Order of the Radiant Soul




The order of the Radiant soul is a tight collection of knights and titled lords who swore fealty to the banner of Lord Antonio Savantez III. The order uses their power and influence to keep their lord's lands free of dangers, suppress any uprising, or solve disputes between commoners. The order is roughly 400 mounted lords and knights of varying levels of nobility but all are fiercely loyal to Lord Savantez and his people. The Radiant Soul has connections to a church of Eilyene which resides on their lord's land, tax free. Some of the knights take frequent missions to protect travelling priests and clerics.  


First and foremost is Lord Antonio Savantez III. Lord of the land and he who pays the wages of the Order.
Underneath him, a ruling council of three knight-lords make the decisions for the Order.
Lord Ramos Veraga is head councilor. A human male of sixty one winters, with a white beard and a mean wardog named Chewy at his side.
Lord Guillermo Tores is 2nd chair of the council. A short, wide man of fifty three winters. Shock white hair and burning blue eyes.
Lord Hector Fargaro is third chair and a mean, gruff dwarven male that embodies the stereotype. Wielding "corazon" his warhammer.


In game terms, the Order is a Good aligned knightly order. The Radiant Soul is not corrupt or sadistic by any means. They uphold honor and justice, even holding their own lord to his word, refusing to let him go against it, losing honor in their eyes.
"Onora prima di tutto, l'anima ascende." - Honor above all, The Soul ascends. is their motto.

Common armor worn by the Order.
Military Order


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