Palin - The Knight

Palyn - The Lawbringer

Palyn (Pal-lin)
Justice, Laws, Vigilance, Resolve, Paladins
Greater Deity
Lawful Good
Worshippers: LG
A gavel of iron proper, atop a shield of blue



No other god’s name brings forth more emotions and images of Justice and Law than Palyn. A universal force through any culture or world, Palyn is the god of Justice, That Which is Right, The Lawbringer. Palyn governs the laws of Edus and those who uphold them. Palyn once walked Edus as a mortal hero and was ascended by O'hl. Dunnkan, Rasfor, Palyn, Shu'un and Alstrun all made up the Band of the Hand Adventuring Company. After the Defeat of a Dracolich and his partner Dragon Mage, Palyn was ascended by O'hl.
Those who are lawgivers, Shire Reeves, and others appointed to positions of Authority, all follow Palyn in some respect. Paladins, constables and guardsmen all pray to Palyn as their entire being is defined by their ability to uphold the laws of their respective lands.
Most Palynnites hate those who follow Brauun, as Tyrants usually use Justice and Law and twist them to their own dark ends. This perverts the ethos of Palyn and most seek each other on the field of battle when confronted. Paladins are thought to be a creation of Palyn, as their name is close. All those that claim the title of Paladin pay homage to the god of justice. Bounty hunters usually follow Palyn as do lawgivers and upstanding heroes. Freedom fighters give homage to Palyn as well, as his portfolio encompasses all forms of Justice.


      Palyn has no priesthood and no specialty priests follow Palyn. Those who hold such faith for the Deity of law and justice usually turn themselves into Paladins. Those who do follow Palyn, follow a strict list of guidelines and rules, said to be set forth by Palyn himself to his first follower. ‘The Libram of Law” is a lifestyle as well as the rules of which his faithful obey without deviation. His paladins are called “Justicars” and always can be found at legal proceedings in any large town. If there is a Paladin of Palyn around, you can guarantee you will be dealt with fairly.
Religious, Organised Religion


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