Otto Oswald Lambrecht

Lord Otto Oswald Lambrecht

Coin Noble

Guildmaster of Couriers Guild. Owner of Haffensteak Slaughterhouse


Lord Otto Lambrecht is one of King's Watch Coin nobles, reputedl one of the richer men of Gothmyr, and a seated member of the Council of Eight. Otto is a human man of forty seven winters who towers over six foot and weighs 280 lbs. His brown hair hangs at his shoulders and his well groomed beard and mustache is often in the latest fashion of Gothmyr's elite. Lord Otto is a happy, vocal man with plenty of stories for every situation, and doesn't stop to wonder if his story is welcomes to the ears around him.
Otto grew up in his father's Slaughterhouse, in Red Fork. He grew up delivering meat and orders to his father's clients along with gathering information and news of surrounding farms for his father, or even others. Soon Otto was delivering packages as well as meats. Otto took over his father's slaughterhouse and cattle farm after his death. Otto moved into Kings Watch, letting his bother and cousins run the Red Fork Farms. House Lambrecht was established in the city and the Haffensteak slaughterhouse was built. Haffensteak brings in meat from Red Fork, Osten, Matsburg and Croburn, feeding the entire city of Kings Watch. This elevated Otto and House Lambrecht to nobility within two years. Otto used his meat delivery to establish a guild within the city for couriers, who were not collected or represented. He rebuilt the standards and practices of couriers in the city, making information dissemination within the city unparalleled. During the undead menace, Otto's delivery couriers kept the soldiers fed as well as information flowing between troop platoons. He was offered the seat on the Council of Eight shortly after.
  Lord Otto Lambrecht is also the living bloodline to the land of Cragmaw keep in the Northwest corner of Gothmyr. His family were the last to rebuild the keep after it falling into the hands of demon-worshipping cultists, bent on summoning Orcus. His family hold the latest deed and owns the lands, but ignores the forgotten keep due to its remote location and his more profitable holdings in King's Watch.

    Otto Lambrecht owns:
  • 17 Haffensteak slaughterhouses
  • 25 cattle farms with 2550+ cattles.
  • over 350 acres of farm and grazing land.
  • Over thirty butchers in Kings Watch and another thirty outside the city in surrounding towns.

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