Orcs of Edus

The Orcs of Edus

Orcs are a relatively new race to touch Edus, compared to the other races on the planet. Orcs are as varied and different from each other, as elves, dwarves or humans have different flavors.
Orcs all seem to resemble the same archtype, but small distinguishing physical characteristics can be seen which indicate their differences.

As the Elven kingdoms fought off other monsters and denizens of this new world, they came together to find a source of aid. Instead of allying with dwarves or humans, they used ancient high magic to try and create their own servant race.
Orcs were made to serve elves, and they were made from bits of earth and clay from Edus. The original orcs were split into two sub-species. The classic orc was stronger, a barbaric warrior with endless endurance. The Gray Orcs were smarter, calmer, and able to learn. Once the elves had thousands of ready-to-serve orcs, one night the orcs' minds were activated, granting life to these beings, and also giving them something the elves didn't take into account: free will. The orcs revolted, refusing to serve the elven nobility, and escaped into the Wildreach in droves. The orcs fled and spread throughout all corners of Edus. Various climates and regional separations have made the new orcs adapt and evolve into several offshoots.
As orcs gained their own will and then freedom, the many masses looked to the heavens for direction. They sought a power to help them survive. Some of the classic and mountain orcs took an animistic approach to the spirits within all things, while gray orcs founded a religion. Many gray orcs pray to Og'ohl, an avatar of the overgod, O'hl. Kog'run was a orc warlord, who was ascended by Og'ohl, along with Sa-Aek "the Eye".

This is the classic, pig-faced, hulking green-skinned orc you are used to, standing 6'-7' tall, and some reaching 8'. They have massive feet and hands, with various hues in skin tone, most common being green. Some artic orc have blue tones, and desert orc are ruddy and brownish. The orc is a brute, understanding "might makes right". Led by their strongest, these orc prefer overwhelming their opponents with superior numbers, massive chaotic attacks, splitting lines of men into chaos. These orc are from the original orc that escaped the elves, and ventured into the woodlands, forests and plains. These orc do not venture much into the mountains, preferring the lowland lifestyle.
Orc do have religion, and are more spiritual beings, focusing on the Animus, or emotions of chaos. They revere nature, in that things are stronger that live above them, but they do not care for their surroundings. You can often tell a tribe of orc have moved into the region by the obliteration of nearby flora and fauna.

Mountain Orcs:
These are the more hulking, brutish orc known as "squats". Their weight and musculature is the same as the Orc, but their heads are set lower and natural gaze is down, lacking much of a neck. They seem to be hunched, and often will resort to walking much like a gorilla or large apes. Knuckles on their hands are knotted and calloused from aiding in travel over the mountainous regions they live in. These orc are those original orc that were pushed past the woodlands and plains and escaped into the caves and crags of the Mountains of Edus. These orc learned smaller passages and tunnels made by dwarves made for perfect hunting grounds. This has let to their more stooped posture, and their almost "squat" appearance, hence the nickname.
If a dwarf is fighting an orc in the mountains or tunnels of their home, it is most likely a mountain orc. These orc are militaristic, spiritual and quick to rage. They make many of their own weapons and use stolen or claimed dwarven forges to armor their fellow mountain orcs.

Gray Orcs:
Gray orcs are rare, even on Edus. When the orcs escaped from the elves, the gray orcs were the house servants. These orc speak Common and prefer to be fully clothed, usually fitting within society, as much as they can. The gray orcs are usually 6' tall, a bit thinner and more slim than their mountain or classic cousins but still over 220 lbs. Gray orcs wear their hair styled, usually in a ponytail, or coiffed. They keep their clothing nice, and treat their surroundings as most townsfolk or people who seek order do. This doesn't mean there are no civilized classic orc, or barbaric gray orc, but this is a generalization for the majority of the subspecies.

A offspring of an orc and a ogre. Large and stronger and sometimes smarter racial offshoot than their orcish cousins. Most are 8'-10' in stature, and weigh over 300 lbs. These Orog have a militant disposition and often lead war parties. Orog are not civilized enough to live with humans without problems.

A rare offspring that has been becoming more commonplace within Gothmyr and The Iron Kingdoms. This is an offspring of an orc and a hobgoblin. This orc has the power of a mountain orc, but has the intelligence and martial prowess of a gray orc. The downside is that horg have an unchecked rage, which often ends their life before they're able to become famous. Horg live in civilized cities, usually overtaking a human settlement and converting it into a military fort.

Half Orc:
A mix of orc and human. As seen in the official rulebooks, the half orc is often the accepted version of orc that are allowed in the human cities.


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