Nimbos - The Fury Child



The Rage Son

  Nimbos (Nim-boze)
(Rage Son, Fury Child, Thunder Cloud)
Full Deity on Prime Material Plane
Alignment: Good
Portfolio: Storms, Destruction, Rage, Rebellion
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Stormthrone, Plane of Air
Superior: O'hl
Allies: Hek'Ra, Brauun,
Foes: Eilyene(Mother), Silvein (Father), Keylis, Fonton, N'Asu
Symbol: Storm cloud with three lightning bolts descending
Worshippers Alignment: Any Chaotic or Neutral



Nimbos is known through the realm of Edus as the god of destruction, wanton rage and ceaseless storms. His temper is shown within the clouds that gather, or the earth that rumbles, or the boil within someone’s blood. Nimbos hates his father, Silvein. Many believe this relationship is the source of his rage and tantrums. Before Nimbos took the portfolio of Storms and Destruction, Silvein forbade Nimbos from fighting the other gods who held those portfolios. Rebellion deep within the Godling’s blood pushed the son into the fight, and Nimbos slew the other gods, taking his own place in the upper pantheon. His father, Silvein, knew his son was not ready for the power or the responsibility of the Upper Pantheon and cut off most of the natural fury of Edus from his son. This is the true reason for Nimbos’ inner rage.
Nimbos will often come to Edus as an avatar, often forming as a large storm cloud, then manifesting into a 10' tall berserker wearing furs and wielding twin battleaxes. His face is usually blurred, and featureless, except for two burning red eyes. His twin battle axes throw lightning as a 20th level magic user, and when they hit sparks explode from the contact point, doing another 4d6 damage.
Nimbos rules from his Keep, called Stormthrone, on a demiplane created from pure storm clouds. Lightning and stinging rain surrounds his keep and quasi-elementals of lightning, steam and smoke do the Anger God's bidding.

  Other Manifestations:

  -----------------------------------------------   The Church:



  Followers of Nimbos are akin to their god and his personality. Most are quick to anger, and short on patience, as is Nimbos. Many barbarians follow Nimbos mainly for his freedom to rage. His priests or shamans called, “Tempests” favor clubs, maces and things that explode things, rather than cutting them. To call upon Nimbos during a rage or battle is a great blessing, but to have others claim you are within the “grip of Nimbos” is even greater. Nimbos loves chaos and wanton destruction over loyal prayers and simple babbling to the clouds.


Alignment: C, CG, CN,CE
Favored Weapon: Staff, Club
Weapons Allowed: Any Priest
Turn Ability: Full

  • Cannot hold/join peace talks.
  • Cannot stop or prevent war
  • Cannot by choice be indoors during a storm.

  • Nimbos craves chaos. Create chaos to revere him.
  • Chaos is everything, unleash it in all things. Promote chaos in others.
  • Order and peace breed sloth. Chaos is action. Brook no Peace.
  • Alcohol breeds chaos. Drink and have others drink as blessings to Nimbos.
  • Storms are your chorus. Pray underneath the storm clouds.
  • Never kill or allow kill a raven or stormcrow. They are messengers of Nimbos
  • Blades kill but using crushing weapons breaks bones while helping sow chaos. Utilize both.
  • Foment rebellion in cities of men. IF there is peace, their leader must be dethroned.

Level - Ability

1. Cast "Cause Fear" for free 1/day.
3. Cast "Cause Fear" for free 2/day.
3. Cast "Trip" on one target for free 1/day.
3. Turn Undead at +1
5. Cast "Eyes of Nimbos" on target 1/day.
6. Cast "Chaos" for free 1/day.
7. Cast "Thunderwave" for free 1/day.
9. Cast "Control Winds" for free 1/day.
9. Cast "Call Lightning" for free 1/day. Clouds / storms not needed.
10. Cast "Chaos" on target 3/day.
10. Cast "Thunderwave" on target 2/day.
10 Turn Undead at +3

12. Cast "Cause Fear" #/day as per 1/2 level
12. Cast "Blindness/Deafness" for free 3/day.
13. Cast "Chaos" for free 6/day
13. Cast "Chaos Curse" for free as #/day per 1/2 of INT score (INT of 14 gets CLW 7 times day).
14. Cast "Call Lightning" for free 3/day
16. Cast "Thunderwave" at will.
16. Cast "Chaos" at will.

Spells of Nimbos:

  Eyes of Nimbos:
  Chaos Curse:


Priest of Nimbos


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