House Mortoss

"Fortune is gold, Influence is purple, but true power is green."

Lord Gus Mortoss

Patriarch of House Mortoss
First Blood Noble and Owner of Mortoss Holdings
7'1'' Balding gray hair, 300 lb.Green eyes, Gothmyri half orc. Sixty one winters.
Level 8 Warrior

House Mortoss is a half orc noble house. Their power and rage is tempered with Nobility and intelligence, rarely seen in many other parts of the world. Lord Gus Mortoss was born of a half orc noblelad who wed a human merchant from Araburg. He was raised in Kings Watch, had the best education and training, while also attending the King Watch Militia Train yards. Growing up with Axe in one hand, and Quill and ink in the other, Gus took to both sides of his heritage, his personality and his life. Lord Gus has fathered many children, and also brought other half orcs from his mother's distant tribes into his house, strengthening his family and protecting their holdings. Last winter, Gun suffered a stroke, and the right side of his body has gone almost useless. He is escorted by no less than two of his family out in public. recently he has stopped going into meetings, and allowed his eldest to take over, but often will get a full run down of events after the meetings back home.
  House Mortoss Controls
  • House Mortoss Guardsmen
  • Mortoss Blacksmiths Araburg
  • Mortoss Blacksmiths Merstat
  • Mortoss Blacksmiths Clove Hill
  • Mortoss Guards and soldiers - Araburg
  • Mortoss Mining equipment - Merstat

Lord Ser Roarke Mortoss

1st son of House Mortoss
Knight of the order of the Evening Star
7'4'' 300lb. gray skin, green eyes, Brown hair, Thirty two Winters
Level 8 Knight

Lord Ser Roarke Mortoss is loud. He is reserved but when he speaks, he cannot be missed. He commands whatever room he enters, and takes center stage, even in silence. He is always paying attention, listening, studying, the true tactician of a knight, mixed with a true blooded noble. Lord Ser Roarke wears his armor wherever he goes, and often is seen walking back from servants who are tasked with constantly polishing it. He is eldest of the Mortoss children, and strongest of all the Kin who claim the banner. Lord Ser Roarke is followed by The enigmatic Borazur, who is a Mortoss by blood, doing what his elder requests.

Borazur Of House Mortoss

Son of House Mortoss
6'11'' 290lb, gray-green skin, bald head, small vandyke. Thirty winters
Level 7rogue (assassin kit), level 2 psionicist

Borazur, know only by his first name, is the 2nd eldest son of Lord Ser Gus. Borazur was sent to a noble family in Kings Watch in trade for their 2nd son, Oggshu. The trade of children marked the alliance of the houses as they trained the new children their ways. Borazur learned the dexterous skills of killing silently and how to disappear when need be. He returned to House Mortoss when his father was struck down by the stroke, and has sworn his blades to his elder brother, Lord Ser Roarke.
Borazur is a very skilled assassin, taking pay for killing as income. His reputation around Merstat and even in Araburg is know to many, barely whispered in public though.

Lady Tase Mortoss

1st daughter of House Mortoss
The Green Lute of Merstat
6'4'' 230 lb. Olive skin, Black hair with white bangs, Green eyes
Level 6 bard

Lady Tase is the bratty sister, the annoying child, any the Picturesque Noble lady all in one package. Lady Tase will never let anyone forget she is in the room, and is quick to voice her opinions, sexual orientation be damned. Lady Tase has the most experienced education of any Mortoss, having been schooled and educated by over fifteen houses and three schools. Lady Tase prefers breeches and boots, to dressed and slippers. She is rarely seen without her Jawanese Biwa or lute. tase is very skilled with her cutlass and daggers, but prefers to let her big brother solve her physical problems. Lady Tase has controlling interest in the Merstat Cobblers shop and owns the "Musical Menagerie" instrument shop and part time playhouse.

Lord Ser Doxwolf Mortoss

Second son of Lord Gus of House Montross
Wielder of Gularnwyn
6'10'' 275lb. Green skin and eyes, Gothmyri half orc, Black hair and vandyke
Level 6 Paladin of Palin

Lord Ser Doxwolf is cheerful, positive and even downright happy. His smile is strange to be on a half orc, but his intelligence shows he hold civility and nobility higher than cleaving someone's skull.
Doxwolf has been trained by hired educators, masters and even his uncle, Eduard Hasin. Doxwolf is happy to take charge of Mortoss blackmithies. Lord Ser Doxwolf often is seen walking through merstat, discussing armor and horseshoes and other things with the townsfolk. He has made a reputation of an honorable man and someone the entire townsfolk like and respect. He has stood up to nobles and bandits alike, in defense of Merstat. Lord Ser Doxwolf commands the House guards when home, but only when his younger brother is out.

Ser Nungor Mortoss

Captain of Guard House Mortoss
3rd Son and 4th born to House Mortoss
5'11'' 270lb. grey skinned brown eyes, black hair Gothmyri half orc. Twenty four winters.
Level 5 Knight

Lord Ser Nungor is the 3rd son of House Mortoss. Lord Nungor is head captain of the House and is in charge of all guards and soldiers of Mortoss. Nungor is angry. Defiant and determined to prove he's smaller than the other Mortoss, but definitely not weaker. He moves with a purpose and overly determined to make sure when House Mortoss is involved. Nungor rides a massive destrider when in town and makes sure everyone sees him as he rides.
Ser Nungor recently married a noble half orc noble female named Lady Ora Pikturusk. Lady Ora Mortoss helps her husband within the House with healing.

