Orbcrafters of Gothmyr

Artisans of the Crystal Glow Orbs

Throughout most of the known world of Edus, the west coastal nations all rely on light to see. Candles and lanterns are fine for illumination, but risky for fire. When dealing with places where fire would be too risky, they use a crafted item made in mass in Kings Watch. This is the use of the Glow Orbs.
Orbs are created for various things, and different colors are usually due to different crystal dust used in their manufacture.

The Glow orbs are made from left over dust of the Chardyl crystals, along with Quartz and Leaded glass. The orbs creation is done in secret, and only a few Noble houses have access to someone who can make these low magic devices.

The Chardyl crystal dust itself is rare to find and most purveyors of the dust charge exorbitant prices. A small fortune can be made from cast off dust from the Chardyl mines, which is why most
mined of the rare ancient crystal are more guarded than most kings.

The most common type are the Yellow orange orbs (seen in lower left of picture above). These radiate light equivalent to a full oil wick lantern. The can be tossed lightly into the air, and move slowly around a room, never coming closer than one foot to any surface. Oftentimes, places and store will tie them in glow-nets and attach them to one location in a room, like a reverse-hanging chandelier.
When the orbs are created, if a Wizard or cleric casts a spell into the process, it can be used to give the glow orbs a limited form of effect. Chill Touch will make the orbs radiate a mild chill breeze, cooling a small room. Flame strike will make them portable miniature heaters, giving off enough warmth to heat a small room.


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