House Malthorn

"Honor and Faith, are only weighted with gold of Greed and Ambition"
  Lord Archibol Malthorn

Patriarch of House Malthorn
6' 200 lb blind male, gray hair, short gray beard.
Level 6 Cleric, Level 3 Psionicist
  Lord Malthorn is the Patriarch of the great mining house, Malthorn. A blood noble and a familial line of seven nobles, Lord Malthorn's house owns many properties and businesses in Merstat and Araburg. Lord Archibol is a blind human, blinded by an effect from a magical item. He has found some way of seeing a little, but not as he once saw. Lord Archibol is a smart, scheming tactician, with ambition beyond most men, and the means to achieve his goals. Lord Malthorn runs his house and his businesses with little oversight and even less faults. He is a shrewd businessman and merchant Lord, but still a blood noble of Gothmyr. Lord Malthorn has no children, and no heir to the House.   Lord Malthorn controls:
  • Large estate on 7 acres outside Araburg proper - 30 servants
  • Large estate on 2 acres, inside Merstat - 10 servants
  • Large walled estate in Kings Watch - 15 servants
  • Patrons the Order of the Yellow Rose, a Knightly Order.
  • 5 mines and coal outside of Merstat
  • Owns a goods shop in Redfield
  • Owns a mercenary guild in Araburg
  • Owns a part of a market in Holtzhard
  • Owns a Tavern in Ivyval

Tadore' (Ta-Dore-Ray)
Personal Guard and servant of Archibol Malthorn
8', 350 lb gray-skinned Goliath (Half giant), Bald with head tattoos, clean shaven
Level 7 Barbarian

Silent, grumbling or grunting more than speaking, but when he speaks, it sounds like rocks falling down a hillside. Tadore' is quick to react, but very slow and methodical when he needs to be. Tadore' was found wandering the mountainside near one of Malthorn's owned Mines. He was brought down and taken to Lord Malthorn who put the goliath youngling to work in the mines. Paying him well and making sure Tadore' was trained in common speech and reading/writing, Lord Malthorn took Tadore' as a personal pet project. It was the classic attempt at a bored noble to see if they could elevate a commoner from their status by mere environment. it worked on Tadore'. Soon the half giant was too large to work in the mines and Lord Malthorn brought Tadore' to work in the estate, guarding him.
Once Tadore' proved himself trustworthy, Lord Malthorn went nowhere without his half giant bodyguard. Tadore' thinks he owes his life, his elevated status and his education all to Lord Malthorn, like it was a gift of pure compassion, not knowing he was a test, or an experiment, that resulted favorably for Malthorn. Lord Malthorn often uses Tadore' as his eyes when he goes anywhere in public.
Tadore favors the battleaxe, that he one-hands, and often just a shortsword he's turned into a longtooth dagger.

Lord Ser Mordin Malthorn
1st Cousin to Archibol, 2nd Seat in House Malthorn
Knight-Captain of the Order of the Yellow Rose
5'11'' 240 lb, Gothmyri Human, brown hair, brown eyes.
Level 7 Knight

Brash, haughty and arrogant is the best way to describe Lord Ser Mordin. A blood noble, he feels the Malthorn family and all its holdings belong to him, he should inherit, and his old, blind cousin is merely in his way of achieving that. Ser Mordin is the noble snob that is stereotypical of the station of "noble". He talks down to his servants when he is forced to acknowledge their presence. He puts up with Tadore' and gives the goliath the respect he has out of fear.
Ser Mordin is the Knight-Captain of the Yellow Rose Order he belongs to. He commands 5 knights and over 40 squires, foot soldiers and archers. Ser Mordin uses his time in Merstat and Araburg to gain wealth and influence by adventuring and making the countryside safe from brigands and other dangers. He is regal in his appearance, and his attitude to those commoners he saves is one of expected gratitude for merely appearing much less risking his life to save their worthless ones.
Lord Ser Mordin is currently in a relationship with another knight of the Yellow Rose, Ser Ingovar Kolesky.

