Known diseases of Edus

Kiss of Tiamat
This bacterial disease ran rampant during the First Age. It went dormant until the beginning of the Age of Fortune, where it was seen again on the docks of Kings Watch. Rumors of the disease been seen in Hepulchor and in the northern mines of Annistlav.

The disease first shows as a rash of multi-colored pigmentation on infected skin. Reds, blues, and whites can be seen, giving the disease its name. The disease moves fast until full maturity, then slows, causing prolonged exposure and effects until it debilitates the infected. On different races, the disease seems to give different symptoms, hence again the name given to it.

On humans:
Kiss of Tiamat shows as a rash that slowly covers the body. The rash spots grow and merge, becoming small blisters and boils on the skin. The disease brings blood to the surface, turning the body reddish. The boils pop, releasing a foul-smelling pus that can spread the infection. Once all the boils pop, the skin begins to raise boils again. it cycles until the skin is fully scarred, and the boils begin to grow internally. When they pop internally, the pus poisons the infected... until death overtakes them. Usual time from infection till internal poisoning death is 7-8 weeks.

On Elves:
The kiss affects elves starting with the same multicolored rash.


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