Obin Dast

Ser Obin Dast

Warchief of the Red Dragons. First son of the Opal Mine of Kustol
Gothmyr Loyalist

Obin Dast is the Warchief and troop leader of the Red Dragons. A massively strong and resilient dwarf from the foothills of the North Wall Mountains. His fire red hair and beard can be seen on the battlefield, usually in the front of his troops charging their target. With fearless zeal, Dast will charge an opponent with little care for his wellbeing. He is A true example of a Champion of Alstrun.

Obin stands just under 5' around 4'11'' and has been known to wear steel boots with thicker soles to stand taller. His fire red hair, mustache and beard mark him for a Northern Mountain Dwarf. His squinty green eyes always darting from one side to the other, even when not on duty. His gruff voice scares most away, but his has a kind and warm attitude towards anyone loyal to Gothmyr, or a dwarf in need.
Obin wears a mixture of armor. It started with a set of Dwarven plate, but has changed as he loses bits in battle. Using the spoils of combat, he adorns sections of his fallen foe's armor if the piece is quality enough. The one constant is his red tabard with the Red Dragon emblem adorning it.

Obin grew up in the ranks of the Opal mines of his home city of Kustol. Kustol was overrun by orcs and he and his family fled to Kings Watch. He joined the army there and grew and rose in rank. He led a small contingent of Champions and Battleragers across the Southern mountains to attack a Pennimair patrol. This granted him elevation by prince Jeggred.
Dast soon took the promotion to the Red Dragons and became the Warchief almost within the year.

Red Dragon Platoon, Gothmyr Army and Battlechiefs of Alstrun, subdivision of the Church of Alstrun, Kings Watch.

Location of Operation:
Fort Regna, to the West.     Current Events:


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