Nolukele (no-loo-KAY-lay)

The Huntress

Nolukele (No-Lu-ke-le)
Lesser Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Tracking, Rangers, Hunters, Predators, Autumn
Aliases: Mistress of the Hunt, Golden Arrow
Domain Name: The Wild Hunting Grounds (Beastlands) Superior: Silvein Allies:Silvein, Nimbos, Prens, Rasfor Foes: Brauun, Caen, Shahde', Zzsiulb Symbol: A wolf head rampant, howling, or a pair of arrows crossed, head down over a oak leaf. Worshippers Alignment:N, CN,CG
Worshipers: Any

Nolukele is the goddess of Rangers, hunters and of the season of Autumn. She is revered by druids, rangers and those who respect the power of nature. It is rumored she is the half mortal ascended demi-goddess daughter of Silvein. Whoever she is, she protects the Rangers and hunters of Edus. Any predator that stalks its prey on Edus is protected by Nolukele.
She is seen as a golden deer with pitch black eyes, or a black wolf with a golden glow. Nolukele is also revered by prey and weaker people as protection from the predators she loves. Nolukele can be both predator and protector of prey.

    Known Avatars: Kele- The Great Wolf AC:24 Mv:60 FL:30 Sw:30 BR:- HP:360 HD: 36 #Att:4 or 1 Dmg:2d8 claw/ 2d8 claw/ 2d10 pounce/3d12 Bite or Spell Magic Resist:yes 30% Sz: Gargantuan Spells P: all Spells W: 1-4 Special Att/Def: +1 or better to be hit, Immune to all range.   Other Manifestations:The swirling Elm leaf (A dust devil type appearance filled with arrows and elm leaves), A black haired Elven female with wolf ears, lower legs and tail.  
Specialty Priest: Huntmaster/Huntmistress

Clergy: Elf, Human, Half Elf, Halfling, Gnome Clergy Alignment: Neutral only Turn Undead: yes Cmnd. Undead: no Bonus Prof: Hunting +1, Navigation +1, Bowyer/fletcher+1   Dogma:Hunt for survival, Hunt for protecting the innocent, Hunt to clear evil from land. Allow the hunt to sing in your hear.   Day-to-day Activities: Hunting, training hunting dogs, animal husbandry, counting coup,    Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies: Birth of a hunting beast, High Harvest, Spring Morning,   Major Centers of Worship: Hunting Circle- Brambledeep Forest, Wachewood, Talon wood, Deepwood, Barrenthol Hills   Affiliated Orders: Order of Flint (Knight/Rangers), Order of the Pack(Rangers/clerics), Revrend order of the Elm (Cleric)   Priestly Vestments:All natural armors, no metal armor (Save for adornements), An elm branch-woven circlet.  
Religious, Divine Host


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