Order of the Eye

Cult of the Eye  
The Order of the Eye is a secret organization based out of Hepulchor and has little contact or influence in any other nation (as of yet). It is a loose group made up of small pockets or cells, working towards one main goal.
 They seem to be moving pieces around a chessboard, setting things up for other things to just "happen", but some of the more noted actions seem to be more premptive and aggressive. They tend to stay out of the limelight, preferring to operate from behind layers of insulation between them and the local constabulary.
The symbol of the cult is a right eye, with seven bladed lashes above a central eye.
The Order of the Eye operates out of Hepulchor, mainly around the capitol, Ciudal Sahn. They seem to have yet to branch out to other nations, But no one knows their current events, except those within the order.
 No one knows exactly who runs the Order. Wether it's a single being, or a council or even a separate race of beings. Rumor has it that the cult is led by a family of Beholders, acting in a mafia-style family run cult. What is known is each "lash" or cell of the order is run by one person, who gets orders from somewhere in the Valle Forest, North of Ciudal Sahn.
Members are part of cells or "lashes". These Lashes give orders to members to do a myriad of duties, from spying and information gathering, to stealing Artifacts or goods. Some even specialize in assassination to further the Cult's goals. The groups are contacted by handlers and given orders, or delivering notes, information or goods to be handed up the chain.

Illicit, Syndicate


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