Kings Watch Notable Houses - The Narrows

Notable Houses And Shops of Kings Watch - The Narrows   Information legend:
Roll charisma check, consult chart below for success level:
Black= common known
Blue= well known, (<3 Check)
Green= lesser known, (common rumor <7 check)
Yellow= not known/ Allies know, (rumored <10 check)
Red= in-house only (<19 check)
  House Fisher
  • Largest organized house in The Narrows
  • The Fisherking "Adin" - Age? older Male dark elf.
  • Known for bird motifs on house members and icons
  • The Kingfishers known to be left alone.
  • Unproven criminal organization controlling most of the Narrows
  • House Fisher are smugglers and thieves
  • The Fisherking control the Narrows
  • Fisherking has two daughters. Both half drow
  • 230 House members. 300+ House Allies
  • House Fisher owns: Fisher's Wharf | Fisher Metals | Heavenly Jewelers.
  • Fisherking hired Copperpost for a theft job.
  • Tomas Fornhurst double-crossed Copperpost over stolen painting
  • Fisherking blames Copperpost.
  • No one joins House Fisher without a Blood sacrifice.
  • Murder of a rival is part of House initiation.
  • Something is wrong with the Fisherking. His mind is broken into madness.
  • Fisherking is sworn to Prince Jeggred as vassal.
  • House Fisher deals in slaves and Rare metals.
  House Fornhurst
  • Lord Uriel Fornhurst
  • Human male, 65 winters
  • Small holdings in Kings Watch
  • From Merstat / Araburg
  • Transport house, member of transport guild
  • Owns three small holdings in Narrows
  • Has a small walled building in South West Narrows
  • Maester Reginald Ovall heads Kings Watch holdings
  • Maester Ovall Has put 250gp bounty on capture of Tomas Fornhurst.
  • Maester Ovall has banned Tomas from Fornhurst holdings
  • 4 House members, 65 Employees
  • Dame Meribeth- paladin of Palin run house in K.W.
  • Zuki Maotozo- Monk of crooked Wrist. 2nd in command
  • Arrol Flint- Dwarven Avenger. Facilitator of House Fornhurst
  • Owns: Fornhurst trading co. | Twin Bulls Transport | Majestic Wagons
  • Fornhurst has been betrayed by nephew Tomas Fornhurst.
  • Tomas has stolen all the profit from Twin Bulls Transport, before running.
  • All of Fornhurst's fortune was stolen by Tomas.
  • The house is running off markers called in (debts)
House Ubenvald -
  • Largest Elven House in the Narrows.
  • Coin Noble, money comes from Imports from Rhil'heeyl
  • Lord Evan Ubenvald / patriarch
  • Owns the Leaky Tankard taverns (3)
  • Runs the Breweries and Coopers Guild.
  • 6 sons and 1 daughter of Ubenvald.
  • Imports Elven Fruit Ale "Waterfall cider", Exports Ale, and barrels empty
  • Their business rival is House Furthing with their "Furthing Froth" cider.
  • 63 house members, 200 employed
  • Ubenvald is particular on House members. All elves, no drow.
  • Late lady Ubenvald was murdered by Dark Elves in town.
  • House Ubenvald is head of an Elven council looking to overtake The Narrows.
  • Ubenvald actively hunts Orc in town at night.
House Allens -
  • 2nd largest house in the Narrows.
  • Andre Vigas Allens human male
  • Lady Montega Allens, Matriarch
  • House of Butchers, Meat and Livestock.
  • Owns seven taverns.
  • 7 sons, 5 daughters. 3 died in fire.
  • Eldest son, Richard, married House Aberico daughter.
  • 7th generation Blood Noble
  • Lost nobility but regained it recently.
  • 50 House members, 150 Employees.
  • Ally of Fornhurst
House Malthorn-
  • Lord Sabastian Malthorn
  • Eldest uncle of House Malthorn, Rodimus, in charge of King's Watch
  • Smaller house in Kings Watch with many allies and ties to Araburg
  • Owns 4 holdings of Coal importing/sales and lumber importing/ sales
  • 27 House members, 40 Employees
  • 3 previous house rivals have been killed destroyed by Malthorn
  • There is
House Merrin -
  • Sits on meridian Blvd.
  • House is overtaken by Malgami Cultists
  • Current House Lord is Arniso Montego (Cultist of Malgam)
House Dawson -
  • Berric Dawson- Human Male
  • 2nd generation Coin Noble
  • Lumber merchant and constructionist; Lumber guild
  • Business partner with Fornhurst for decades
  • Creates most wagons for Fornhurst
  • Has affection for Omid, healed his daughter
