Known Poisons & Toxins

Known Poisons & Toxins
  This document reveals most of the poisons, toxins, venoms, and acids that have been discovered in use around the realms. The terms are described below. Note that some of these are real-life poisons and should NOT EVER be considered for anything other than game use. I REPEAT, THIS DOCUMENT IS ONLY FOR A GAME!!   Definitions:   Poison: Some form of harmful substance that exists in naturally with no alterations from PC's (Other than the collecting of said poison)   Toxin: A damaging substance that does NOT occur in nature. A toxin must be produced manually by an alchemist or assassin.   Mixture: A substance that is used as a poison, but must be made and produced by magic.   Venom, Spit: A damaging substance that is produced ONLY within the glands of an animal. Generally thought to be the strongest of the poison types, but also the hardest to collect.   Acid: A corrosive substance that either exists in nature, is produced by an animal gland, or is produced by someone. Causes damage upon contact but can usually be washed off upon initial contact to stop damage, unlike a poison.   -----------------------------------------------------------------   - Forms of Poisons -   Ingestive: This form of poison is the most common. To effect a creature, it must first ingest the poison. This means that the creature must eat the poison one way or another. Getting a poison in this form is of a normal cost.   Insinuative: This form of poison will effect a creature just by getting it into it's blood stream. This is the form of poison that is used on weapons. (And in specialized weapons as a Dagger of Venom). This form of poison costs an extra 50% to create (Cost *1.5)   Contact: This form of poison will effect a creature just by coming in contact with the poison. This is one of the most expensive and most dangerous forms. Many a user has slain themselves through carelessness. This form of poison costs 300% normal cost (Cost * 3) NOTE: This form of poison is easily bypassed by thick gloves. However I have heard of an assassin which mixes acid and poison for just that sort of case.   Gas: This form of poison is very dangerous. It will effect EVERYTHING within range. You will have to pay a pretty gold piece for any alchemist to add an oxidizing agent to a poison and it's EXPENSIVE to ask someone to risk their life for that. This form costs 1000% normal costs (Cost * 100). The normal effect is a sealed vial which when broken will produce a 20' x 20' x 20' cloud of gas.   Antidotes: Antidotes are available if a sample of the poison is made available. The antidote usually cost 120% of the purchase price of the poison. Antidotes take approximately one week to create, and must be administered within 2 rounds of the toxification to be effective. If no sample of the toxin is available, one cam be distilled from a blood sample, but that will take approximately a month and a 1,000 extra gold (by then it's too late anyway).   ----------------------------------------------------------------- - NOTE TO GM'S -   These poison (toxins...etc...) have not been assigned any price or dosage for effect (with few exceptions). These things are up to you. This also goes for availability of these and antidotes (Note thought that there are a few that have no known antidote!) The only other note I should make is to keep these in control. To many can really throw a game out of balance. For assassins to study these, I usually allow them on type (Poison, Toxin, venom...etc...) to learn and they may learn how to use, collect, produce.. it from 5th level on. For each level afterwards, they may learn one more from that type of poison.   -----------------------------------------------------------------     Achaierai poison Creates a poison gas cloud which does 2 - 12 (2d6) damage (no save), then save vs. poison or go insane for 3 hours as the druid FEEBLEMIND spell.   Ajida Odorless, colorless liquid. Does 5 - 60 (5d12) damage, starts in 1 - 6 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 3 turns.  Vision grows dim after victim takes 10 points of damage, continues to dim until 30 points of damage is taken, at which time victim is functionally blind.  Only a CURE BLINDNESS spell will neutralize this effect. If blindness does not occur, victim's vision will clear in 2 - 5 turns. Save for half damage at -4   Amber death Appears as a thin amber colored carbonated liquid or amber gel. Starts in 1-4 (1d4) rounds, and runs it's course in 2-20 (2d10) rounds.  Damage is equal to the total hit points of the victim divided by the number of active rounds of the poison. (Round *ALL* fractions up!)   Antman poison This poison does 4-26(4d6) damage, save for half   Archer bush poison Save vs. poison or die. If save is made, victim loses half their remaining hit points   Ascomoid spores Save vs. poison or die in 1-4 (1d4) rounds. If save is made, the victim is blinded and stunned for 1-4 (1d4).  Victim gains NO shield or dexterity bonus   Asp toxin Save vs. poison or take 1-8 (1d8) damage per round for 20 rounds (or until cured). Save each round for half damage   Asp venom Does 4d6 points of damage   Assassin bug poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 7 - 12 rounds, a save indicates that it effects the recipient as a SLOW spell for 1 turn   Assassin snake toxin Created from a mixtre of various types of snake venoms. Due to a constant state of instability, the save and damage results must be rolled for at time of induction:  Rolled # Save Result -------- ---- ------------------- 01 - 04 +3 Incapacitated 05 - 08 +2 Death 09 - 11 +1 2-8 (2d4) damage 12 - 14 0 3-12 (3d4) damage 15 - 17 -1 Incapacitated 4 days 18 - 19 -1 Incapacitated 12 days 20 -3 Death   Assassin's venom A standard poison for assassins, it does 1d20 per day of brewing time (an average dose does 1d20 to 4d20, but cannot exceed 10d20 in damage).  It costs 500 gold per day to make and if a 5,000 gold piece gemstone is powdered and added to the brew, the poison will do an additional 1d12 damage per gemstone per day (one stone per day maximum)   Ayala Scarlet fluid Does 4 - 24 (4d6) damage, starts in 2 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 3 rounds. Save for half damage at -3   Baile Flower Poison Causes 10 - 20 points of damage (2d6, 2d8, 3d6, 2d10, 1d20)   Bamboo poison Damage done is 1d8 to 4d8, and the creature is -1 to -4 to hit for 1 - 6 days afterward due to skin irritation   Banded Kraite venom 77% chance of death, NO SAVE. If this venom is left out in the open air, it will evaporate in 4-7 (1d4+3) segments   Baneberry Save vs. poison or victim now has double chance to catch lycanthropy, decreasing 1% per week until down to normal percentages   Barba Amarilla Save vs. poison or all voluntary muscles will cease to function for 1-4 (1d4) days. Save at -2   Belpren Toxin (Belpren fish) This is a luminescent blue acidic substance does 1-12 (1d12) damage instantly upon skin and internal tissues (No save).  Further applications of Belpren will not cause any more damage to the effected area, but the damage given above is for a roughly hand-sized area of exposure;  for each additional area exposed, add an additional 1-12 (1d12) damage.  However, no damage will be taken if used internally (As Ingestive poison), it will cause only immediate and invoulentary vomiting. Belpren will not corrode metal, nor will it harm cloth or cured leather. It dries and becomes ineffective in but a single round when exposed to open air, so it cannot be used as a blade venom. Belpren is neutralized by lamp oil.  Belpren is effecting on all creatures   Birdsnake venom Save or take 2 points of damage per round for 1-10 (1d10) rounds. A save indicates half damage   Black hydra This is an acid that bursts into flames upon contact with the air, and does 3-36(6d6) damage   Black mead Clear liquid or gel, smells like honey. Does 10 - 80 (10d8) damage, starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 15 rounds.  