House Taharr

"Taharr stands stalwart against the injustice and tyranny of evil men"

Lord Alexander Taharr

Only son and now Patriarch of House Taharr.
Patron of the Verdant Leaf
Half Elven male of thirty winters, 5'7'' 190lbs.
Blond brown hair and green eyes.
Level 7 Warrior

Lord Alexander Taharr was noble born to Lord Ser Dawson and Lady Annabel Taharr. On his twenty-fifth birthday, his parents were on a trip south to Araburg. They were attacked and killed by bandits. This put their only child, Alexander into the position of House Patriarch. The Taharr elders were found by an elven conclave of hunters and warriors outside of Clove Hill, called the Verdant Leaf. Lord Alexander began using his fortune to hunt for his parent's killers. Eventually the trail went cold, and the young Lord had businesses and a House to run. Alexander grew cold...hiring knights and warlords alike, to train him and even join his House. Members of the Verdant Leaf have sworn loyalty to House Taharr, swearing to stay until Lord Alexander finds the killers and gets his vengeance.

Lord Alexander controls:
  • House Taharr in Araburg (Estate with 15 servants)
  • House Taharr in Merstat (Estate with 20 servants)
  • Taharr Sellsword and Mercenary Guild (3 guildhalls)
  • Owner of Ironlung Smithy and Weapons - Merstat
  • Patron of the Verdant Leaf (30 elven warriors and rangers)
  • Davidson's Bowyer Fletcher shop - Clove Hill
  • Taharran goods and weapons - Araburg
  • Taharr Ironworks smeltery - Araburg

Lady Anissa Taharr

Noble First Mage of House Taharr, Cousin to Alexander Taharr
Owner of Taharr Iron Works Smeltery in Araburg
5'3'' 110 lbs, Blonde hair, blue eyes,
Level 6 Evoker Mage

Her personality is as explosive and fiery as her magic. Fire is second nature to her and she has no fear. Lady Anissa Taharr is daughter of a mother related to Alexander's father. As first cousin, her family watched over the Taharr holdings in Araburg city. Her parents were elderly and died of natural causes, leaving their practicing Wizard daughter in charge of a very big business she had no knowledge of. Moving north to Merstat, she has sought refuge and consolidating the family under one roof, adding the Araburg holdings to Alexander's already beefy Merstat holdings. Anissa has stood loyal to her cousin and helped him enact his actions and decisions, and has become quick allies to the Verdant Leaf.


Akimyoto "Aki" Kobota

Honor guard and protector of Lord Alexander
Samurai in service to House Taharr
Liaison for House Kobota of Jade Isles to House Taharr
5'9'' 230lbs, Jadanese Male human, black hair and brown eyes.
Level 6 Samurai kit Fighter

Quiet, but opinionated, Akimyoto is quick to offer his opinion if asked, but otherwise stays silent. His eyes reveal much of his mood, or how he feels on a subject.
Akimyoto or "Aki" is the eldest son of House Kobota from the Jade Isles. His family and the Taharrs have a trading allegiance. Aki has sworn service to House Taharr as a sign of goodwill after the death of Lord Alexander's parents. Aki protects Lord Alexander and watches over the House guards after Feldin. Aki is currently courting Anissa who sees Aki as a pleasant distraction, but nothing more than a physical relationship.


Feldin Taharr

Dwarven adopted Son of House Taharr
Orphan of Flintrock Citadel, Soldier of House Taharr
5'0'' 160lbs Dwarven male, long brown hair brown eyes.
Level 3 Fighter, Level 2 cleric of Prens

Smiling, jovial and always in a positive mood, Feldin is quick with a joke to disarm but isn't afraid to swing his battleaxe to finish an argument.
The only dwarf within House Taharr, Feldin was found and hired by the manager of the Iron Smithy in Merstat. He was soon sent as messenger back and forth to House Taharr until Annabel Taharr realized the young Dwarf was an orphan. He was legally adopted by House Taharr and became part of the family. He is a loyal family member but is frequently ignored and not listened to, due to being adopted. Feldin still loves his brother, and House Patriarch and takes pride in leading the House Guards, protecting his family's holdings. Feldin is often in charge of visiting the businesses and collecting profits for House Taharr.


Maus Taharr
2nd Cousin of Alexander, Paladin of Prens
Enforcer of House Taharr
6'9'' 375lb. Gothmyri Human, shaven head and hazel eyes.
Level 5 Paladin of Prens.

Maus is the silent giant of Taharr. A distant cousin from Olto, Maus arrived on the steps of House Taharr two weeks after Alexander's parents were killed. The lengthy note found with him detailed who he was, his name of Taharr, and that he was sent to protect the young Lord and give Maus some direction in life. Maus is mute, and often is thought of as simple, but he is bright and intelligent. His name was not given except "Maus". Maus takes the position of Enforcer for House Taharr, but is often attached to Lord Alexander, whom he listens to intently. He wields a massive iron candelabra base that had been blessed by the Clerics of his church. He can use a short sword, but prefers the massive bludgeoning club.


