N'Asu - The Judge


The Judge

    N’Asu (En-Ah-su)
(The Lord of Death, the Boatman, Judge of the Damned)
Full Deity on Prime Material Plane
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, the Dead, the End
Aliases: None Known
Domain Name: The Celestial Court, Plane of Shadow
Superior: O'hl
Allies: None
Foes: Zzisulb
Symbol: Grey skulls on golden scales.
Worshippers: LN, N

N’Asu is the God of the Dead. He is who sits in Judgement. He is the Boatman who collects souls. He is the Keeper of the Dead. N’Asu’s Portfolio is centered on the Dead, but not undeath. Undead and those that propagate the taking of souls from N’Asu’s collection are paramount enemies of the god and his followers.
N'Asu rules the underworld from his plane, Purgatos, and sits in his throne within the Citadel of Judgement. The god of the dead almost never enters the Prime Material Plane, but when he does, he appears as a muscular, cowled man, standing over ten feet tall, in a grey or black cloak, wielding a walking stick. His staff is a magical Staff of Judgement, and when touched with the staff, the victim is immediately killed and sent to the Under-world to face N'Asu and his Judgement. N'Asu never speaks when seen and will always use images to convey his thoughts to those whom he visits. When N'Asu needs to send a message, he will often send a dread knight, or a bone golem, which he speaks through. Any who stand in the way of the golem or knight performing their duties will be attacked immediately.
The tenants and ethos of N'Asu is simple: Death comes for all. None will escape their eternal rest. When those who know of N'Asu think of him, they do not see him as some evil god who revels in undeath, exactly the opposite. N'Asu brings closure to the lives of all beings. He is the Omega, the End, The Judge. Those who deal in undeath and necromancy are the Antithesis of all followers of N'Asu.


Few find the calling to pray and follow N'Asu solely, but everyone who honors the dead, give homage to The Judge. Everyone who believes an end to all things know they will face their judgement in front of N'Asu. All who make a quick prayer over a dead body, Give N'Asu homage. Everyone always makes small hand gestures when coming across the dead, both hands open pointing at one's own sternum, bringing both hands up to the forehead, then hands spreading to the shoulders. This is the symbol of the Scales of N'Asu. Frequent quotes or quips heard are: "N'Asu hold you, dear friend." "I hope N'Asu finds your soul as a feather."(blessing), or "May N'Asu put a foot on your scales!" (curse)


The specialty priest of N'Asu. Often times Funeral priests and city crypt maintainers. The priests of N’Asu are called "Nightguides". Often appearing as quiet, reserved, dour and even aloof. But their attitude is mainly part of their dogma. All priests and paladins of N’Asu stop at nothing to put down the undead, and send their souls to N’Asu for judgment. Those who see undead or are afraid of their existence pray to N’Asu for protection.

Grave Guardians:

(Paladin class"soulbonded') Paladins of the order prefer not to be titled as 'Paladin' or 'Holy Knight' but rather as "Soulbonded". The Soulbonded to N'Asu are almost identical to a classic Holy paladin, except his ethos of putting souls to rest for his Deity is paramount to honor. This does not mean a Soulbonded is without honor, but it means putting undead and souls to rest, comes first.   Experience levels: Same as Paladin
Proficency Slots: Same as Paladin/ save for NWP, as seen on House Rules.
Weapon Specialization: As per non fighter in House Rules. (-3 level behind fighter)
Saving Throws: Same as Paladin.
  • Paladins of N'Asu turn undead at 1+levels higher than their normal level.
  • Paladins of N'asu have honed their Detect Evil ability to the point of undead perfection. While unable to Detect Evil as a normal paladin, At 3rd level they have a 20' aura to "Sense Undead" which acts similarly to the Detect Undead spell, but without needing concentration, as the ability is 'always on'. This manifests from itchy fingers or crawling skin when near a zombie or skeleton, to a massive migraine level pain behind the eyes when close to a Lich. Most Soulbonds see this as both a gift and a curse, to further end the unlife of undead, to stop the painful sensations they feel when close to them.
  • Soulbonds will and must perform any laying to rest of a corpse found. They are able to touch a dead body, unlike most other paladins; this is to secure the dead and prevent undead creation.
  • All Soulbonds seek to end their life burned to ash, to prevent their bodies being used.
  • In battle, an undead, or a being creating undead are more important tactical targets than a larger, more glory-creating one. A dragon would be walked past, if it meant killing his necromantic wizard friend, who is busy creating undead minions for the dragon.
  • If there is a funeral or ceremony held for the dead, all Soulbonds will attend, above anything else, save for direct combat with undead.

    “The dead do not show emotion, nor should those who guide them to rest.” - A mantra often spoken by the followers of N’Asu.
Cleric or Nightguide of N'Asu

Soulbound of N'Asu


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