Causes disorientation (-2 to hit, damage, 30% chance of spell failure) after 20 points of damage are taken;  Disorientation increases in steps of 10 points (Additional -1 to hit, damage, +5% to spell failure).  This effect wears off 1 - 3 turns after poison has run it's course. Save for half damage at -4   Black scorpion poison [Al'Shiael/Takesh] Save vs Poison at -3, failure Paralyzes victim d10rounds and does 1d4 - 16d4 damage  Success save is no paralysis, but Slowed 2d10rounds , and half damage. Poison potency starts at 16d4 and lessens 1d4/day its extracted, down to 1d4   Black widow toxin Does 2-12(2d6) damage.   Black widow venom Save vs. poison or take 2d4 damage per round for 10 rounds. Save for half damage each round.   Black willow acid Causes 1-4 (1d4) damage per round until neutralized. Water with alkali will wash this off   Bleeding heart This plant toxin causes irratic muscle spasms causing the victim to roll a system shock successfully or die immediately on the spot.   Blight worm poison Save vs. poison or take 4-24 (4d6) damage   Bloodrot Bloodrot toxin causes nausea, vomiting, faintness, vertigo, and insensibility. It reduces the bodies physical strength to the point where the victim has to concentrate to keep their heart beating. Save at -1 or die in 3-18 (3d6) rounds   Bloodthorn elixir This elixir is derived from the thorns and stalks of the bloodthorn vine. When used, one random limb of the victim will become paralyzed for 3-6 (1d4+2) rounds. Save is made at -1   Blowfish oil poison This poison is a modified Blowfish poison, only it will paralyze the victim. It has no effect if the victim saves vs. poison   Blowfish poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 - 4 days, else victim effected by a SLOW spell for 2 - 12 turns   Blue lotus  Topaz colored gel. Does 5-30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1-4 (1d4) rounds, runs it's course in 1-8 (1d8) rounds. Paralisys sets in after 15 points of damage, wears off in 1-3 (1d6/2) turns in victim survives. Save for half damage at -2   Blueback mushroom poison  Causes the victim to become dizzy and light-headed, causing a FUMBLE spell and the loss of any sense of direction for 48 hours   Bluebog Poison  Made from creatures from a different dimension, this poison is very rare. When it comes in contact with the air, it explodes for 8-64 (8d8) damage  in a 20 foot radius   Boggle oil  This oil is alchemical preperation of boggle skin secretions. When used,  the victim must save vs. paralyzation EACH time they attempt a movement.  If the save is missed, they fall down. It takes one round to stand or sit again.  The duration is 25 - constitution rounds.   Boomslang Venom Save or die (at +2)   Bracken poison  Destroys red blood cells (See Mistletoe poison), victim takes 1 point of damage per day (Cumulative) and 3d6 damage is taken at introduction of poison into victim   Braylock  An odorless, surupy amber liquid. Does 5 - 40 (5d8) damage, starts in 1 - 2 rounds, runs it's course in 1 turn. Save for half damage at -1   Breek  An odorless colorless liquid. Does 5 - 40 (5d8) damage, starts in 1 - 8 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns.  Save for no damage   Buckeye honey  The honey from this rare plant will cause vertigo, confusion, and if a save is not made, the victim will go into a coma for 2-12 (2d6) days   Budwhipper mushrooms  This mushroom powder causes advanced drunkedness, the victim will pass out and will be out for 23 - constitution rounds.  Any alcohol consumed over the next week will cause a relapse into the previous state   Buluka  Bluish paint-like substance. Contact does 3 - 30 (3d10) damage, starts in 1 - 6 rounds, runs it's course in 1 turn. Save for half damage at -2.  Leaves a blue discoloration after being applied   Bumblebee toxin  There are three types of this toxin: Normal, Warrior, Queen. The toxin does 5d4 damage if no save is made (Half damage if save is made).  The save is adjusted according to the type of toxin used:
  • Normal: +0 save / +0 damage
  • - Warrior: -2 save / +2 damage - Queen: -4 save / +4 damage   Caaliburn oil  Causes 6 - 30 (5d6) points of damage Cascabel venom  Save or die else take 2 points of damage per round until the venom is neutralized.  The antidote to this venom works only 35% of the time   Cashew oil poison  Causes 4d6 points of damage   Catfish poison  Does 2-8 (2d4) damage, half damage if save is made   Chak  White chalky fluid. Does 2-16 (2d8) damage, starts in one round, runs it's course in 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds.  This actually reduces the creatures dexterity by one point per six points of damage taken. THIS LOSS IS PERMENANT. A restoration is required to recover the lost points. Save for no damage at -5   Chayapa  A blue liquid, used on arrows, darts, needles, and sometimes in daggers of venom. It must be injected and works only on humaniods (ie: characters),  never on monsters, and it sets in immediately. It's effect is to cause a deep sleep for 3 - 7 (1d4+2) rounds. This poison will effect elves.  Save for no effect   Choke weed poison  Causes choking for 1-12(1d12) rounds (Incapacitating the victim), in addition, the victim must save vs. poison or take 1-6(1d6) damage each round. This poison will not effect orcs or half-orcs in any way   Chrysanthemums  Destroys the central nervous system of the victim, Damage is 8d8. Save indicates one quarter damage.   Cobra dust  Dried remains of cobra snake with venom sac. Save vs. poison (at -2) or be blinded until a HEAL spell or a CURE BLINDNESS spell   Cobra venom  Does 6d6 points of damage   Conehead poison  Save vs. poison or take 4-24 (1d4*6) damage   Convelum Petals Poison  Causes invoulntary muscle spasms, placing the character out of action for 3 - 18 rounds   Copper centipede (Pincher)  Save vs. poison or take 2-12(2d6) damage. A save indicates no damage   Coral snake venom  Save or take 4-24 (4d6) damage   Corrun Dust Save vs. poison or take 10-60(10d6) damage. A save indicates half damage. Then save vs paralyzation or be paralyzed until cured   Couatl venom  Save vs. poison or die   Coulmbine  This poison causes accute shortness of breath, the victim may fight or move rapidly for only three rounds before having to rest for a round. This lasts for 10-20 (1d10+10) rounds   Crocotta poison  This poison from this creature is a blend of TWO neurotoxins as only mother nature can do, therefore the victim must save vs. poison twice. Each poison does 7-42(7d6) damage, and a save indicates half damage   Crowfoot Root  Save vs. poison or ths poison will cause acute blistering inside the trachea causing the victim to slowly choke to death in 3 rounds (plus constitution bonus)   Crystle elixir  Created by Alchemy from crystal ooze, this will paralyze victims for 3-18 (3d6) rounds and will do 2-8 (2d4) damage. Save for half damage   Cuph A clear liquid, smells like pineapple. Does 4 - 24 (4d6) damage, starts in 1 - 6 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8 turns. Save for no damage at +1   Cyanide Save vs. poison or die else take 4d4 damage   D Causes 31 - 40 points of damage (4d8, 6d6, 4d10, 5d8, 2d20)   DM-A Causes 20 points of damage, 10 if save is made   DM-B Causes 30 points of damage, 15 if save is made   DM-C Causes 40 points of damage, 20 if save is made   DM-D Causes death, 25 points of damage if save is made   DM-E Causes death, 30 points of damage if save is made   DM-F Causes 15 points of damage, none if save   DM-G Causes 25 points of damage, none if save   DM-H Causes 35 points of damage, none if save   DM-I Causes death, nothing if save   DM-J Turns victim to stone for 5 - 20 rounds (System Shock check is not needed)   DM-K Muscle relaxant, Causes all voluntary muscles to relax (-5 to strength, +3 to armor class)   Hint: A good cure for convultionary poisons!   