Ser Ingovar Kolesky
2nd Knight of Order of the Yellow Rose
Sworn to House Malthorn.
5'8'' 220 lb, Lavi Human, short brown hair and brown eyes., clean shaven.
Level 5 Knight

Calm, noble and very personable, Lord Ser Ingovar, or, "Ser Ingo" as his men call him, is second in command in the Order of the Yellow Rose. Ingovar follows his Knight-Captain and his orders without question. He stands regally and always is the picture of pure knighthood. His Anistlavi accent is still discernable when he speaks. Lord Ingovar still holds land in Anistlav but fights for the Gothmyran family house of Malthorn.
He is in a relationship with his Knight-Captain, Lord Ser Mordin Malthorn.          

Lord Ser Ivan Kovadev
Knight of the Yellow Rose
Sworn to House Malthorn
6'3'' 260lb Lavi Human, short blonde hair on top, shaved sides. Blue eyes
Level 5 Knight.

Lord Ser Ivan is a man of few words. Stoic and reserved like the typical Lavi, Ivan keeps his thoughts to himself, and speaks rarely. allowing his actions to speak for him. Ser Ivan was born to textile coin nobles in Rosalov, Anistlav. He grew and worked with a knight as his squire, until his knight was killed in battle. He himself was knighted, and moved south to find work, meeting the Knights of the Yellow Rose, taking the vow and joining their ranks. He soon found his knightly order, doing more for their lord, than what is just and honorable. It corrupted Ser Ivan and he allowed his heart to darken. He joined the Knights and took a trip into Barsovia and with the final killing blow, killed a gold dragon, securing the wealth his Knight and lord needed to continue their deeds and level of living.
Ivan often times disagrees with his Captain, but follows orders, as a knight should. Ivan has a little sister living with his uncle and aunt in Rosalov.
His massive magical bastard sword is hip slung, and growls audibly when near someone of evil alignment.

Lord Ser Kristof Eddoz
Knight of the Yellow Rose, Sworn to House Malthorn
5'10'' Gothmyri Human, brown hair, brown eyes, beard and mustache
Level 4 Knight

Lord Ser Kristof Eddoz is a strange man. Quiet but a tactician in thought, he will offer aid or advice if asked but once he speaks, he often does not stop until he has explained everything in his mind to the full extent. He is verbose and loquacious once spoken to, but keeps to himself as he seems to know this flaw of his. He follows his knightly precepts and strives to keep himself above the rank-and-file fighters of House Malthorn. He has a fear of losing his knighthood if something is omitted, so he tries to prevent it but over-speaking. Lord Ser Eddoz comes from a noble family in Kings Watch that owns masonry businesses, and supplies goods to the Kings Watch Crown. His nickname from his pre-knighthood of "Stone-Fist" has carried through to now, but isn't used, except in common familiar conversation with friends. He was knighted in Kings Watch and traveled North to find adventure and make a name for himself, meeting the Yellow Rose knights in Merstat. He joined their order and has since stayed. He still hungers for adventure, and is first to volunteer for excursions outside the City.

Lord Walthrop Filedro

Leader of the Black Bars Mercenary Company.
Lord of House Filedro, Allied with House Malthorn
6'3'' 225 lb Hepulchori Human, brown short hair, green eyes, short beard
Level 7 Fighter, Level 2 Wizard

Lord Walthrop, or "Lord Rop", to his mercenaries, is always seen with a sly smirk on his face. A cold, calculating man, with a penchant for snapping his fingers at people to get their attention. He has some bad aspects and traits of Nobility, and he claims to own land and holdings in Hepulchor, but has not been back to the Holy Empire in years. He runs a small band of adventurers-turned-mercenaries who work for the highest bidder. Lord Walthrop is an honorable man, but isn't above killing for coin. He has yet to betray a client that has hired his band, and is often seen taking advice from his members, as they seem to be equals in the decisions they make.

