Ironteeth Guardians

IRONTEETH Guardian Gothmyrran Mountain Rangers

Overview: The western border of Gothmyr is lined by the massive mountain range known as the Ironteeth Mountains. These mountains are not only the first defense against the untamed mysteries in the Wildreach, but also the land where creatures live hostile lives, killing and hunting to survive. Often these foul creatures seek to come down on the Gothmyrran side of the mountains to hunt and kill. There is on last defense against this; The Ironteeth Guardians. A massive two-pronged military unit built and trained to fight within rocky mountains and desolate clifftops. They are trained to dig in and chase deep into tunnels and ferret out burrows of creatures, trying to breed and cause havoc on the peaceful towns below.
Everyone in Gothmyr may not know their name, but all of them thank their gods for the blessing of the Ironteeth Guardian's protection. Their actions have stopped invading armies of Orc, Bourn and gnoll alike. The minotaurs of Ironteeth mountains have actually migrated south and west into the Wildreach so they do not have to fight the Ironteeth Guardians. 
While Prince Jeggred IV crusaded across the lands, freeing towns and forming civilized areas, He looked upon the mountains far to the West. He called for two of his best ranger captains, and without looking to the mountains, Prince Jeggred declared, "That range to the west is mine. I ask the two of you to keep it mine. Take what you need and show me what true Guardians are made of." The two captains took three hundred men and women and beasts and took into the Ironteeth Mountains.  These soldiers began training and forming small forts and holds within the Ironteeth, making their homes within their career command. 

Ages have passed, and survivors of the Ironteeth Guardians have replenished their own ranks, as well as recruited nearby town youths.  Their numbers have swelled beyond two thousand able-bodied soldiers, both Guardians as well as Shadows.      Leadership: The Ironteeth Guardians were formed with two Captains joint-commanding the unit, and it continues to do so. The body of the military unit has split, making their ranks more effective.  Captain Agosh Orefist is a Huge hulking Northman who commands the Guardians. they are often split as Soldiers and Shadows. Soldiers are more combat oriented, and Shadows are more stealthy, and Rangers. Captain Agosh is a ranger. He wears massive plate mail armor, and wields a massive giant spiked flanged mace he took off a defeated hill giant. Agosh wears a belt of hill giant strength and commands from the front lines. His lieutenant, Darellya Oakenshade leads the Shadows under his command.

Captain Hegar Bloodpick is a five foot tall male mountain dwarf with blood red hair and beard. His eye look like solid chunks of black coal and commands the legions of Ironteeth Shields. The shields are expert sappers, tunnel rats and mine sweepers. The rangers, warriors, and even rapid response riders follow captain Bloodpick without question and have an almost zealous following of loyalty to the dwarf. The calvalry of rapid response riders of the Shields are called the Lancers. They are led by Bloodpick's Lieutenant, Iasha Bokkenstaf; A human female Cavalier upon her brown bear, Chunk..   Notes:
  The rank and file of the Ironteeth Guardians change from time to time. Kings Watch sends reinforcements to the unit and others are relieved of their duty.  Often times they will send out a scout which may be gone for months, even years on a mission. It is an honor to fight alongside a Ironteeth Guardian, and many adventurers can often claim this honor.
Tierced in chevron azure papelonny argent and sable and crimson.
Ironteeth Shadows

  Captain Agosh Orefist

  Captain Hegar Bloodpick


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