Warlord Leo Kahl

Chief Guard of House Taharr
Knight of Crimson Griffon
6'7'' 320lbs, Human Ja'an male of fifty one winters, Gray hair and blue eyes, gray goatee.
Level 7knight
Warlord Leo Kahl is a mean man. Gruff and honest to a fault, but he lacks social graces of a noble or knight. His mean demeanor shows on his scowling aged face.
Leonitus, or Leo, wandered the border mountains of Anistlav's southern border against Gothmyr. Killing monsters and slaying tyrants was his passion, but he seemed to grow bored of the killing for no other reason than "to do good". He came south over the mountains, losing all of his men, and alone stepped into the lands around Merstat. Leo was approached and courted by many of the Knightly orders, but soon realized all of them worked for noble families, undeserving of his tactical knowledge or wouldn't stand for his brutal honesty. He chose a family that seemed less than hungry to absorb random knights and warriors, and stood at the gate of House Taharr for five days. Upon the 5th day, he was invited in and he knelt at the feet of Anissa and Alexander swearing to protect the family until his death. With nothing more than a promise, Leo proved not only his loyalty, but his worth, defending Taharr's holdings and protecting the family.

Lord Viyaris Thintovash

Leader of the Verdant Leaf, Sworn to House Taharr
5'4'' 160lbs Dark elven Gothmyri Male, Short white hair, gold eyes.
Level 6 Paladin of Prens

Lord Viyaris Thintovash is a calm, deliberate noble Dark elf. As a Paladin of Prens his demeanor is that of duty and honor. Born to a noble military family in Kings Watch, Viyaris took to the sword and shield as if second nature. He has grown with weapons in hand, and soon joined the Church of Prens. There, he fell in love with another paladin, Enra Dawnsparks. Both of the paladins took to the road, looking to find a Noble House to work for to fulfill their promises to Prens. They formed the Verdant Leaf, and began filling their ranks. They all joined House Taharr after finding the dead bodies of Alexander's parents. At that point, the Verdant Leaf swore to uphold the name of House Taharr until the killers of Alexander's parents were found and justice was served.  

Lady Enra Dawnspark

Member of the Verdant Leaf, Sworn to House Taharr
5'3'' 120lbs Half elven female, White blonde hair, green eyes.
Level 5 Paladin of Prens

Lady Enra is vocal, polite but very emotional and speaks her mind. She is a paladin from the Church of Prens. She met Lord Viyaris within their church and soon followed him out to the world. Lady Enra comes from a common family out of Ruby Halls. She doesn't forget where she came from, but still holds herself like a proud paladin, above most nobles. Enra seeks to find the killers of Alexander's parents and was first to swear her spear to House Taharr. The rest of the Verdant Leaf followed her quickly.

Ser Virro Shilon

"The Gray Dirge"
Member of the Verdant Leaf
5'4'' 175lbs, gray hair, gray eyes, Gothmryi gray elf
Level 6 Bladesinger

Ser Virro Shilon, known as "The Gray Dirge", is quiet. He allows his actions to speak for himself, but has never been seen raising any emotion above a smirk. Ser Virro is a bladesinger who has taken the "solemn vow", an elven vow of emotionlessness until a quest or promise has been fulfilled. Virro is known through Elven towns as "the Gray Dirge" as the only time he speaks is when he is dancing and singing in combat. Virro was knighted by Warlord Kahl and has adopted the silent killer as an honorary knight of House Taharr.


Keaquen Nightwhisper

Leafguard of the Verdan Leaf
Sworn service to House Taharr
5'6'', 180lb. gray hair, blue eyes. Rhil'heeyl Gray Elf
Level 4 Fighter, level 3 mage

Keaquen is the angry loose canon of the Verdant Leaf. His normal demeanor is one of seething rage and vileness. Keaquen is the last remaining son of an elven village East of Rhil'heeyl. He has a blood oath to Viyaris for saving his life after Keaquen's village was overrun by Vorrn years ago. Keaquen seeks to find lost Elven magic to gain more and more power to be able to find those who killed his family. He follows Viyaris without question, and protects the others of the Verdant Leaf. Viyaris is a stalwart researcher and staunch study of magic. He is good with his falcata but often will bounce from melee to magic.      

Vadithas Vanomasti

"The Darkened Wildfire"
Master Wizard of the Verdant Leaf
5'4'' 140 lb Gothmyri Dark Elf. Black hair, black eyes.
Level 4 wizard, Alchemist specialist

Born of an alchemist father and a bardic mother, Vadithas is the dark soul of the Verdant Leaf. Working while singing, he gives off the opposing spirits of joyful song and darkened chemical mixing of an alchemist. Vadithas wears a robe of the magi, with gems of red and green sewn into the trim of the sleeves and hem. He walks almost soundlessly, in his slippered feet. Vadithas was found in Kings Watch, making potions and healing balms for nobles, and was called upon to heal a Paladin of Prens. Saving the life of Lord Viyaris, he was hired and promised by Viyaris to be protected and given a home and a purpose. He then joined the Verdant Leaf, and has followed The Leaf ever since.

Jessup Walker Dendatus

Retriever and Advisor to House Taharr
6'1'' 200 lb Ironese Human, Orange hair, green eyes. Clean shaven.
Level 4 Psionicist, Level 2 Mage

Jessup Walker Dendatus is a man who finds his mind and mouth lack a filter that others hone. Jessup is nicknamed "Walker" because the man had a knack of being able to walk into any place his mind was set to. Jessup was born on a farm in North Iron Kingdoms, and ran away when his mental abilities began to surface. He joined a carnival and travelers caravan, and soon found himself in Gothmyr. He worked for a few years to get enough money to find a wizard to teach him the basics of arcane weaving. Jessup wound up in Merstat and was left by the Traveler's Carnival as he overslept. During an altercation in a tavern Jessup was in, he defended the female mage (Lady Anissa Taharr) and used his psionicist to thwart the assault. He followed her and her men back to House Taharr and entered without incident... and has stayed since.


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