Darksnake Reddish powder, leaves a pale reddiscoloration on flesh or others surfaces when applied. Does 4 - 24 (4d6) damage, starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 - 10 rounds. Save for no damage   Death adder venom Save for die else lose half of remaining hit points   Death coma Save vs. poison or this toxin causes total loss of muscular coordination and rapid breathing. Victim may not move unassissted while under the influence of this toxin, lasts 5-20 (5d4) rounds   Death cup toxin This toxin appears only in the form of powder, as it is made from a RARE form of mushrooms. Once a victim has been toxified by this substance, the effects will not begin to show until 10 to 20 (1d10+10) hours after the initial introduction. This toxin kills by disolving the red blood cells in the blood stream, as such the victim must save vs. death (at -3) or they die. This requires a NEUTRALIZE POISON and a RAISE DEAD to recover the victim   Death dog toxin A poison which the victim must save vs. poison or become sick and die in 1 - 4 days   Death-A Save at +2 or go into a coma for 1 - 4 days   Death-B Save at +1 or go into a coma for 1 - 6 days   Death-C Save normally or go into a coma for 1 - 8 days   Death-D Save at -1 or go into a coma for 2 - 12 days   Deathwine Odorless, burgandy colorless liquid. Often mistaken for wine. May be used both ways, as insinuative (Blade venom) or as ingestive (Food poison). It is tremendiously leathal. A save is allowed (at -5), and if it fails, death occurs in 1 round. If the save is successful, the victim still takes 25 damage, 12 points of damage in the first round and 13 points in the second round. If an antidote is to be used, it must be administered within six segments or it will not be effective. Deathwine and it's antidote are EXTREEMLY RARE. This poison will effect ANY humanoid even trolls and the like   Deathwing poison (Bite) Save vs. poison or take 8-80(8d10) damage, a save indicates half damage   Deathwing poison (Stinger) Save vs. poison or take 8-64(8d8) damage   Delusionary Recipient has effectivly one half of their Intellegence, they get no save vs. illusions, and will also "see things" 50% of the time   Demon locust poison Does 6-48(6d8) damage and causes blindness for 11-16(1d6+10) turns with no save. Hobbits are not effected by this poison in any way   Depressent Recipient is suprised 3 in 6 times, they are also -1 to hit due to relaxation which also makes them one armor class easier to hit   Devil-Ale Odorless liquid, very light orange color. Does a flat 60 points of damage, Starts in 1 - 3 rounds after ingestion, runs it's course in 2 - 5 (1d4+1) turns. No saving throw, Antidote is only hope   Diffenbachia Save vs. poison or this toxin causes total and complete relaxation of the vocal chords. Lasts for 3-12 (3d4) rounds   Disease Causes a random disease (Weigh roll towards the virulent diseases)   Dog demon poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6) damage   Dracolisk acid Does 4-24 (4d6) damage, save for half damage   Dragonfish poison Save vs. poison at -1 or die else take 1 - 6 damage   Dream juice Green, black or white fluid. Does 3-24 (3d8) damage, starts immediately, runs it's course in 1- 10 (1d10) rounds. Causes it's victims to fall down and become catatonic and have vivid pleasentdreams while dying. Save for no damage   Droon poison Does 1-6(1d6) to 3-18(3d6) damage, save for half damage   Drow toxin Save vs. poison at -4 or fall unconcious for 1 - 3 days   Dus poison This poison paralyzes the victim and then they must save or take 1- 4(1d4) damage every round until neutralized   Dust poison Damage is usually 1d4 to 8d4, but this poison will not kill. It just leaves the victim at zero hit points   Dwarf poison Kills only Dwarves, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage   Dwarfbane This is a rare gummy oil that is poisonous only to dwarves. Used insinuatively, it is commonly smeared upon weapons. It will not dry out, but prolonged exposure to air will lesson it potentcy (+2 on save). Upon contact, it does 1-8 (1d8) damage with a pain "like blazing skewers" and a further 1-6 (1d6) points of damage on the next three rounds. A sucessful save indicates half damage   E Causes 41 - 50 points of damage (7d6, 6d8, 8d6, 5d10)   Elephant-fly poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6) damage   Elven poison Kills only Elves, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage   Ettercap poison Does 1 - 8 (1d8) damage (No save)   Eye killer toxin Made from the eyes of an EyeKiller, the recipient must save vs. poison or die, else the victim takes 3 - 18 (3d6) damage   F Causes 51 - 60 points of damage (9d6, 7d8, 6d10, 3d20)   Fighterbane A very simple poison though it is magical based. The effect simply moves the body's center of gravity one foot higher than normal and shortens the arms by one foot. Duration: 4 - 24 (4d6) rounds. (Note: While under the effect of this poison, all attacks are at - 4/-4 and the recipient's armor class is at -4)   Fire snake venom Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 2 - 8 (2d4) turns   Flumph acid toxin An acidic toxin that does 1d8 damage, then 1d4 damage per round for 2 - 8 (2d4) rounds   Flydance A green odorless liquid. Can be made into a gas, otherwise used as Chayapa. Acts in 1 - 3 rounds. Causes convultions that knock the victim off their feet and cause them to shake and twitch around. Lasts for 1 - 6 rounds. Save for no effect at +2   Formian poison Does 4-16 (4d4) damage, save for half damage   Freeze bee poison Does 2-16(2d8) damage (Cold damage), Save for half damage   Frin A pale green liquid or powder, smells like apples. Does 3 - 30 (3d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8 rounds. Save for no damage   Frog oil poison Created from large river toads, this poison does 5d6 points of damage   Fungoid mushroom poison Save vs. poison or this mushroom dust will act as a FEEBLEMIND spell upon the victim   Fungus poison Does 2d8 to 7d8 points of damage   Fuzzy poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6) damage and be paralyzed for a like amount or rounds   G Causes 61 - 70 points of damage (8d8, 11d6, 7d10)   Gaboon A unique venom, as it is very powerful but slow (save at -2). If a save is not made the victim will seem to be under a SLOW spell, the next day,the victim will be totally paralized. The following days, the victim will take 5 points of damage a day (cumulative: 5, 10, 15, 20, ...) until the poison is neutralized   Galas Pale blue liquid or powder, smells like horse sweat. Does 4 - 40 (4d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3 rounds, runs it's course in 2 turns. Save for no damage   Galtrit saliva Anestitises the body and causes the loss of 1d4 constitution points (Regained at the rate of 1 point/day)   Garbug toxin Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 - 6 turns   Ghoul poison Save vs. poison or take 4d6 damage and begin to rot at 1 point of damage per turn until healed, or the poison is neutralized, or a REMOVE CURE is case upon the victim. A save indicates that no damage will be taken, but the victim still rots   Ghoul sweat A scummy green gel, used like Chayapa. Smells like rotten meat. It's effects are to paralyze for 5 - 10 (1d6+4) rounds. It acts immediatly. Save for no effect at +1   Giant Hornet poison Save vs. poison or take 5 - 30 (5d6) damage and be incapacitated for 2 - 12 (2d6) days, a save indicates half damage and no incapacitation   Giant ant poison This acid does 1-3(1d3) to 20- 60(20d3) damage, save for half damage   Giant lizard poison Save vs. poison or take 2-6 (2d3) to 20-60 (20d3) damage. A save indicates half damage   Giant scorpion poison Save vs. poison or die   Giant sea spider venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4) damage   Giant snake venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4) to 20-80 (20d4) damage   Gila monster venom Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6) damage per round for 10 rounds (or until cured). Save each round for half damage   Gila poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage   Gnome poison Kills only Gnomes, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage   Goldbug poison Save vs. poison or DIE!   