Eduard Hasain Mortoss

Brother of Gus Mortoss
House Administrator of Merstat
Lord of House Mortoss of Clove Hill
6'9'' 280lb. Gray skin, white hair and beard. Green eyes. Seventy Winters
Level 5 wizard, level 2 Warrior

Eduard Hasain Mortoss is the elder brother of the Patriarch, Gus Mortoss. Eduard was sent to Al'Shiael for proper education by their mother, before Gus was born.
Eduard was given the house in Clove Hill but has since left to come help his little brother run his House in Merstat. Eduard has more brains that his brawns-led relatives. He is a learned scholar, and is always seen reading a book or studying invoices. Eduard is often the voice of reason when tempers flare and logic and clear thinking is what is needed. Eduard is often sent to meetings when none of the other Mortoss family are calm enough to speak.


Erika Mortoss

Youngest daughter of House Mortoss
Mistress Blacksmith of House Mortoss
6'10 210lb. green skin red hair, twenty two winters
Level 4 fighter, master blacksmith

Erika Mortoss is known as "The Mortoss Hammer", She's happy and cheerful, with a boisterous laugh and enjoys a good joke. Her positive attitude always pushes the Mortoss House in good directions. Erika runs the blacksmithy in Merstat.
Erika swing a hammer in both profession and in combat. She's very good at her job and commands the ears of men twice her age.

Lord Ser Oggshu Mortoss

Adopted Son of House Mortoss
Knight of the Order of the Green Mace
6'9'' 300 lb. Gothmyri human male. brown hair, brown eyes. Thirty winters
Level 6 knight.

Lord Ser Oggshu Veshov of Kings Watch was traded to House Mortoss aat age seven and lived with House Mortoss until his eighteenth winter of life. After returning home, he then came back to House Mortoss when his family were all executed and Oggshu was left homeless. Oggshu grew up strong, and fierce, next to the other half orc warriors of House Mortoss. he learned the way of the blade, as well as the book of business. Oggshu is proud to be accepted and considered a brother of House Mortoss, and doesn't see green or pink, but only the steel of the mace of House Mortoss.

Lord Ser Viktor Crupek

1st Son of House Crupek
Sworn knight to House Mortoss
Knight of the Green Steel
6'9'' 240lb. Green skin, brown hair and eyes Gothmyri half orc. twenty eight winters
Level 6 Knight. Blood noble of Kings Watch

Lord Ser Viktor Crupek is a fellow knight of Oggshu. They were in training academy together and became close friends. Jovial nd noble in both standing and attitude, he is always looking to help others beneath his station. Lord Ser Viktor Walks through Merstat enjoying the "quaintness" of the country town, but enjoys watching Erika work the forges in the smithy.
He favors the use of long sword and shield, but he also wields dual short swords made of mithril.

Bonecrusher Vexx

Eldest of clan Vexx
7'3'' 340lb. gothmyri half orc, green skin bald. forty winters
level 7 fighter.

Bonecrusher Vexx is is head of clan Vexx. He fought Lord Ser Crupek and was bested in combat. Bonecrusher now bends the knee to Ser Viktor And acts as his learning squire. Lord Ser Viktor gives commands to Bonecrusher, and bonecrusher in turn issues commands to his clan. Viktor does not acknowledge he controls a small militia of his own, but since he swore to House Mortoss, so does Clan Vexx. Bonecrusher is proud to carry the Mortoss banner, as his knight does.
Bonecrusher  wades into combat witha massive hammer, not wielding his sword until Ser Viktor tells him he is allowed to.


Gekri Vexx

The Dervish of Vexx
6'4'' 200lb. greyblue skin,tattoos, brown braids, twenty six winters
Level 4 beserker barbarian

Gekri is a psychopath. On good days her mouth and her actions are barely contained unless Bonecrusher is near. Gekri would prefer topick up her hand axes and wade into combat, even in discussion tables. Tactics and planning are for men with smaller arms, But she holds her rage in check until Bonecrusher gladly sends her into war. She loves drinking, and fist fighting equally well. Gekri has a on again off again romantic relationship with Lord Ser Roarke, but is kept out of public light.

Shadow Vexx

Enforcer for House Vexx
6'10'' 280lb. grey skin,black hair and eyes, tattoos, thirty winters
Level 2 fighter, Level 4 thief (assassin)

Shadow Vexx is the quiet one of Clan vexx. A stalking shadow in even bright days, a stoic reminder of who they are and what clan vexx stands for during meetings.
Shadow was  taken at age ten and used in a fighting arena, where he learned quickly to survive. Eventually a conclave of wizards bought Shadow and cast some experimental magic on the young boy. His body is oftentimes  covered in wisps of this black shadow, (where his name comes from) and he blends into even darkened taprooms with little effort. He is a stalking shadow, using the darkness to move and strike from.
Shadow attempts to downplay his new 'abilities" but the way he achieved them still haunts his sleep. Shadow has a strange attraction to Lady Tase, but never engages except to watch from afar.

Thomas Ibn Aris

Personal Guard of Eduard Hasain Mortoss
6'10'' 280lb. Tan skin, brown hair Shii half orc. twenty nine winters
Level 6 fighter.

Found Eduard Hasain Mortoss during a scuffle in Al'Shiael, Thomas became friends with the wise half orc and soon began protecting the elder half orc.


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