Kay-Logg Otebhran of Araburg

Adventurer, Mercenary Follower of Fonton

Kay-Logg started his career guarding wagons and caravans overnight, while their drivers relaxed and slept in the Inns of Araburg. He won a large plot of land near the South gate of Araburg and began letting merchants park their wagons and teams of animals overnight for a hefty coin He offered full protection and guarding while on the property, and always sought a story or tale from one of the teamsters in trade for the best courtesan or softest bed in Araburg.

Eventually, this life was not enough for young Kay-Logg and he sold his plot of land for a horse, some leather armor and some gear. He set off southwest, working his way along the south of Rhil'Heeyl Forest, into Battenstat. He worked as a mercenary and sell sword before finding his faith of Fonton one winter in Viksburg. He loved his life as a wanderer and adventurer and continued west to Weiland.

In Weiland, Kay-Logg met a elven female wizard, A dark elven male rogue and a human male fighter who sought to tame the WildReach. They hired Kay-Logg and his expertise to escort them into the WildReach. They worked their way west, through Weiland's mountain range and tunnels, to spill out into the lush untamed lands of WildReach. After a week of trekking through forests and deep ancient woad, the group camped in a strangely short-grassed wooded clearing. During the evening, Kay-Logg took his security duties and walked around the camp, finding a strange sight.

In the grass at his feet were worked stone, in a curb-like structure, overgrown with grasses. It was as if a lip of a pool. The pool, if it was, was buried and filled with dirt Ages ago. Kay-Logg took out a small shovel from his adventuring pack and began to dig. He dug along the lip and down, finding a finished wall. He continued to dig along the inside of the ground-filled pool, revealing a fresco of colored tiles, as if an ancient temple wall.
long into the night, Kay-Logg's shovel bumped something solid. He dug with his hands and freed a large oil wrapped package. Once he climbed from the pool-pit with the found wrapping, he knelt down and placed the package on the surface. As Kay-Logg did the trees and grasses and bent away from the package, as a loud, deep thump echoed through the ground.

Kay-Logg rushed back to the camp, and the rest were awoken by the loud thump that echoed through the camp. Kay-Logg hurried the group to pack and move, heading further west into the WildReach.
The pool that was filled with dirt, exploded as hundreds of skeletal and rotted hands reached for the air. Zombies climbed from the ground, standing in their ancient elven armor, now rusted and the clothing rotted. They stood as a hole began to form in the far end of the dirt-filled pool. A nightmare burst forth from the hole. Its firey breath stunk of thousands of the dead and burning sulfur. Atop the mighty ebony steed was a lich, a female elven lich wearing royal headgear and armor.

Kay-Logg had awoken the Bitch Queen and her undead elven army.   To this day, the Queen and her army marches through the Wildreach, swarming over cities and town they find, killing everything in their way. Things that die do not stay dead, and soon rise to return to their lives, but loyal to the Bitch Queen. Adventurers and pilgrims are claiming entire towns of undead, acting normal, but rotting, dead flesh as they go about their days. Rumors say they live as they once did in life, awaiting the call of the Bitch Queen to return to her side, to fill her army's ranks.

Kay-Logg and his band of adventurers still scout the WildReach, lost in adventure but living just outside the reach of the undead army Kay-Logg has awoken.


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