Ratigar Thorn

2nd in command of the Black Bars Mercenary Company
5'8'', 250lbs Gothmyri Human, brown short hair with sideburns, brown eyes.
Level 6 Ranger (Giantslayer)

Ratigar Thorn is the type of man you wish to never meet in daylight in public, even less in a dark alley. Rude, brash, uncouth and quick to anger, the man known as Ratigar Thorn is known to have deadly outbursts where his axe does the arguing for him, WHILE he shouts insults. He has no love for giants and enjoys killing them over any other type of humanoid. He claims to have singlehandedly killed an entire steading of Ettin giants in the Ettinwoade Forest southeast of Merstat.
He often fights with Lord Walthrop but ends it when he remembers he is paid by the same man. He will always follow directions given by his superior.
Ratigar has a fondness and a 'big brother" mentality for Leaf, and protects her before any other Black Bar member.

Amonte Wyvernact
Member of the Black Bars Mercenary Company.
Transmuter and Wielder of Al'nireth's Dagger
6'2'' 180 lb Human Gothmyri male, gray long hair and gray beard and mustache, silver eyes.
Level 8 Transmuter Specialist Wizard

Amonte Wyvernact is the classic look and act of a wizard. crooked pointy hat, long robes and gray beard. He is a human male of sixty winters from Western Gothmyr, near Brecht Halls.
Amonte trained classically in Kings Watch at the Collegium, working next to masters honing his art. Amonte met Lord Filedro in a tavern and soon joined the Black Bars under the pretense of adventuring. Amonte seeks to find lost magical knowledge and would rather pursue the adventuring life than the mercenary life, but magical research costs coins, and the Black Bars have paid well.
Amonte often times gets into arguments with Ratigar, over his brashness and rudeness.


Member of the Black Bars Mercenary Company.
Sister to Versej Doromir
5'2'' 112 lb Half elven female Hepulchori 18 winters, White spikey hair with red front, shaven sides.
Level 6 monk of the Lightened Palm

Leaf, as she goes by, claims to have no proper name. Her bubbly attitude will snap to one of a withdrawn monk when she realizes she is acting against her teachings. She is a trained monk, and has been since childhood. She was given to the Monks of the Lightened Palm in the mountains near Ruby Halls at age one. She grew and trained in their protected monastery, learning the way of the Lightened Palm. Upon her sixteenth year, a man arrived at the temple, claiming to be her older brother. He took Leaf from the monastery and together they sought adventure, running into Lord Filedro in a tavern in Mannus, saving his life when he was almost shot by an arrow to the face. They joined up with Lord Filedro and became members of the Black Bars Mercenary Company.
Due to being cloistered her entire youth, Leaf seems over excited to learn about the world, and watching Amonte or her brother casting and researching magic awes her. She practices her combat training with Ratigar and often is seen watching Lord Filedro in his Noble role, mimicking and learning social queues and etiquette.


Versej Doromir
Member of the Black Bars Mercenary Company
Wielder of the Staff of White Stars
5'9'' 220lb half elven Hepulchori male, long brown hair, blonde Vandyke, hazel eyes.
Level 5 Blood mage, Level 2 Warlock

Versej Doromir is a strange man. Simple in terms of wants, but focused on other things than the present, like his mind is playing chess five steps ahead of the current situation. Versej talks like he is being bothered from his studies and thoughts, so the curtness is more annoyance than anger. He has time for two people, Lord Filedro and his sister, Leaf. He claims to hail from a fallen house of Cattle nobles out of Hepulchori, now dissolved. He traveled into Gothmyr and made his way to the Temple of the Lightened Palm. He took Leaf from the monastery and together they sought adventure, running into Lord Filedro in a tavern in Mannus, saving his life from an arrow to the face. They joined up with Lord Filedro and became members of the Black Bars Mercenary Company.
Versej studies forbidden magics, and uses Blood Magic along with other normal arcane spells. on one of his travels, he found a white staff, that called to him, calling itself the Staff of Stars. Through it, he is spoken to by his new Patron, some otherworldly being, promising him blood Magic knowledge and new spells. He has since devoted his life between Leaf and his patron. He often gets into arguments with Amonte over ethics and the use of Forbidden magics. Amonte is dubious and suspicious of the Staff of Stars and Versej's mysterious patron.




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