Lt. Weber Falsgard

Lieutenant Weber Falsgard
Lieutenant of Fort Regna, First Officer with Honors.

      Weber Falsgard is the Lieutenant in charge of day-to-dayoperations inside of Fort Regna. Anything involving the citizens or non soldiers gets to and goes across Falsgard's desk (even if he's rarely at it).Falsgard can be found in the town itself, rarely in the fort. He often walks around the town, asking if he can be of help or anything needing doing.   Lieutenant Weber Falsgard is a male Southern Gold elf male with brown skin and black hair. His smile is disarming, His demeanor seems as if he refuses to acknowledge race, and he tries to steer clear of any conversation of the "Great Offense". He sees everyone as equal.     Falsgard's father is a pseudo famous shipwright in King's Watch. Falsgard has a bred love for the ocean and sailing. He grew up watching the sailors disembark on the docks of Kings Watch and his first job as a youth was coiling rope for the dockhands for a few chits of copper. He learned the lingo and began carrying sailor's gear to and from the ships. He became one of what the docks call "Wharf Rats". He was known as a loyal and honest worker and was trusted by many of the ships crews. He began making more money as he was used as a cabin boy for many captains. On his sixteenth year, he was introduced to a military sailor. He was indoctrinated and signed up for military duty. He was assigned to a then captain Regna, as an administrative assistant. He ran errands, carried missives and delivered sensitive data to other commanders. He was known in combat for his skill with a crossbow and was given a promotion on ship to command the archers for Captain Regna. Once Regna was ordered to the far side of Pennimair, Weber was automatically listed on that assignment by Regna's hand himself.


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