Golden fool Gold powder. Touch does 4 - 48 (4d12), starts in 1 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8 rounds. Save for half damage. Completely indetectable on gold items, otherwise it leaves a gold discoloration after application   Gom Jabbar Does damage equal to the victims hit points (minus 1) and kills that victim with no save   Greenback mushroom poison Made from a VERY RARE form of green mushrooms, the victim must save vs. poison or sucumb to the effects of a 12th level PHANTASMAL KILLER   Grell poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 20 rounds (Less the victims constitution, Min of 5 rounds)   Grey horror Appears as greyish powder, does 4- 32(4d8) to 8-64(8d8) damage and paralyzes victim. Save vs. poison for half damage and no paralyzation. Hobbits dissolve at 3-18(3d6) damage per round until neutralized.   Grey horror poison Save vs. poison (-2) or take 8-48 (8d6) damage and be paralyzed for that many rounds   Grond poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6) damage   Ground golden mushrooms This mushroom powder is not a "true" poison, but it does have value to an assassin. If placed on a piece of stone it will turn to flesh, also if placed on flesh, the flesh will turn to stone.   Duration: Until magically dispelled   Ground panther whiskers Consuming this substance is comparable to eating ground glass, the substance does 4d8 damage   Ground rakasta whiskers Similar to ground panther whiskers, this substance is also very deadly. This poison works only when ingested and it does 5d10 damage   Gurch Dark green liquid or powder, smells like wax. Starts in 1 round does a flat 75 points of damage over 1 - 10 turns. Very painfull; victim disabled after taking 15 points of damage, cannot walk, fight, barely able to talk. Save for half damage at -4   Gyronite poison Does 8-32(8d4) to 15-45(15d4) damage, save at +4 for no damage   H Causes 71 - 80 points of damage (9d8, 12d6, 13d6, 8d10, 4d20, 10d8)   Hangman's acid Does 3-12 (3d4) damage, lasts for 2-4 (1d4, treating all 1's as 2's). This acid will wash off with water, but if alcohol is applied to it, it does DOUBLE DAMAGE   Harvestman poison Save vs. poison or take 3-24 (3d8) damage   Hell moth poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage   Hellebore Causes the following effects: --Extreem salivation --Vomiting --Abdominal pain --Paralisys of extremities --Convoultions   If the save is made, the symptoms vanish after 2-12 (2d6) rounds, else the victim dies after a like amount of time   Hemlock poison Causes internal bleeding, doing 1d8 damage per day until death or a CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS or better spell is cast upon the victim (or a NEUTRALIZE POISON)   Hobbit poison Kills only Hobbits, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage   Huecuva poison Save vs. poison or catch a cardio- vascular-renal disease (Very acute), a save indicates 1 - 4 (1d4) damage   Huld Also known as "Leap" or "Deathdance". This is an odorless oil that is effective on non- humanoid creatures - except for humans and demi-humans. It works only by insinuation. It's effects are the same regardless of dosage and appear 1-4 (1d4) rounds after application. Huld causes severe muscle spasms involving nausea and the loss of motor control, balance, and speech - lasting for 1-6 (1d6) rounds. During this time the victim is helpless, but by no means an easy target since he/she/it is thrashing around wildly and unpredictable. Mental processes are totally uneffected (IE: Psionics or other communication can be initiated or continued, and in some cases a psionic ability can be used to control or stop the poisons effects). A peticular individual will be 95% resistant to Huld for a period of 10-21 (1d10+9) days after exposure to it, and thus repeated doses will not be effective. Huld will effect all individuals   Humbaba poison Save vs. poison or take 10-80(10d8) damage. A save indicates 2/3rds damage   I Causes 81 - 90 points of damage (14d6, 11d8, 9d10, 15d6)   Ikaheka venom Lose 1-6 (1d6) points of constitution. They are regained at the rate of ONE per week. A RESTORATION spell will replace all of them.   Imp poison Save vs. poison or die else take 1 - 4 damage   Ink coprinus Comes from a very common mushroom as it is only toxic when consumed with alcoholic beverages. Does 5- 20 (5d4) damage, save for half damage   Insanity Causes a random insanity for 1 - 4 turns   J Causes 91 -100 points of damage (12d8, 16d6, 10d10, 5d20)   Jameson's mamba venom This venom causes the victim's pulse rate to double what it is normally for 1-6 (1d6) rounds, causing 1-12 (1d12) damage per round. Also if a save is not made, the victim will suffocate in 3 rounds (plus constitution bonus)   Jeteye This is a glossy (reflective) black liquid that effects all mammals upon ingestion, it is ineffective as a insinuative poison. Save for half damage. It causes the pupils of the eyes to go black (although this does not effect vision in any way) and causes 1-8 (1d8) damage to the neural system immediately. No pain is felt by the victim however, for Jeteye kills all pain and tactile sensation for a period of 9-16 (1d8+8) rounds (the "black eyes" sign will stay for the same duration). Jeteye is sometimes used voluntarily before torture or immediately after battle injuries (preventing a system shock roll). It has a bitter walnut-like taste and is hard to disguise in food or drink   Jima A light red powder or liquid, smells like papaya. Does 8 - 48 (8d6) damage, starts in 1 - 10 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 3 turns. Save for half damage at -3   Khargra toxin This poison causes 3 - 18 (3d6) damage, the side effect of this poison is that it will dissolve any metal that it is applied to   Kill kitten poison Save vs poison or die, else victim is paralyzed for 1-6(1d6) days   Killer bee poison Save vs. poison (at -2) or die   King cobra poison Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6) damage per round for 10 rounds (or until cured). Save each round for half damage   Kolas A thick brown liquid, smells like roses. Does 8 - 48 (4d12) damage, starts in 1 - 8 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for no damage   Kotra A clear oily fluid. Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage, acts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 - 10 rounds. Save for half damage at -1   Krag poison Save vs. poison (at -3) or turn to stone. A save indicates that the victim is slowed for 2-12(2d6) rounds less their constitution bonus (Minimum of 1 round of slowness)   Kumba Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts is 1 - 6 rounds, death follows one round thereafter. Save for no damage at -3, Failed save means death   Kuurus Named after the Assassin that invented it, Kuurus does 1-6 (1d6) damage per constitution point that the victim has. Save (-3) for half damage   Kuyss poison Causes leprosy, and until a CURE DISEASE is cast upon the victim, no other cure spells will work on that creature   Land urchen toxin Save vs. poison (-1) or be paralized for 6 turns   Lhurdas (Also known as "Yellow Death" and "Beltyn's Last Drink") This is a wine based poison. It has a sharp dry white-grape taste and will readily mix with any such wine. It reacts with the digestive acids of the stomach (Effective in any of the player races) to eat away the internal organs and tissues. Ingestion produces rapid (within two rounds) nausea, convultions, and terrific internal cramps with burning pain. It does 1-6 (1d6) damage in the first round, 2-12 (2d6) damage in the second round, and 1-4 (1d4) damage in the third and final round. Thereafter it will do no more damage, regardless of dose, and further exposer to Lhurdas will cause discomfort and failure to heal, but no more damage. This resistance lasts for 3-25 (3d8) days. This is an ingestive poison only. Save for half damage   Lisssteeen A liquid that when found will always be labeled: "HERE NOW"   This yellow liquid has no smell but it will make your mouth water, it tastes spicy hot (like tabasco sauce), and works only when swallowed (Only ingestive type poison). There is no discernable effect to or on any creature within 100 feet of the imbiber. BUT to any creature more than 100 feet from the imbiber will hear the voice of the imbiber due to the "effect" on the imbiber's vocal coards. This fluid causes the imbiber's vocal cords to transmit on a ultrasonic as well as a subsonic level making all within a mile of them hear the imbiber. This sound level permiates ALL planes and dimensions also. Any diety's name which is spoken has a 50% bonus of hearing and any creature within 300 feet CANNOT be surprised under any circumstances! Lasts 25 rounds - imbiber's wisdom   Lomat An odorless, colorless powder or liquid. Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1 - 6 turns, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for half damage at -2   Longlicker toxin This poison lasts for four rounds, starts instantly, save vs. poison for the first three rounds or take 3-18 (3d6) damage (take 1-6 (1d6) damage if save is made). On the fourth round, take 3-18 (3d6) damage automaticaly (No save)   Lotus dust, black Causes instant death   Lotus dust, brown Encases the victim in wood (Required 20 strength to break out)   Lotus dust, clear Burns for 1-6 (1d6) damage per round when it comes in contact with flesh. Lasts for 1-6 (1d6) rounds   Lotus dust, copper Encases victiim in copper (Requires a 21 strength to break out)   Lotus dust, emerald Paralizes victms lungs/gills for 2- 12 (2d6) rounds   Lotus dust, metalic Blinds victim and causes lung failure for 2-12 (2d6) rounds   Lotus dust, red Causes objects to turn to stone   Lotus dust, yellow Causes victims to fall asleep (Yes, Even elves!)   Luptak A nerve toxin that may be injected or rendered into a gas. It appears to effect dexterity, causing the victim to stumble, be unable to fight, cast spells, etc...; However it does NO direct damage. There is a 50% chance of a victim taking physical damage from a fall while affected by the toxin. A victim who was poisoned in melee would be quite helpless. It's effects last from 3 - 6 (1d4+2) turns. Save for no effect   Magebane A very stable liquid that can be disguised as any other potion (Commonly disguised as potions of HEROISM). The effect is one of severe mental sluggishness and effectively causes the victim to have one third of their actual intellegence.. Lasts one round per intellegence point "lost"   Malange toxin Causes tunnel vision, allowing +1 to hit for any opponent not directly in front of the poisoned creature {Or not in direct line of sight}. A creature that has this introduced into the bloodstream will develop deep blue eyes in 1 - 4 days. The poison will last for 1
  • 6 + 4 days (A total of 5 to 10
  • days)   Man skorpion poison Save vs. poison or die instantly   Mantri poison The victim subtracts their constitution from 25 and takes the difference in damage (minimum of 5 points of damage)   Marine spider venom Save vs. poison or be paralized for 2-12 (2d6) rounds   Megalo-centipede This is an acidic toxin, it burns the skin for 1-8 (1d8) damage. Save for half damage   Mental Depressent-A Causes a loss of Psionics for 4-48 hours   Mental Depressent-B Causes a chemically induced Psionic blast   Milkweed Causes a severe intestinal disorder that makes the victim regurgatate anything that has been eaten, lasts for 5-10 (1d6+4) days. The victim will starve to death if the toxin is not neutralized   Mistletoe poison Destroys red blood cells, victim takes 1 point of damage per day (Cumulative). Example: Day 1, take 1 point. Day two, take 2 points...etc...   Mold poison Causes 1d12 or 2d12, a rare form is said to cause 4d20   Monkshood This poison causes accute vomiting and diarreha for 1-4 (1d4) and if a save is not made (+1), the victim will have intense convoultions and die in severe pain in 2-8 (2d4) segments   Morphus A clear citrus-smelling liquid. Fumes will cause victim to sleep for 1 - 6 turns (After a round of contact). Morphus is used like chloroform for abductions and the like, and is a potent gas when mixed properly. Even works on elves. Save for no effect at -2   Mufa Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts in 1 - 10 rounds, throws victim into painfull twisting convultions, then does 15 points of damage per round until victim dies. Convultions have a 50% chance of causing an extra 1 - 6 points of damage in each round. No saving throw   Myconid-H Save vs. poson or begin to hallucnate for 2-16 (2d8) rounds. Roll below:   - 01 - 10 : Cower & Wimper
  • 11 - 15 : Stare into nothngness
  • 16 - 18 : Run in a random direction
  • 19 - 20 : Attack the nearest creature
  • Myconid-P Save vs. poison or be totally passive. Victim may only watch, cannot take any actons, even if they are being attacked. Lasts for 2-6 (1d6, treatng all 1's as 2's) rounds   Naral poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6) damage   Narcosis Once introduced into the body, is takes effect for 1 - 4 rounds, this poison causes severe nitrogen narcosis (Similar effect to comming up from 300' underwater to the surface in 1 second). Save for half damage. Poison lasts until dispelled. Does 7 - 12 (1d6+6) damage per round and victim cannot move   Nettle A light brown powder that causes extreem skin inflamation. The burning, itching & stinging can last up to 20 days. This causes -3 to hit and -2 to damage and armor class   Nibon An odorless colorless liquid. Does 6 - 48 (6d8) damage, starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 turn. Save for half damage made at -4   Nightcrawler poison Save vs. poison or take 7-56 (7d8) damage and be paralyzed for that long   Nightseeker poison Save vs. poison or take 3-12 (3d4) damage   Ninthla poison Anything under 12 hit dice must save or die, any that does save will fall into a catatonic state for 1-20(1d20) days   Nyosan butterfly poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6) damage   OOPS! A clear liquid that is often mistaken for Holy Water. While under the influence of this poison, any type of spell which divulges color (such as TRUE SIGHT, or DETECT ALIGNMENT) will reveal the exact opposite color!. This poison is sometimes called ColorBlind. Duration: 2-12 (2d6) days   OUCH! A very deep ruby red gel or liquid that tastes like listerine. This "poison" holds damage, that is the next SIX times the imbiber takes damage, the fluid will "hold" the damage so that the body does not really take it. This damage can be cured before the body really takes the damage. This is only good for SIX hits, for on the SEVENTH hit, the fluid's power is dispelled and the imbiber takes ALL damage taken in the previous seven hits that hasn't been cured yet!   