Kingdoms & Warfare

Rules for Running Kingdoms and Warfare

  Actions are broken into two Phases, Domain Actions and Intrigue Actions.

Domain Actions: These are the negotiations and small movements involved in positioning your agents, spies, troops, and collecting allies BEFORE war. Any Domain Action can be done generally, and there are no true limits other than your Royal imagination.
As everything, there is a catch. Outright attacking, or direct Interaction with the main opponent themselves is an act of war, and moves the game to Phase Two: Intrigue.

Intrigue Actions: This is War. Combat with troops, battalions, and fielding units on a field to settle things with violence. Domain action can still be done during Intrigue, but are done with lesser effect (Penalties) due to your kingdom's focus on the War.  
    Organizations and Specializations
  You create your organization and get 8 points to split in the above chart, each point in either Skills or Defenses moves the marker one spot to the right.
You must choose an organization type [in bold], which will reflect the type of kingdom you rule.
Each kingdom organization has two or three "Specializations" [numbered] to focus your type better, and give benefits and/or penalties for one Domain Action type or other. You must pick one of these Specializations for your organization.
  • Adventuring Party
  • Diplomacy -1, Espionage +0, Lore +1, Operations +2
    Communications 11, Resolve 12, Resources 10
  1. Disorganized Misfits
  2. Explorers Society
  3. Mercenary Company
  • Martial Regiment
    Diplomacy +1, Espionage +0, Lore -1, Operations +2
    Communications 12, Resolve 11, Resources 10
  1. City Watch
  2. Knightly Order
  3. Military Squadron
  • Mercantile Guild
    Diplomacy +1, Espionage +0, Lore -1, Operations +2
    Communications 11, Resolve 10, Resources 12
  1. Monopoly
  2. Pirate Band
  3. Trade Guild
  • Mystic Circle
    Diplomacy +0, Espionage +0, Lore +2, Operations -1
    Communications 12, Resolve 10, Resources 11
  1. Arcane Order
  2. Secret Cabal
  3. Theatrical Troupe
  • Nature Pact
    Diplomacy +1, Espionage +0, Lore +2, Operations -1
    Communications 10, Resolve 12, Resources 11
  1. Barbarian Tribe
  2. Druid Circle
  3. Hunter Conclave
  • Noble Court
    Diplomacy +2, Espionage +0, Lore -1, Operations +1
    Communications 10, Resolve 12, Resources 11
  1. War Court
  2. Political Administration
  3. Regent State
  • Religious Order
    Diplomacy -1, Espionage +0, Lore +1, Operations +2
    Communications 11, Resolve 12, Resources 10
  1. Holy Church
  2. Hidden Cult
  3. Monastic Order
  • Underworld Syndicate
    Diplomacy +0, Espionage +2, Lore -1, Operations +1
    Communications 12, Resolve 10, Resources 11
  1. Assassins College
  2. Spy Network
  3. Thieves' Guild

  Tiers: Each tier level, you get 8 points to spend on Skills or Defense total. Split the 8 points any way you wish, which will help determine your standing with your kingdom/organization.
Every point moves the marker on the stat one spot. This includes having to fill the blank spots after +2 to get to +3.
Each Tier you ascend your organization to gets an additional 8 points to increase their influence.

Raising Tiers:
You can raise your tier after a successful Conquer or Defense of your own Organization.  
Domain Actions:   You can attempt 3 Domain Actions per turn plus+1 per organization tier level.
Actions can be things like:
  • I want to send scouts to the woods to determine the opposing army's size.
  • I want to send a message to the western border kingdom and ask for aid.
  • I want to use my influence to send spies to the border to gather intel.
  • I want to use an action to raise my Defenses: Resources (asking for war taxes).
  • Anything you can come up with that does not directly interface with the opposing enemy, the you and the DM can agree on a difficulty rating to roll for.
    The limit to the length and width of your Action phase is up to you and the DM or opponent. There is no hard-fast rule for time to talk terms or 'rattle your sabers'.
    Your Domain Actions are private and either side has no idea what the other side is doing.
    Things that will move the Action Phase into the Intrigue Phase without preparation or resolving of that Action Phase include:
  • I want to send assassins to kill the general of the Enemy army.
  • I want to send agents to infiltrate their army and cause chaos.
  • I want to send rogues into their capitol and sow chaos.
  • I want to have my magicians cast 'Call Lightning' on their encampment.
  • Anything like those above will stop the Action phase and begin the Intrigue Phase. It is an open declaration of war and you have decided, as Conan said, "Enough talk!"
    The Action phase is where you send troops to the field of battle and set up encampment, rally the elves from your forest, or call to aide from the griffon riders. These things are done in preparation for war.
    You can also use your turns to increase your organization's stats for this campaign, to bolster your kingdom and army. During the Intrigue phase, is when you can choose to affect your opponent's stats by doing those things I listed above. Things such as:
    "I will send elven rangers to kill any convoys on the roads from their side of the kingdom" (lowering their Resources by 1)
    "I will use rangers and my Mages to stop communication through the forest, or through magic means." (lowering their Communications by 1)
      Domain Action Phase is for the things you do FOR YOU.
    Intrigue Phase is for the things you do TO THEM.
      You declare your Domain Actions and then your DM will come back to you with the results. (usually within a week)
    Intrigue Phase: Once talks have broken down, you have had your fill of threats and saber rattling, you can move into the Intrigue Phase.
    Intrigue happens the same way Actions happen, but also it entails land warfare. During intrigue, you get Domain Actions equal to 4+ your tier. But unlike the Action Phase, Intrigue Actions are public and common knowledge. Each of you get one Action each round, and any additional actions you have or they have, will happen at the end.   Warfare works as follows:
    1. Map is laid out in chessboard fashion. each square represents one troop choice.
    2. You may make one command of one troop choice.
    3. Your Officers can make one command of one troop choice.
    4. You declare a Action.
    5. You roll results (combat first, then Action roll.)
    6. Your opponent makes one command of troop choice.
    7. Opponent's Officers make one command of troop choice.
    8. Your opponent declares and Action. Opponent rolls results.
    9. Round over. Begin at 1 and repeat until all Actions and troops have been commanded.
    10. Turn over. Check results and if both still live, start over or declare winner.
    Armies: A tier I Organization has 4 Armies. You have the Option of summoning that army, or mustering two levies instead.
    Levies are commoners with pitchforks, emptied jails and prisons or conscripted troops, of lesser quality than normal troops.
    Your troop or levies must be from somewhere within your kingdom.
    Each unit in the army, needs a commander. An officer to lead them allied player character or party member).
    Any officer may attempt to must the organization's Special Unit succeeding a Operations test (Only during intrigue).
    Officers can attempt to muster Allied NPC Army units by succeeding a Diplomacy test


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