  • Currently at war with House Malthorn & House Merrin in K.W.
  • 30 House members, 32 Employees
House Mosent -
  • Erica Duval-Mosent
  • Widower Patriarch of house
  • 2nd gen Coin Noble
  • 2 children still living (4 dead)
  • House runs all Narrows Bakers and Goods merchants
  • Sons are violent and bullies to merchants
  • 16 house Members, 25 Employees
  • Allied with Malthorn
House Grendo -
  • Roberto Marcus Diaz Grendo
  • Patriarch of House
  • Blood Noble
  • 12 children
  • House exports most though the South Gate.
  • Main exporter of goods to Hepulchor
  • Old family noble from Hepulchor, now Gothmyr.
  • Eldest daughter, Ambassador to the Court of Kings Watch
  • Son is Ambassador General to Hepulchor's military within Gothmyr.
  • 23 House members, 60 employees
House Aberico -
  • Lord Unko Aberico 1/2 orc
  • Patriarch of family.
  • 23 children.
  • Eldest son is now running House
  • Mercenary household
  • Owns three adventuring guilds
  • House is a military barracks/ training grounds
  • At war with House Allens and House Schmidtholm
  • Daughter disowned/exiled for marrying Allens son.
  • 33 house members, 190 Employees
House Kuong -
  • Mistress Lian Kuong
  • Matron of House. Human, 60 year old Gawanese
  • 8 children living: 6 male, 2 female.
  • Head of Gawanese relations in the Narrows
  • Houses all Gawanese immigrants and finds them jobs
  • House is also criminal organization.
  • 24 House members, 300 Employees
  • Specialize in payoffs, extortion and intimidation.
  • House is a Mantis-style Martial Arts house.
House Perrinson -
  • Lord Gregor Perrinson - Mountain dwarf male 200 years old
  • Owns Godsanvil Weapons
  • Owns Stonecleave Arms
  • Owns Tonya's Shields
  • Smithing household
  • 3 children, Angus, Tonya and Gregor Jr.
  • Household boasts 130 dwarves from all over Gothmyr
  • Will hire out for mercenary work
  • 45 House members, 42 Employees
House Wright -
  • Master Edgar Wright - half orc male 45 winters
  • Owns Wright Stables (3 locations)
  • 2 adult sons, 1/2 orc warrior/ 1/2 orc ranger
  • Controlling interest in Horse breeding in the Narrows
  • Owns Wright Horse Farm
  • 4 House members, 32 Employees
  • Works for Lord Fornhurst loyally.
  • Business arrangement (all horses that pull Fornhurst wagons are Wright Horses)
  • Owes Copperpost Family 1200gp on a loan.
  House Schmidtholm -
  • Lord Feldon Schmidt III
  • Human male 65 winters
  • 1st generation Coin Noble
  • House of Flesh and Bordellos
  • Owns 15 businesses of ill repute.
  • Glorified pimp lord.
  • Doesn't garner the respect he demands.
  • Specializes in information brokering.
  • 11 House members, 400 Employees
  • Rival and hated enemy of House Aberico
  • 3 sons and 2 daughters, all pimps and madams of House-regulated Bordellos
House Copperpost -
  • Ellaine “The Cat” Copperpost - Halfling Matriarch
  • Owns Narrows Clouds Couriers "The Clouds"
  • House of 14 family members
  • 1st Generation Coin Noble.
  • 230 employees
  • Has multiple loans out to families in The Narrows
  • Hates Tomas [Fornhurst]; Is owed 1300gp from his lies.
  • Lost two loyal House members of service to prison due to Tomas
  • Now owes the Fisherking Gold.. a lot of Gold
  • A painting “The Countess of the Moors” stolen by Malthorn agents.
  House Everbright -
  • Patriarch Falwyn Everbright -Male high elf, 400 winters
  • Young Lordling is new blood noble from Lansindriyll
  • Owns Everbright Transport
  • Owns Phendra's Librams
  • Business rival of House Fornhurst
  • Enemy of Houses Malthorn and Merrin
  • 60 House members, 25 Employees
  • Three Family members imprisoned due to Huses Malthorn and Merrin
House Cromkin -
  • Maester Sully Cromkin - dwarf male 140 winters
  • Limps: bad injury on left leg. (prosthetic foot)
  • Coin Noble
  • Brother is Ser Kedro, knight of House Fornhurst
  • Smith of Knightly Order of Purple Phoenix
  • Used to own two smithy shops in The Narrows
  • Tomas Fornhurst helped House Malthorn extort House Cromkin
  • Cromkin refused and both smithy shops burnt down.
  • Sully's house was burnt two weeks ago.
  • Maester Cromkin and 2 house members living at Fornhurst estate in KW.
  • Rival with House Perrinson
  • Enemy of Houses Malthorn, Merrin, Mosent

