Masque - The Raven Queen

Masque (Mask)

  The Raven Queen, Lady of Shadows,
Thieves, Thievery, Shadows, Ravens
Greater Deity
Yellow-eyed Raven facing Left | Two Yellow Eyes


In any world there are those that have not, and wish to own what others have. Masque is the goddess of those people. She is the Queen of Thieves, The Lady of Shadows and the Princess of lies. Masque enjoys the art of theft, not the greed aspect of it. She is honored by the art of deception, the poetry of spinning lies to cover lies and the joy of succeeding. Masque is honored by all rogues and pickpockets, liars from street urchins up to the corrupt politicians and kings. Stealing a citizen’s coin purse off the street and robbing them via over taxation all brings Masque favor and joy.
Masque loves showing herself to her followers on Edus, and often takes trips into big cities to watch her sticky-fingered flock work. She often appears to her faithful as a pair of disembodied eyes in pitch black shadows, or as a beautiful Elven female in black feathers with mesmerizing yellow eyes and jet black hair. Her whispers are said to make a man throw his fortune at her feet, Masque wears a pair of ebony handled daggers in curved sheaths. The blades are solid shadow and when she strikes with them, the blades ignore armor. If a non believer is struck, a failed save vs. magic at a -7 turns the victim into a shadow creature under Masque's control.
When someone is stolen from and the do not notice it until later, many say “Ye been kissed by Masque.” Masque rules from the Fugue plane and can be felt by her followers when in the midst of stealing, or spinning a lie. Those who practice her art often are given little ideas and hints at spinning their web deeper are given boons from their goddess in times of need.


Most of her followers wear a bandit mask that covers the lower part of their face when needed. They wear the mask at all times and when not 'one the job' the mask hangs around their necks. Thieves and warriors fill much of her followers, but her priesthoods are growing. Many are dual-classed, and often go out with adventuring groups to hone their skills. Within the church, her priests and all followers of Masque are called 'Shadows'.

Specialty priests: Corax

Alignment: N,CN,NE,LE
Favored Weapon: Dagger or Scimitar
Weapons Allowed: Any cleric or Thief
Maj=Necromancy, Chaos, Combat, Wards, Min=summoning, charm, all, Healing Barred= Animal, Light, Sun Turn Ability: none; Control undead.

Shadows are the specialty chosen of Masque. Shadows are the dark clothed clerics that perpetuate stealing, and keep Masque empowered. There are thankfully few churches of Masque , or at least known by the public. Masque's chosen are seen skulking in shadows in the taverns, or under the awnings of markets. Shadows are often employed as Spies and also messengers of dark tidings. Some Shadows even act as generic clergy to help condemned confess any crimes and take their secrets To the thieves guild to recover stolen property. Shadows are usually wearing black or dark clothing, and often wear silver or yellow gold. Ravens are usually the adornment of choice.

A few of the Shadow's Ethos or edicts:
  • Light is untruthful. Shadows and darkness is where masks come off and truth is revealed.

  • Stealing for one's own benefit is good, stealing to steal and getting others blamed is better.

  • Ravens are the messenger of the Raven Queen. Never kill or let one be killed.

  • Stealing is way of life. Stealing a lot meansthe church benefits as well.

  • All things have Shadows. These are doorways toweakness. utilize this.

  •   Restrictions:
  • Cannot be healed by Clerics of Eilyene.

  • Must steal daily, or attempt to.

  • Items stolen must be given to the church.

  • Cannot turn Shadows or shadow creatures.(blasphemy)

  • Cannot Cast Light Spells of any kind.


    Level - Ability
    1. - Cast "Shadow Strike"1/day
    2. - Cast "Shadow Struggle" 1/day
    3. - Can cast "Wall of Ravens (Fog)" as per wizard 1/day
    4. - Can Cast "Shadow Step" 2/day
    4. - Cast Raven messenger 1/day
    5. - Cast "Shadow Strike" 3/day
    6. - Cast "Continual Darkness" 3/day
    6. - Cast "Wall of Ravens (Fog)" As per Wizard 3/day
    7. - Cast "Shadow Step " 3/day
    9. - Cast "Shadow item" 1/day
    9. - Cast "Shadow Struggle" as per wizard spell at will
    10. - Cast "Raven Messenger" at will
    11. - Can control undead when in darkness - At will.
    12. - Cleric spells cast within shadows gain meta-magic: Max Spell 12. - Cast "Continual Darkness" 1/day per level
    13. - Cast "Shadow Step" 1/day per level
    14. - Conjure Shadow control it 1 round/wisdom score, doubled.
    15. - Cast "Shadow Strike" twice per round, 1/day per level
    16. - Shadowform at will
        Spells of Masque:

  • Shadow Strike: Stab through shadow to auto hit anyone in shadow. weapon strike is unseen.

  • Wall of Ravens: Wall of fog, but black wispy shadows of Ravens

  • Shadow Step: Can blink up to 40' away at night, must be cast within a shadow.

  • Shadow Struggle - Evards Black Tentacles of Shadow, must come from a shadow.

  • Darkenform: Cleric becomes an actual shadow. all powers of a shadow, no weaknesses, except can be turned.
    Religious, Other


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