Oliander poison Save vs. poison or the victim's heart stops and death ensues   Opia A brown powder with a honey/almond smell. When drunk (it dissolves into liquids instantly), it causes blindness within 1 - 6 rounds. This is temporary, lasting 1 - 10 rounds. Save for no effect   Optical-A Causes blindness equal to the 30 - characters constitution   Optical-B Causes double vision for 30 days less characters constitution   Optical-C Causes inflamation of the characters tear ducts, makeing the character susceptable to taking damage from bright lights   Orvas This is a translucent liquid with a green cast and a bitter-sweet taste. It does 1-6 (1d6) damage upon entering the bloodstream (immediately if introduced into a wound or scrape, or in 18-24 {1d6+17} turns if introduced by ingestive means), and 1-4 (1d4) points of damage on the next two rounds. A successful save vs. Orvas means that it is ineffective against that creature. Orvas is an antidote to Varrakas if introduced into the bloodstream before Varrakas has run it's course (Both counterace each other) Orvas works only on mammals   Pain Causes severe pain making the victim -1 to hit for 2 - 12 (2d6) days (Cumulative)   Paralasys Causes paralasys for 1 - 4 turns   Phraint poison Save vs. poison or take 2-7 (1d6+1) damage   Phraint venom Also called "Hive Drink", This is VERY POTENT, does 1d100-1 damage (0-99), a save indecates that 2-20 (2d10) points can be subtracted from the total poison damage   Pink lightning Pinkish fluid, Does 5-20 (5d4) damage, starts in 1-6 (1d6) rounds, runs it's course in 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds. Save for half damage at -4   Pit viper venom Save or die else take 3-18 (3d6) damage   Poison Ivy toxin Causes a skin rash that makes the creature -1 to -4 to hit and -2 to armor class   Poison ivy hedge toxin Save vs. poison (-3) or take 1-6 (1d6) damageand be at -3/-3 for 28 turns - constitution because of itching   Poison pie This mushroom powder is always off- white and smells like radishes. When consumed, it causes destruction of the gastrointestinal tract. Save vs. poison or take 4- 32 (4d8) damage   Pollen poison Damage done is in d4, the number of dice damage done is equal to 20 minus the victims constitution. This poison does NOT break down, so it will effect the victim every hour until neutralized (Death does not neutralize a poison)   Praka Small blue & white speckled pellets. Starts in 1 - 4 rounds, does 20 points of damage each round until death. Causes vivid, monsterous hallucinations; 25% chane of permenant insanity in victim somehow survives. Save in each round for half damage at -5, but still eventually fatal   Prespa (Also called "Mother's Bane") This is an odorless, colorless liquid that mixes readily with any drinkables except for milk and it's byproducts (from which it seperates almost instantly). Effective only in humans, and only if it is ingested. It causes sudden dizzy spells and visual disorentation, beginning 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds after ingestion and lasting 1-12 (1d12) rounds. During this time the victim moves unsteadily and fights at -2 to hit and +2 worse on armor class if having normal vision. If the victim has infravision, the effect is only -1/+2. At the same time, the victim endures 1-2 (1d4/2) damage per rounds as surface blood vessels burst all over the body (Giving a blotched, reddenedappearance to the skin). Each round a successful saving throw will avoid the damage, but if the victim suffers injury through combat or misadventure during the round, no saving throw is allowed   Pseudo-Dragon poison Save vs. poison or fall into a catatonic state for 1 - 6 days   Purple worm poison Save vs. poison or die else take 2d4 damage   Pybra poison (Bite) Take 3-18 (3d6) damage (No save!)   Pybra poison (Spit) Take 2-7 (1d6+1) damage   Pybra poison (Sting) Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6) damage   Pybra venom Does 1d2 to 6d2 damage, this is an acidic venom, so if a save is NOT made, the victim will take double damage from the acid.   Quaggoth toxin Save vs. poison (-4) or be stunned and walk in a random direction. The victim will walk 1 round for each point that they missed their save by. If the victim cannot walk in the rolled direction, they will simply move off in another untill the toxin wears off   Quiggly toxin Save vs. poison (-2) or the toxin causes a painful form of arthritis that manifests itself in the hands. Every time a dexterious action (pick pockets, remove traps, spell casting...) is attempted, the victim mst save vs. paralization or fumble the action. The toxin lasts untill neutralized or the arthritis is cured   Recursion This poison causes an initial 1 point of damage and then the victim must save vs. poison. If they miss, they will take 1 more point of damage and must save again. This will continue until the victim dies or a save is made.   Red Slaad pellets When these pellets come in contact with bare skin, the person must save vs. poison or die in 3 - 36 (3d12) hours (Only a CURE DISEASE, SLOW POISON, NEUTRALIZE POISON, or BARKSKIN will affect this "poison", any of the above will stop it)   Red Urched poison Save vs. poison or sleep for 1 - 4 turns   Red fang toxin Does 3-12(3d4) to 8-32(8d4) damage. This toxin will paralyze all elves for 3-8 (1d6+2) turns   Red mamba venom Save vs. poison (-3) or take 2-12 (2d6) to 6-36 (6d6) damage   Redback mushrooms This mushroom powder has the same chemical makeup as the potion used in the IDENTIFY spell, when consumed, the same effect occurs   Redbog poison When comming into contact with the air, this poison oxidizes into a 60 foot could of redish opaque gas. Anyone or thing that is under 12 hit dice must save or fall into a deep sleep for 1 - 100 (1d100) rounds. Anyone over 12 hit dice that does not save is slowed. This poison will even put elves to sleep!   Retch Derived from the retch plant, this toxin has NO saving throw. Any victim will vomit and heave for 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds and lose 50% of their current strength for 6 turns (1 hour)   Rhododendron Save vs. poison or this poison causes vertigo and headaches, watering of the eyes and fluttering of the heart that is followed in 2- 8 (2d4) rounds by irregular and slow pulse convoultions and paralisys of the arms and legs. The victim will die 12 rounds after the slowed pulse begins   Rhubarb poison This poison shuts down the victims kidneys, so that each day after poisoning, the victim must roll 3d6 under their constitution or die. Each successive day adds 1 to the die roll (cumulative)   Rock poppy Save vs. poison or turn to stone as per FLESH TO STONE spell   Rockworm acid Does 7-32(5d6+2) damage   Roper poison Save vs. poison or lose one half strength for 1 - 4 days   S Sleep Poison, After two rounds, acts as a SLEEP spell upon the victim (Causes No damage, but this will even put elves asleep)   Salt spider poison Save or Die!   Sand poison A RARE FORM of poison made by dune stalkers that does 1d6 damage and if a save vs. poison is not made, the victim takes 2d6 more damage   Screamin' scarlet poison Causes a scarlet rash that has intense itching. The victim will commense to itch the rash causing - 3 to hit and -3 to armor class. This will last until neutralized. To neutralize it requires a NEUTRALIZE POISON and one pint of holy water   Sea demon poison Does 4-24(4d6) damage and paralyzes victim for 1d6 days unless victim is an elf or an undead, in which case they dissolve for 2-24(2d12) points of damage per round (No save)   Shaggy beast fluid (Bite) Causes 2-12 (2d6) damage   Shaggy beast fluid (Stinger) Causes 1-8 (1d8) damage   Sheet ghoul acid Does 2 - 7 (1d6+1) damage (No save)   Silver Urchen toxin Save vs. poison or this poison will shut down the central nervous system of the victim, putting the creature in a comatose state for 1
  • 3 days
  • Silver lightning Silvery liquid. Does 5-40 (5d8) damage, sets in immediately, runs it's course in 1-6 (1d6) rounds. Save for half damage at -3   Silver lotus Light silver liquid or powder, smells like lotus flowers. Does 7
  • 42 (7d6) damage, starts in 1 - 2
