
The "Move Along" town.
Waystop to Kings Watch

Osten is the first official location you stop at, when heading west out of Kings Watch. Osten isn't the first group of homes you come across heading west, but it is the first location with a name and is large enough to be considered an actual town.
Osten isn't a 'friendly little cozy town.' It is a place that is used to seeing travelling peoples, people who could care less about the dirty-faced commoners and 'stupid small town farmers'. Osten isn't outright hostile, but it is made quite clear across the entire village they want visitors to visit, not stay.
There is no Inn. There is no tavern to speak of, but some people make the town center an outdoor social locale. It is evident you are not welcome to stay in Osten. Visiting is expected, but the townsfolk have the distinct attitude that you should move along as soon as possible. If players promise to leave, often times, reshoeing horses or longer repairs to armor or leather can be given discounts. Those lying to further those agreements will meet with the Sherriff and her deputies, as the are escorted from the town.

Osten sits as a halfway point between Kings Watch and the Western crossroads of Redfield. Twelve days of travel along cobble roads due west from Kings Watch will take you into the center of Osten. The small waystop is also equidistant to the closest Elven county of Ariyelle to the Southwest.

The village of Osten is ruled by the Grand Stag. It is a position of an Elder: sought for adjudication in squabbles; sought for advice, guidance, and leadership. Current Grand Stag of Osten is Mortimer Oakwhistle, an Elder male of seventy-eight winters. Mortimer was a druid and farmer, but has since decided to let his son take over his farm, and his daughter is the village's druid. He now administrates from the Stag House.
The Stag house is a large steep roofed long home with a giant pair of stag horns adorning the gable.
Osten falls within Redfield's protection, but looks to Kings Watch itself for aid or protection, as the capital is 6 days closer travel than Redfield.

The People:
The people are, in a word: curt. They are not outright hostile, but they will ignore visitors or obvious adventurers. They will give respect to armed sell-swords, and give non humans a very wide berth as they walk through the village.
The people of Osten don't want to be bothered with people who care little for their town, or only use it as a waystop for their 'obviously more important quest'. Constant traffic of those passing though, travelling through their town for their own betterment, has caused the people of Osten to have little patience and even less respect. The townsfolk will not tolerate these adventurers abusing their homes and businesses, just to practice their heroism, spell casting, or brawls. Those of Osten know you have no interest in their town while you're here, and even less if you break something on your way out. You will find people will answer you directly and flatly, but there is no joy in their faces. They barely have time for people who wear backpacks, wear armor, or have a traveler's eye.
"We don't like Adventurers round 'ere. They bring nothing but trouble!" - Helga Bertrand
"No one needs some pompous mercenaries tossin' gold to cover being a dick!" - Farmer Theo Rukk
"Keep it moving, stranger. No room at the Inn. Actually, no Inn at all but there is a jail." - Osten Deputy
The town has no militia to speak of, but if the massive copper bell on the Stag House is rung, all townsfolk will come wielding farm tools or makeshift weapons. A group of three soldiers call Osten home, known as the Sherriff and her two deputies, and they police the region.


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