Grizelda has been trying to wed her only daughter Nancy to Lord Archibol's son, Lord Ser Mordin, but he has been less than receptive to the courting.

Lord Johnathan Freemar

Master Wizard of House Freemar
First born of House Freemar
5'7'' 200 lb. Gothmyri human male. Brown hair brown eyes, twenty eight winters
Level 1 rogue, 7 Transmuter Specialist Wizard

Lord Johnathan is the true son of his mother: rude, loud and insulting to anyone he feels is beneath his own station. Johnathan thinks his skill in spellcasting and knowledge of the arcane gives him a pass to be above even other nobles. Lord Johnathan has been a voice of House Freemar since childhood. Johnathan grew up around his father and his outbursts, anger issues, and his loud negotiations with Gemstone traders.
Lord Johnathan went to Kings Watch Arcanus Collegium and soon excelled in his transmuter classes, focusing his studies. He brought back to Merstat his power to help his family excel as he did in college. Johnathan is always looking for way to earn more money for his family and make a profit to appease his irascible mother.

Lord Ser James Freemar

Second Son of House Freemar
Grand Blade of House Freemar
5'8'' 200 lb. Black hair, brown eyes. Twenty six winters
Level 8 bard, college of blades

Tactically, the man known as Ser James Freemar is near-unrivaled. He is loud, brash and very vocal when it comes to his opinions. A cruel and vindictive man, Lord Ser James enjoys killing almost as much as the public humiliation of others his equal. Ser James will duel at the drop of a hat, and enjoys torturing those beneath him. Lord Ser James Freemar has a perfect mind for business, and makes the profits of the House Freemar increase each season. Lord Ser James runs the gemstone holdings of House Freemar and is often in meetings with nobles, attempting to trade with others.
Lord Ser James also seems to have a small contingent of commoners that seem to listen to him, possibly a gang or group that does the dirtier deeds he needs done.


Lender Nancy Freemar

1st Daughter of House Freemar
Sister of the church of Keylis.
4'11'' 100lb. Gothmyri human female. Red hair and green eyes.
Level 6 Lender Cleric of Keylis

Lender Nancy Freemar is the first daughter of House Freemar, and shows it. She is proud, loud and vocal like her mother. Her temper is probably the best within the house, but that isn't saying much. Her mouth and family traits of loudness got her ousted from her church, and sent back home to deal with her own temper and anger. Lender Nancy has been working on increasing the clerics and protection within House Freemar by hiring other clerics.

Lord Zuran Zull'boro

Master Conjurer and Wizard of House Freemar
Advisor to Lord Ser James.
6'0'' 200 lbs, Hepulchori human male, black hair, brown eyes. forty two winters.
Level 6 Cornjurer specialist wizard

Lord Zuran Zull'boro is the 4th son of Casa Zull'boro of Hepulchor. Lord Zuran is boisterous, haughty and a blooded noble, and acts like one. Lord Zuran met Johnathan Freemar during their time in Kings Watch Collegium, and has promised to help him elevate his family business. Lord Zuran seems to see favorable ambition in Lord Ser James. Zuran answers to the Matriarch, but aids Lord Ser James when it comes to business.

Ser Bertrand Mongriff

Knight of the White Orchid
Sworn Knight to House Freemar
6'0'' 300 lb. Gothmyri Human male, brown hair and eyes, forty seven winters
Level 5 fighter

Ser Bertrand is a sham. A disgraced knight, stripped of his knighthood and honor by his Order. He has claimed the title of "Knight of the White Orchid" himself, using the title to say he is a knight, without proclaiming it himself. Ser Bertrand is loud, obnoxious and speaks his mind, even if it offends others. He is getting up in age, and cannot handle extended combat, due to his health. He enjoys his steaks and ale more than jousting or combat practice.
The Knight of the White Orchid is often found drinking on a tab he never intends on paying at the usual taverns in Merstat.

Rodiger Treshum

House servant for House Freemar
5'10'' 210 lb. brown hair and mustache. Human Gothmyri Male. Forty seven winters.
Level 6 rogue.

Things don't get done in House Freemar without difficulty. For those issues or problems that cannot be handled by nobility, discussions are done at night, in the shadows. These secret negotiations are the defining role of Freemar house servant, Rodiger Treshum. A mute, with no tongue. When he applied to work in the house, he showed his obedience and loyalty to Matriarch Lady Grizelda, by cutting out his own tongue and giving it to her in a jar.
Rodiger does the dark shadowy work that the family needs, from stealing, to murder to making nobles "disappear" for awhile. He seems to have a few contacts in Araburg, Clove Hill and Merstat.


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