  • turns, runs it's course in 1 - 6 turns. Reduces victim's constitution by 1 point for every 10 points of damage taken. System shock roll is required for every point lost; Failure means instant death. Constitution points can only be regained by rest. Save for half damage   Skorpadillo poison Paralyzes victim and does 6-36(3d6) damage, Save for no damage   Skorpoon poison Does 1-4(1d4) to 4-16(4d4) damage, save for no damage   Skyzorr'n poison Save vs. poison or take 2-5 (1d4+1) damage and lose one point from strength and dexterity for 2-8 (2d4) turns   Slowness Causes effects similar to a SLOW spell cast by a Magic User of the same level as the person that made the poison   Sluggoth acid Does 3-18(3d6) to 8-42(8d6) damage   Snig venom Save vs. poison or take 8-64 (8d8) damage. Save indicates half damage   Snow snake venom Save vs. poison or the victim will freeze solid. If a save is made, the victim will take 4d8 damage.   Snow spider poison Does 3-24(3d8) damage (Half if save is made) and victim is blinded for 1-10(1d10) turns. If the save is missed, the victim is permenantly blind   Spell poison When this poison is introduced into the blood stream, it releases a random spell. After that, any wound recived fires off another random spell. This goes on until 2
  • 12 (2d6) spells have been "cast"
  • (This does NOT incluse the original spell) or 7 days have passed   Spice poison Comsuning this poison or skin contact with it will cause 2 - 10 (1d6+1d4) damage, and will also counteract the next TWO potions that the victim consumes (They will be gone but will NOT take effect)   Spiga venom Does 2-12(2d6) to 12-72(12d6) damage and paralyzes the victim. A save indicates half damage and no paralyzation.   Spiny slayer poison Save vs. poison or take 8-64 (8d8) damage. A save indicates half damage   Spore poison Damage done is 2d6 to 7d6, Half if save   Sporoid mushroom poison This poison effects the lungs, as it causes the lungs to shut down. The victim can't breath and they will take no damage for one round per point of constitution hit dice bonus, after that they take one point of damage and one point off of their intellegence until dead or the poison is neutralized. If their intellegence goes to zero, they are brain dead and must be raised. Lost intellegence points may be recovered be a RESTORATION spell   Stego-centipede Save or die. If save is made, take 3-12 (3d4) damage   Steroid mushroom poison Save vs. poison or this mushroom dust will act upon the victim as a 12th level druidical CONFUSION spell   Stingray poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 5 - 20 (5d4) rounds and take a like amount of damage, else take 1 - 3 points of damage   Stingwing poison Save vs. poison TWICE or die. If both save are made, save again, if successful take 3-18 (3d6) damage, if failed, take 6-36 (6d6) damage   Stirge sweat Brownish, sap-like liquid. Does 6
  • 24 (6d4) damage, starts in 2 - 4
  • (1d4+2) rounds, runs it's course in 2 - 8 (2d4) rounds. Save for no damage   Stonefish toxin This toxin from the stonefish is given is small doses in respect to the intense pain that is causes. The pain, which is described as instantainious, intense, sharp, and burning radiating within minutes from the wound site, involving the entire leg, groin, abdomin, or if in the upper extremities, the armpit, shoulder, neck and head. The pain may become so severe that the victim thrashes about, rolling on the ground, screaming in agony, and at times losing consciouness. The areas around the wound (and extremity) become numb, a condition that continues for 2-12 (2d6) days (In some cases the limb has been paralyzed for three weeks). Death (If the save failed) will happenone to six (1d6) hours after the initial onset of the toxin. Each successive dose will reduce the victim's save by one for each dose introduced. This is permenant (It is also against future saves as well!)   Stunjelly poison Save vs. poison or be stunned and paralyzed for 5 - 20 (5d4) rounds   Sunbear saliva Causes victim to burst into flames for 1-8(1d8) damage per round. Save for half damage. Holy water will extinguish the flames as will a PYROTECHNICHS spell   Sundew acid Does 1 point of damage per round, lasts 1-10 (1d10) rounds. Oil washes it off   Surchur saliva This saliva causes 2-8 (2d4) damage per round until neutralized. Either salt water or a NEUTRALIZE POISON will do this   Svirfneblin acid Instantly destroys any armor worn by the victim and causes 2 - 8 (2d4) damage in the process   Svirfneblin poison Causes 1 - 3 damage, stunds for 1 - 3 rounds and then SLOWs the victim for 1 - 6 rounds   T'cheem Save vs. poison or the victim will sucumb to the effects of a REVERSE GRAVITY spell. They must save each round for 1-6 (1d6) rounds   Taer elixir Save vs. poison (+1) or become nauseated for 2-5 (1d4+1) hours (12-30 turns), causeing -2 to hit and -1 to damage   Teko Light blue oil. Does 4 - 32 (4d8) damage, starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 - 3 rounds. Save for half damage at -3   Temperature Alteration Raises or lowers the victims body temperature up or down by 2 to 12 degrees (also causing a like amount of damage, lasts for 3 minutes)   Tenamort poison Save vs. paralyzation or be paralized for 1 - 6 rounds and the characters internal organs will begin to soften so that they will take double damage from and physical attacks for 1 - 12 days or until a HEAL spell is cast upon them   Teneborus poison Does 1-6 (1d6) damage and save (-3) or be paralized for 6-36 (6d6) turns   Teneborus toxin Does 4-40 (4d10) damage, save (-3) for half damage   Terragon poison A rare spice which if comsumed raw will cause 6 - 60 (6d10) damage to the victim, and will cause 3 - 30 (3d10) if placed in contact with bare flesh. (There is no save vs. poison when flesh contact is made)   Thaykhay poison Save vs. poison or take 2-20 (2d10) damage   Thessalhydra acid Causes 1-20 (1d20) damage, 1 point per round   Thri-kreen venom Save vs. poison or be paralized for 2-16 (2d8) rounds   Thrum A light blueish liquid, smells like sour lemons. Does 6 - 36 (6d6) damage. Starts in 1 - 4 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 3 turns. Save for half damage   Tigerfly poison Save vs. poison or take 4 - 24 (4d12) damage and be paralized for 1 - 6 rounds   Timewasp poison Save vs. poison (-1) or take 8-80 (8d10) damage and be timestopped for a same number of rounds   Tomatoeleaf poison Save vs. poison or die, else it effects as a HURT spell on the victim   Touch-Spice poison Any contact with this poison causes sensory deprivation, depending of course, on how long (one round of contact equals one contact), or how many times contact is made. Consult the following chart: ----------------------------- 1...Touch 2...Smell 3...Taste 4...Hearing 5...Sight 6...Balance 7...Touch* 8...Smell* 9...Taste* 10...Hearing* 11...Sight* 12...Balance* 13...Death of victim 14...Disintigration of victim's body   * = Permenant loss (Only a WISH will restore)   Toxic toad spittle Save vs. poison or take 4-32 (4d8) damage. Save indicates half damage   Tri-flower pollen Save vs. poison (-1) or sleep for 1-4 (1d4) days   Tri-flower sap Does 2-8 (2d4) damage per round until neutralized. Water will wash it off   Trif Odorless, light gold liquid. Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1 - 4 turns, runs it's course in 1 - 12 rounds. Reduces victim's dexterity by 2 points for every 10 points of damage taken. This is only restored by rest. Save for half damage at -2   Triffid poison Save vs. poison or take 4-24 (3d6) damage. Save indicates half damage   Trivern poison Save vs. poison or take 8-48 (8d6) damage, a save indicates half damage   Trollsblood Grayish green fluid. Does 4 - 48 (4d12) damage, starts in 1 - 4 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 6 rounds. Save for no damage   Tubon A pale yellow liquid or powder, smells like ripe mellons. Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage, starts in 1 - 10 rounds, runds it's course in 1 - 6 turns. Save for half damage at +1   Twilightbloom poison Save vs. poison (-2) or die   Tylatch Clear liquid, smells like sandlewood. Starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 6 turns, doing 10 points of damage per turn. Victim fall instantly asleep, cannot be awakened. Save for half damage at -2. If victim survives, they will awaken after the 6 turn duration   Ulcrun This is a milky white, viscous liquid that is effective on all warm blooded creatures, by insinuation only (No saving throw). Two rounds after contact, it causes 1-4 (1d4) damage to the muscular system - weakening and softening tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage. On the following round, it causes 1-12 (1d12) damage and then take 1-4 (1d4) damage on the third round after which the effects of the poison pass. Until healing processes (either natural or magical) counter it's damage, the effected creature will have lost 1- 4 (1d4) points of strength and dexterity   Uropygus gas Save vs. poison (-3) or fight/defend at -3 due to nervous spasms, lasts for 3-18 (3d6) rounds   Ustilagor acid Causes 2-5 (1d4) damage per round for 2 rounds   Valley-lilly A neuro-toxin that effects the pulmanary muscles. It causes the heart to beat at a very irregular rate. The beat will be 1-100 (1d100) per round. Victim will take 30 - constitution per round. Toxin lasts 1-6 (1d6) rounds   Varrakas This is a thick black syrup. To avoid detection, single drops are added to gravy or dark sauces, but the effects increase with each dose (drop) ingested. Varrakas has a slightly oily taste, but no strong flavor. Every drop of Varrakas does 1-4 (1d4) damage when it enters into the bloodstream (It bypasses the digestive system by masquerading as a nutrient). It lies dormant for a period of 18-24 (1d8+17) rounds after ingestion. Varrakas is only an ingestive poison. It is effective in ALL mammals   Vedya Pale purle liquid or powder, smells like rasins. Does 10 - 100 (10d10), starts in 1 - 6 turns, runs it's course over a period of 1 - 6 days (assess appropriate points of damage each day, dividing total into one hour increments). Agaonizing very slow death. No saving throw   Velvet slime mold poison Save vs. poison or take 2-8 (2d4) damage   Vilmat Clear oily liquid. Does 6-36 (6d6) damage, starts in 3-7 (1d4+3) rounds, runs it's course in 1 turn. This actually reduces the creatures intellegence by one point per six points of damage taken. THIS LOSS IN PERMENANT. A restoration is required to recover the lost points. Save indicates half damage   Vocal The effect of this poison would only effect spell casters, as it's effects on the vocal cords are the same as if the victim had inhaled helium (No vocal components can be used while poison is in effect). Lasts 24 hours   Voloe poison Does 1-3(1d3) to 4-12(4d3) damage and blinds the victim, save for no blindness   Vord poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed until cured. A save indicates the recipient creature has a muscular slowdown, the creature will be SLOWed until it/they recieve a NEUTRALIZE POISON spell   Wave This poison dehidrates 5 points of damage per round (double for water creatures). A NEUTRALIZE POISON will not stop this, only a CREATE WATER will. Duration: Until death or stopped. No save   Weakness Causes a permenent loss of 2 - 8 hit points   Weeverfish toxin Weeverfish toxin generally produces instant pain which comes progressively more severe until it reaches an excruciating peak. The severeity of the pain is such that the victim frequently thrashes about wildly, and may lose consciousnes. These symptoms last anywhere from 2-24 (2d12) hours and are accompanied by headaches, fever, chills, cardiac palpitations, and convoultions. Death will occur if more than one dose is given. No save vs. this one. It is used commonly by the upper echelon of the assassin's guild as a warning (One dose only causes the pain and convoultions)   Whisper wasp poison Save vs. poison or fall asleep (Instantly) for 8-96(8d12) days, a save indicates groginess (-2 to hit, -2 to Armor class)   White hydra This is an acid which freezes upon contact with the air, it does 6- 36(6d6) damage   Whither A rare blend of herbs and spices that causes a unique chemical breakdown in the body, lasts for 10 rounds. Save each round or lose one constitution point (Permenantly)   Wiess A desert poison that causes the skin to break down. It causes the pigment cells in the skin to die, turning the creature into an albino within a matter of weeks (20 days).   If subjected to intense light (such as desert sun), the creature will take two (2) points of damage per turn in the sun   Wimp poison No save vs. this one, as it always does only 1 point of damage   Wind devil toxin Save vs. poison or take 4-32 (4d8) freezing damage per round until cured. Save each round for half damage   Witchhand A clear liquid, almost impossible to detect. Upon contact with flesh it does 3 - 24 (3d8), starts in 1 - 4 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 10 rounds. Save for no damage   Witherstench fluid Save vs. poison or be retching and vomiting causing the victim to be unable to defend or attack for 1 - 10 rounds (Less the victim's constitution bonus, Not to go less than 1 round of retching)   Witherweed smoke When released, this thick oily smoke expands into a 20 foot x 20 foot cloud and all inside it take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage with no save   Wobra poison Gotten from a rare form of a cobra, this poison does 2-12(2d6) damage then lies in state in the body for 2-8(2d4) turns. It then becomes active again doing 1-8(1d8) damage each round until neutralized. A SLOW POISON spell will add 2- 12(2d6) turns to the "sleep" time of the poison, or if it has awakened, it will cause "dormancy" for 1-4(1d4) rounds.   Wolf spider poison Does 1-4(1d4) damage   Wyvern venom Save vs. death else take 1 - 6 (1d6) points of damage   Wyverwraith poison Save vs. poison or take 9-54 (9d6) damage, save indicates half damage. Save again or lose one life level, if successful, take 1-4 (1d4) damage   X Causes 10 points of damage until death occurs   XX Causes Instant Death (Save indicates no effect)   XXX Causes Instant Death (No Save)   Yaanth poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed forever (It never wears off!)   Yaksa A white liquid or powder, smells like cherries. Does 4 - 32 (4d8) damage, Starts in 1 - 8 rounds after contact, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for no damage at +2   Yellow peril poison Save vs. poison or take 7-42 (7d6) to 12-72 (12d6) damage   Yellow peril toxin Does 4-16(4d4) to 7-28(7d4) damage, save for no damage. Anyone who has been damaged by this toxin will retain a yellowish tint in their skin until a RESTORATION spell is cast upon them   Yellow urchen poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 - 6 days   Yellowback mushroom poison When this mushroom powder is consumed, it disolves into a chemical that causes an chemically induced "Power Word, STUN"   Yellowbog Poison When this poison comes in contact with the air, it oxidizes instantly into a 10 - 60 foot diameter cloud (1d6*10). All creatures in the cloud take 3 - 18 (3d6) damage per round. Save for half damage   Yellowbog poison When this poison comes into contact with the air, it oxidizes instantly, creating a cloud (10 - 60 feet in diameter). All in the cloud taking 3-18(3d6) damage per round (Save for half damage)   Zebrilla toxin Does 1-4 (1d4) damage and the victim must save or fall into an epileptic state that lasts 1 round + 1 round for each point that they missed their save by. If a 1 was rolled, the epilepsy lasts for 5 turns and has a 10% chance of being permenant   Zzotza This toxin gets NO save. It does 1-20 (1d20) damage, 1 point per round. But the victim is stunned and placed into a gassious state for the duration as well


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