Magic of Ancient Kingdoms - Edus

Different Forms of Magic on Edus

Edus is a magical place. magic from both the world itself, elements that make the planet up, as well as magic gifted or given by the gods that watch over Edus. The world itself and the magic that surrounds it are not only contained by it, but also use it to form and change as the world or the wielder wishes.

Magic is a gift, given to the mortals of Edus by the Source. The Source is explained like a massive goblet. A goblet of pure, magic. ebb and flow of the liquid magic within it changes and is always replenished as the world spins.
Many different cultures and races have learned their own way to wield and obtain the knowledge of magic. Some get it as gifts from their gods, some make a pact with an otherworldly creature, and still others study the elements and magical language of the universe to craft spells. Below is the types of magic found on Edus.

Cleric Magic - Divine

Clerical magic comes from the Gods. Worshippers and holy followers of the Gods gain spells and the ability to harness magic through prayers and rituals that honor or seek favor of their greater power.

Druidic Magic - Divine

Druids and shamans pull magic through nature. Whether it's from the God of Nature, or nature spirits around them, Druids and shamans and even witches to a degree honor those spirits asking for spells or magic.

Runic Magic - Divine

Dwarves pull power from stone themselves. Stone holds inherent power, and with stones chiseled or scrawled with Dwarven runes, the small race can hardness the raw magic within. Prayers and blessings honoring their gods, Dwarves use runic magic that can cast a spell today that can last eons...mirroring the length of the life of the mountain itself.

Dragon Magic - Arcane

Dragons are one of the most magical creatures to exist on Edus. they were sent to Edus to control how humans use and abuse magic. This caused a rift and the dragons were seen as more of a reason for humans to control magic. Dragon magic is usually done in draconic speak, which the human tongue has trouble mastering. Most true human masters of Dragon magic split their tongue or do body modifications to better cast the higher level dragon magic.

Arcane Magic - Arcane

The default way humans and other mortal races can harness the power of the Source. Studying ancient scripts and the ways of previous scholars help wizards learn the higher magic. Spells are cast from memory or from books.

Sorcerer Magic - Arcane

There are those whose birth signals them with a strong link to the Source. There are those bloodlines on Edus that have a more magic in it and when a child in that bloodline is gifted, it is given the powers of a Sorcerer.

Warlock Magic - Divine

Magic used by a warlock is also known as Pact Magic. Warlock magic is given to those who make a pact with a powerful otherworldly being. Some are from the Upper Planes, some are from the Lower Planes. And some are even ancient creatures before time itself.

Blood Magic - Arcane

When elves made an ancient pact with dragons, they were shown the true power of using blood while casting arcane spells. This use of carefully controlled bloodletting, would enhance the spells or make a simple magic missle do insane amounts of magical damage. This casting secret spilled into humans and other races, which abused the magic and overused the powerful magic. Using blood magic and using your own life essence makes the spells super enhanced. Elves seek any and all blood magic to be returned to the elves, and seek to correct the mistake of humans having access to Blood magic.

Shadow Magic - Arcane

When the Source was created, and the arcane magic of the universe was collected, at one point a goddess cursed the Source, creating Shadow magic. It is known as the Shadow Source, and is the diametric opposite of what the Source is and stands for. This shadow magic is a dark and misunderstood magical casting, and not many mortals knows of the ways to control or use this magic.

Elemental Magic - Arcane

The universe is made up of four basic elements. These four elements were pulled from their respective planes and gathered to make the Prime material plane. Magic lives in abundance on these planes and there are those who have learned to control these magics. Creatures native to the planes also control the magic of their plane and can often gift this magical casting to mortals who know how to properly ask. Fire, Earth, Air, Water all hold magic that oftentimes can be the downfall of entire cities and regions.
  • Cleric Magic - Divine
  • Druidic Magic - Divine
  • Runic Magic - Divine
  • Dragon Magic - Arcane
  • Arcane Magic - Arcane
  • Sorcerer Magic - Arcane
  • Warlock Magic - Divine
  • Blood Magic - Arcane
  • Draconic Magic - Arcane
  • Shadow Magic - Arcane
  • Elemental Magic - Arcane


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