Maelobhar Maeladh

Maelobhar Maeladh

King and Co Ruler of City of Rhil'Heeyl First born of Ulethiryr Maeladh Wielder of Thornblood and The Helm of Alphodiun

  Maelobhar Maeladh is the King and ruling military commander of the city of Rhil'Heeyl. He rules the city and all the lands outside. He is lead commanding General for the citys standing army, the Rhil'Heeyl Rangers. Maelobhar stands tall, even for a high elf. At six foot even, he towers over most elves and even most humans. His lean muscular build lends itself to both military general as well as elf. Shock white hair, with the faintest hint of yellow gold at the roots hang to his shoulders, with purest silver eyes, like quicksilver. He often talks with his teeth clenched, rarely ever showing his tongue, due to it being split like a serpents, from a curse.

  Born to the previous king and his consort, Maelobhar grew up beside his cousin, who he rules Rhil'heeyl alongside. His father, Ulethiryr, was strict on Maelobhar's use of powers and talents. yet, never did he let the boy forget his failings and shortcomings. One thing he taught Maelobhar above all was to balance power with intelligence. being a righteous ruler comes with rights as well as responsibilities; to himself and to his people. 

  Maelobhar is called the "Golden Stag",


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