Lady Ananta'nyr Darquenwald

Lady Ananta'nyr Darquenwald


Guildmistress of Kings Watch Winery

Guildmistress of Golden Needle Textiles

Lady Ananta'nyr Darquenwald, or Ana, is a Coin Noble of Kings Watch, and a seated member of the Council of Eight. Along with the other seven council members, and Prince Jeggred, She helps run the day to day activities of Kings Watch, capitol city of the greatest Nation on Edus. She stands at a statuesque 5' 10'' and is never without 4'' heels and is of twenty nine winters and is youngest of the council members. Ana's golden white hair belays her age, but her beauty is actually enhanced by it.

Ananta'nyr Darquenwald was born to a textile working father and a courtesan mother.

Golden Needle textiles is a popular fabrics store shop and can often find rare materials from far off lands, including the rare silk from The Jade Isles.



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