Mother Norinka's Shop

Mother Norinka's Shop of Oddities Oddities shop in Fort Regna
A shop of pure curiosities, the wooden three building shack has a character that stands apart from the rest of the Town around fort Regna.

Mother Norinka is a ninety year old half orc female. Stooped low with a curved spine from age, her muscles under her old skin still show she has natural strength. her glazed white eyes still see better than most young elves. She claims her lack of normal vision allow her access to look into the spirit realm. She seems to talk to others around her, when left alone, and her humming and murmuring to otherworldly visitors in her hut. Her fingers, while gnarled with age, are all tattooed and stained with protection and ability enhancing sigils. She has four large horns growing ot of her shoulder blades, spanning out and up.
Mother Norinka walks with a staff of gnarled mangrove wood staff covered with baubles and trinkets.

  The Shop:
stuffy wooden shack, built up on stilts, sits predominantly in the Northern section of For Regna. Along the North wall, Mother Norinka's shop can be picked out from the rest of the fort housing surrounding it. Large bamboo growing from the edges of the house, along with a rough hewn wooden porch made form bamboo cut in half. The shop is the place to find those items freed from the jungle, or made by a ritualistic shamaness. Potions, balms and odd trinkets of small magical nature can be found in this shop. all sorta of items hanging off cord, strung from the rafters, or stuffed up into random cubbies throughout the building make this curio shop very exotic. monkey skulls with gems in the eyes, to turtle shells with tribal paint on them as healing bowls. The vast array of items she collects and sells is staggering to ever the most jaded.

  Shop Goods:
**All items have an 80% chance of working**
Healing poultice (1d6+3 heal) = 20gold
Healing Potion (1d8+4) = 40gold
Cure disease Balm = 60gold
Cure Blindness Potion = 100gold
curse removal toten = 200 gold
All other items she will offer or sell, will come with the same discount that the above items offer. She will cut the price in half, if the buyer offers her a vial of their own blood.

Mother Norinka will also offer jobs to jungle adventurers. Collecting vials of strange items out in the jungle can get you a permanent discount in her shop.
She will offer totems of protection for those who do these jobs for her. The totem of protection is usually a +1 AC protection while holding the totem.


Mother Norinka


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