

The Island Empire

Sitting on the South Sea, on the southwest end of Edus, is a large island nation. Covered in ancient cities and gleaming palaces, Kytos is the main power within the South Sea. An island nation ruled by an Emperor so preoccupied by war, borders and power, his people languish in the forgotten cities ruled and policed by his military. The civilization of Kytos is in decline, as it is reaching the end of its ability to exist and thrive.

The Island nation of Kytos sits in the Southwest corner of Edus, off the coast, in the South Sea. To the south of the island is the beginning of the Molta Sea. The island is the last known civilized nation to the west before hitting the open ocean and beyond.

Kytos Island was nothing more than a submarine volcano up until the Third Age. At the end of the Second Age, The Age of Bestowment, the world rumbled and the volcano underneath the South Sea erupted up and through the surface, lava continued to flow for years, as the land continued to force its way up above sea level. Soon the Island of Kytos was cooled and formed. Soon, peoples on Edus took to ships and traveled to this new land. Druids and nature wizards swarmed the new land, casting magic and harnessing spells to make flora and fauna grow on the new island. Ships carried goats, dogs, cats and birds to help the land establish an ecosystem.
The new people found an all-white alabaster and coral city thrust up on the south side of the mountain, where Florencia now sits. The city was full of fish men and creatures and monsters from the deep that were thrust up by the volcanic action, along with their city. A month long assault on the creatures and their displaced city by the peoples of Edus ended with the city being abandoned by the monsters. Soon people began forming new villages and towns, created from the alabaster and Granite and coral bricks from the monster's city. The basis of Kytos and the surrounding cities is build with the bones of another creature's civilization.
Soon a capitol city was established on a large crystal clear and smooth inlet bay. The capitol city of Asboea (As-BOW-ah) was formed.

Currently, the Empire of Kytos is ruled by the Emperor Opatius Fillenias who controls the army of Kytos and is Emperor General. The laws and day-to-day ruling of the cities is done by the Council. The council is a group of over 40 men and women from all the cities and towns within Kytos. Laws are voted on, vetoed and set to stone within Kytos, then enforced by the Local Military. These are used as police, constabulary, and also the coastal guard from external threats.

People of:
The People of Kytos favor knowledge and enlightenment. They seek to better themselves for the most part, but of late, debauchery and lavish, opulent lifestyles have 'rotted the fruit on the vine' of Kytos as a whole. The morale of most of the large cities are nearing revolution: civic brawls and angered mobs setting fires is an everyday event in most cities of Kytos. Those cities large enough to have a constabulary force, would have the uprising quelled, the smaller towns stay in chaos and often are run as border towns with little to no law. Once grand gardens and immaculate topiaries have be let go to rot or overgrowth, from people's attentions on other things. Gladiatorial games have been part of Kytos' life since the first city. The gladiatorial games have been gifted to the citizens as a distraction from their Emperor's lack of caring for his cities.

Areas of Interest:
  • Oracle Mount - High on the Great Mountain, a building housing Oracles. These can be sought out for answers.
  • Cursed Forest - Outside Florencia stand a few acres of tall thin cypress trees, that seem to be filled with evil spirits.
  • Ruins of the Kraken - Abandoned open-roofed temple that is a hall of worship to a Kraken.
  • Caves of Gonnos - Ruined seaside caves, partially submerged beneath Imbros.
  • Fields of Serres - large field that has strange effects on magic.

Towns of Note:
  • Asboea - Capitol city and major shipping port city.
  • Thradonia - NE-most City. Large metropolis and shipping city. Most people come and leave through Thradonia.
  • Edion - City built on ruins of previous versions. Town is known for Ediol Lake.
  • Arthos
  • Pellea
  • Florencia
  • Nilas
  • Lucianus
  • Mesea
  • Oricos
  • Zyros
  • Zakra
  • Aspanea
  • Imbrose
  • Anagrea - Ruined town, burned and partially standing. Controlled by monsters.
  • Shimea -
  • Etos
  • Circoli
  • Tymbaris
  • Miseniun
  • Vestaly
  • Myos

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Emperor Opatius Fillenias

Chief Consular Edimus Rexeo



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