Lore - Giants

Known lore of Giants of Edus:  
  • Edgrogyr chose to gift the titanesses with two more children.
  • Bettila, loving the sun and morning had begot the first Sun Giant Elder - Glorris
  • Aylynn, loving the Moon and the cold of the night had begot the first Moon Giant Elder - Vallob
  • Utimur had other lesser siblings still considered true giants: Vottun, Mekkdun, Arddur, Elddur, Roggas, Cholrrun, Blurrop.
  • The titans created and claimed lands on Edus for each child to rule as kingdoms.
  • Vottun (mountains), Mekkdun (Hills), Arddur (Forest), Elddur (Cloud),Roggas (Fire), Cholrrun (Stone), Blurrop (Sea)
  • Utimur took to the sky and ruled the storms above Edus.
  • Giants on Edus became rivals of Dragonkind throughout Edus, above and below.
  • The Forgotten Goddess hid her eighth child from Ertus and hid deep in Edus, giving birth to a child alone in shadow.
  • Utimur sat in his cloud throne, with other cloud giants, deciding to make servants for all his giant-kin.
  • Giants continued to fight their first and greatest rival- Dragons.
  • Giants prefer not to deal with the small Titan-spawn (Ahrana, Sekteros, Hunari) and instead focused their ire against the dragons.
  • As some humanoids moved into the kingdoms of the giants, their ire as turned to the humanoids in addition of dragons.
  • Arddur laid with an archfey and begot the Firbolg.
  • Arddur then begot the Gruach with the same archfey.
  • Vottun tricked a cambion demon and begot the Formorian.
  • Cholrrun, jealous of humanoids, collected pristine stone and formed the first Goliaths, creating half giants from earth and stone
  • Edgrogyr was angered at his children, and the chaos they begot. He planned to kill the offspring his servants made to become their servants.
  • The Forgotten Goddess stepped in, making a deal with him, and taking Edgrogyr away from Edus.

  • Firbolg, Gruach, formorian, ettin, cyclops, hill, stone, mountain, forest, jungle, cloud, storm, fire, sun and moon
  • Giants were on Edus before Humanoids.
  • All giants venerate their subracial Creator, but none venerate Utimur out of spite.
  • All giants venerate the titaness Riflyrra as the "Forgotten Goddess" as mother nature, giving honor to her.
  • Male giant names all end with -ak, -ay.
  • Male Fire Giants names end in -ar, er. Never -ur.
  • Female giant names all end with -ed, el, -ra.
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