  • House Robertton
  • House Tasheri
  • House Belvue
  • House Of the Darkened Mind
  • House of Four Witches
  • House Bellamy
  • House Augustin
  • House Krenko
  • House Revosky
  • House Deremitru
  • House Pasanty
  • House Kallen

Shops of the Narrows:
$- Price %- Quality

  • Crescent Moon Goods - Three sisters, Irry, Vella, Kait, High Elven females. Provisions, goods, shop $ /%%
  • Bloodsilk Fineries - Darrius, dark elven male. Clothing, thin leatherwork, tailor $$/ %%
  • Wallston General Goods - Don Wallston, human male. Provisions, goods, leathers $/%
  • Juniper Goods Swap - "Hegil" dark elven male. Cheap provisions, also fence $/%-%%
  • Pinetree Goods - Sister Helga of Silverwood, wood elf. Provisions, furs, cloaks, boots, clothing $$/%%%
  • The Night Market - Maester Verrin Geldinn, Dark elf male. Provisions high quality, but also thief gear $$/ %%%
  • The Dawns Shoppe - Dawn Erikdottir, human Ja'an female. Leather goods, provisions, backpacks, bags, cloaks $/ %
  • Shining Facet Shoppe - Gullygall Goldentoes, Halfling female. Gems loose and jewelery $$/%%
  • Ground Ruby Bazaar - Kefir Sands, Shii male. Gems, silver ware, ground gems $$/%
  • Emerald Dragon Shop - Pai Mei, Gawa female. Jade, loose gems, bronze jewelry $$/%%%
  • Shogun Jewelers - Ito Marahashi, Gawa male. Jade, copper and silver jewelry, no loose gems $$$/%
  • Oathdan Gems - Jukto Ironbeard, Dwarf male. Loose gems, jewels, cleaning/refining, fencing $$/$$
  • Twin Horn Arms - Ohn & Fol Elk clan, Male Shii. Spears, wood shafts, handles, bows, crossbows $$/%%
  • Godsanvil Weapons - Abon Godsanvil, Dwarf male. Axes, weapons, shields, Exotic weapons $$$/%%
  • Stonecleave Arms - Serk Stonecleave, Dwarf male. Swords, blades, spears, arrowheads, nails, $/%%
  • Calm Waters Arms - Nestor, Male Ironese human, classic smith. Good quality. Works in trade also $/%%%
  • Dinkum's Blades - Gerrihall Greensleeves, Halfling male. Blades only, spears, halberds, $$/%%%
  • Hedgermon's Sledgery - Fento Hedgermon, human male. Passable quality overpriced $$/%%
  • Orehelm Armory - Tatum Orehelm, dwarven male. Smith $$/%%
  • Tonya's Shields - Tonya Perrinson, female human. Great shields, pricey $$$/%%%
  • Icebear Smithy - Igrid Vinyro, Lavi female. Good gear, heavy $$/%%
  • Ironhydra Armory - Clemmon Ironhydra, Dwarven male. Armor repairs and small pieces, no suits $$/%%%
  • Goldtrim Smithy - Seth Goldtrim, Human male. Crappy quality but passable. $$/%
  • Abin Il Atesh Smithy - Abin Il Atesh, Shii male. Light metal armor, and mostly chain $$/%%%
Bookstores/Shops of Miscellany:
  • Agradill's Books - Agradill Harn, gnome. Cheap small expanded shanty shop, $
  • Phendra's Libram - Phaedra Everbright. Large collection of books, for sale or trade. $$
  • Mystic Tomes & Librams - Teagryn Willowelk, Gray elf female. Large and arcane focused, but sells normal books also. $$$
  • Nock's Shelves - Nockwhistle Fek, Female Gnome sage. Long thin bookstore, two story $
  • Featherfall Guides - Information shop and hiring of footmen/guides/guards. $$
  • Hecht's Provisions - Ablert Hecht, Male human. Sells ropes, hemp, cloth and excursion gear. (no weapons) $
  • Kings Eye Apothecary - Sisters Irda and Anda Bellwhistle, halfling sister clerics of Keylis. Potions and balms $
  • Julieanne's Liquids - Julieanne Zentyrr, Female Human Alchemist. Sells good potions but pricey $$$
  • Touch of Keylis Shop - Brother Leek, human male. Candles, empty books, inks, bandages, prayers $
  • The Narrows Market - Black market. Mobile and never found in same place.
  The Shadow Market- mobile, rumored to exist nightly black market for things forbidden or illegal. Never found in same place twice. $$$$+
Political, Family


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