Palentius Oathsworn

High Deacon of Prens, Dwarven female Cleric Advisor to Lord Jeggred, Crown Prince of Gothmyr     Overview:  Palentis Oathsworn is a third generation Oathsworn dwarf that has devoted their life in service to not only the church of Prens, but also Gothmyr's throne. She is the scheduler, spiritual guidance and bit of A compass of morality for the King of Gothmyr. She is afour foot tall female dwarf with fiery red hair, silver strands glittering through her well manicured hair and slight sideburns. Palentis, or Enti to her friends, smiles almost at all times, and is seen following Prince Jeggred through the halls of Castle Von Luen. usually with handfuls of paperwork, deeds and decrees, needing signing. Her holy mace swinging freely on her hip. Her white and gold robes with the silver symbol of Prens can be seen in a crowd. Palentius is a level 11 Specialty cleric of Prens. She wields a +3 holy mace of Disrutpion. Family: Palentis is from a family line of clerics of Prens. She is third generation and often uses it to exclaim her position on loyalty on a subject. Her family is from the foothills of the town of Mannus. They help run the Church of Prens in Mannus. Palentius was selected by Prince Jeggred himself to be his holy advisor, putting a commoner above even the highest cleric in King's Watch. Her family is lorded and have been made nobles of Mannus, but still maintain their cleric duties in the church.   Holdings: Palentius was given lands in Mannus as welll as a mine in the mountains north of Mannus. Her family stays there, as she lives within the castle of King's Watch. She has a council seat in the grand Church of Prens in Kings Watch,and is third in line for High Cleric.   Relations: Palentius is friends with Lord Jeggred, as well as with his other advisors. She often will butt heads with Ser Menmarr Shi'Van, but she is all around likeable. She has a female companion, another dwarf named Rosalee, who maintains her apartment in Kings Watch. She has a rival in the Church of Prens, a female elf named Derynil Abonath who seeks her 3rd council chair.


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