Keylis - The Tormented Healer

The Tormented Healer

Keylis (Kay- Less)
Daughter of Torment, Suffrage Goddess
Pain, Torment, Suffrage, Endurance, Healing
Greater Deity
True Good
Followers: Any
Bound Hands on Black Field, or Blue cross.

When the first humans arrived on Edus, and they huddled around in caves, looking to survive, there were those who were stronger than others. Soon those stronger became violent, and took their frustrations out on the innocent. The first screams that echoed from the mouths of those innocents gave birth to Keylis.
She is the Goddess of Torment, Suffering and Healing. The Pain Goddess or the Mother Healer is just a few names Keylis goes by. She is the one who all pray to for respite when they are tormented or in great pain. She lends her strength to the faithful to ease their suffering. All those who heal with spell or herbs give homage to Keylis.
She rarely ever is seen on Edus, and when she does come to the planet, She comes as a plain and meek female cleric or healer. It has been documented, in some countries, that when an innocent is being tormented and tortured, they see a weeping woman, wrapped in bandages, from neck to feet, bleeding where the innocent bleeds. Keylis takes the pain away and lends strength to endure.

Her eyes can calm the meanest mob, and her touch can close and heal any wound. When she is seen, she is weaponless, and can endure any mortal or magical blow without failure. Any spell cast or weapon swung to do damage to an innocent, or one of her faithful, Keylis can take the blow away and take it unto herself.

The priests of Keylis are called 'Lenders'. They can be seen wearing all white, with a hood, and their arms are wrapped in white leather, or cloth bandages from wrists to shoulders. Lenders cannot refuse to heal someone who calls for her aid, or stopping to lend health or strength to an innocent. One of the powers that are known of Lenders is the ability to tell when someone is lying. This ability only works when they call for the Lender's aid.

A huge temple of Keylis can be found in almost every large city, and many towns have at least shrines to the Suffering Goddess.  
Lenders Alignment: G, NG, N, CG
Favored Weapon: Staff, Club
Weapons Allowed: Any Priest
Turn Ability: Full

  • Keylis holds the world's torment. Lenders must lend their strength to others.

  • A Lender cannot allow suffering to go on without helping.

  • Lenders who do not heal, Blaspheme Keylis' teachings.

  • Suffering should never be allowed to happen. Even to your enemies.

  • Anyone seeking healing aid must be given audience.

  • Any town you enter without a healer, must spend a day, offering services to others.

  • Cannot torture or Harm a bound creature. Killing if for food or survival only.

  • May not wield a bladed weapon, ever. Knives are tools for eating/harvesting.

  • Must tithe 1/10th monthly of wealth to any family or person in suffering.

  •   Abilities:
    Level - Ability
    1. Cast "Cure Light Wounds" for free 1/day.
    3. Cast "Cure Light Wounds" for free 2/day.
    3. Cast "Remove Fear" on one target for free 1/day.
    3. Turn Undead at +1 4. Cast "Cure Light Wound" spells do maximum healing.
    5. Cast "Armor of Keylis" on target 1/day.
    6. Cast "Cure Moderate Wounds" for free 1/day.
    6. Turn Undead at +2 7. Cast "Cure Blindness/Deafness" for free 1/day.
    9. Cast "Cure Serious Wounds" for free 1/day.
    9. Cast "Cure Moderate Wounds" for free 2/day.
    10. Cast "Armor of Keylis" on target 3/day.
    10. Cast "Neutralize Poison" on target 1/day.
    10 Turn Undead at +3 12. Cast "Cure Light Wounds" for free as #/day per 1/2 of INT score (INT of 14 gets CLW 7 times day).
    12. Cast "Cure Blindness/Deafness" for free 3/day.
    13. Cast "Cure Critical Wounds" for free 1/day.
    13. Cast "Remove Curse" for free as #/day per 1/2 of INT score (INT of 14 gets CLW 7 times day).
    14. Cast "Gift of Keylis" for free 1/day
    16. Cast "Gift Of Keylis" for free 3/day.
    16. Cast "Cure Critical Wounds" for free 3/day.
      SPELLS AND POWERS:   Armor of Keylis (level 5, 10) A ghostly trio of undead spirits appears, wielding shields, surrounding the target. This trio of sisters protect the target and block incoming blows for the duration of the spell. There is a total pool of hit point or damage they can absorb before they disappear. This total is dependent on the lender's level. Base damage soaked is 20 points of damage and goes up 1d8 per level beyond 5th level.
    The spell can be counterspelled with a Dispel Undead at equal level of casting. A successful 'turn undead' as Specter causes 1 round of no protection for the target.   Gift of keylis (14)   A magical glowing shield envelopes the target, resembling a shroud with hood. Soft white glowing linens three or four layers deep cover the target completely, protecting them from both normal and magical damage. The Shroud will absorb 50 hit points total, and will return any 1st level spell , divine or arcane that causes damage back to it's caster. It will block and dispel second level spells, both arcane and divine.
    Religious, Organised Religion


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