Jaleel VenDroggan

Guildmaster of the Shining Shield     Jaleel is a dark elven mage. Just over 5'5'', with ashen gray skin and black hair, that was once dyed reddish so his hair has black roots with reddish tips. His silver eyes and disarming smile belie his true intentions. Jaleel is vocal, chatty and uncharacteristically joyful as he goes throughout his day. Most of that day is dealing with the other members of the Shining Shield Adventuring Co.   Originally from Kings Watch, Jaleel grew up hard and fast on the streets. He hailed from coin ward, living above a clothing dye shop, often Breaking in and dying his clothes, but often finishing the other jobs sitting on the shelves. The owner knew he did this, but never confronted him as Jaleel never put the shop's security at risk and always cleaned up after himself. Jaleel took delivery jobs from the dye shop, often using this opportunity to check out other homes and making contacts throughout the city.
One delivery had Jaleel taking a cart of purple cloth to the Trades Ward, to a temple. There, was came face to face with his future. A psionicist took the delivery and together they shared and opened Jaleel's Psionic ability. Jaleel found himself spending more and more time at the temple. Soon, when he enrolled himself into the temple, he found the training within both hard but rewarding. He was given a place within the Temple of the Shadowed Mind, and took jobs within the temple. He was introduced to a graduate of the temple and one of the founding fathers of the temple; Prince Jeggred Von Luen. ruler of Gothmyr and Kings Watch. Jeggred took a liking to Jaleel and soon moved Jaleel to a position of ambassadorship for the temple within the King's Castle.
Jaleel studied and continued to work for Lord Jeggred until he was sent to Pennimair to form an adventuring guild in a new fort that is a hidden outpost for Gothmyr. Jaleel took a few friends he made around the Castle Ward and together, they formed the Shining Shield Adventuring Guild.

Jaleel is usually seen wearing leather armor and split robes, but has been known to wear full leather and steel armor when during battles. He fights barehanded but has been known to use a glowing purple quarterstaff.


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