People of Regna

People of Regna

Johannes Jacobs
Johannes Jacobs is a large Jaan male, with silver gray hair and large mustache hanging off his chin. His right eye is slightly scarred and is missing his right arm (Behir took it). He and his wife, Ellka and their daughter Marishka run the family armory. All of them are above 6' tall and overly strong. Johannes came to Regna on the original boat with the Red Dragons as a paid commissioned armorsmith for the army. They have paid well, and lent their healing skills to help heal his eye. Ellka is an archer and an expert with crossbows. Their daughter of seventeen winters Marishka is an aspiring bladedancer, and is adept with two longswords. Johannes is known to pay well for returned iron or weapons recovered in the jungle, having a gift for re-forging iron brought to him.  
Raydinia Goldstone
Raydinia Goldstone is the owner and proprietor of the Goldstone Tavern and Inn in Regna. She is a female stoutfoot halfling with golden curly hair and a rounded ample figure. Raydinia, or "Ray" to her friends, has a cheery, almost infectious disposition. She always greets with a smile and a compliment. Ray is known to help out those sailors or adventurers down and out to get them back on her feet. She originally arrived four years ago, and won the tavern from the original builder in a high stakes game of cards. She freed the "working girls" the original owner had enslaved there to entertain the sailors, and made the establishment above board. Ray always has info from sailors and other Shining Shield members who like to gab at her bar. For the right coin, Ray can get you in contact with anyone in the fort or surrounding town.  
Jaleel VenDroggan
Jaleel is a dark elven mage. Just over 5'5'', with ashen gray skin and black hair, that was once dyed reddish, so his hair has black roots with reddish tips. His silver eyes and disarming smile belie his true intentions. Jaleel is vocal, chatty and uncharacteristically joyful as he goes throughout his day. Most of that day is dealing with the other members of the Shining Shield Adventuring Co.

Jaleel is a strong personality and stands out in the town of Fort Regna. Jaleel is staunchly loyal to Gothmyr and he seems to take an extra strong stance in the defense of The nation of Gothmyr or the Prince-King. The Shining Shield Adventuring guild is run by a tri-council, with jaleel in one of those three seats. But he is the very vocal voice of the guild and does most of the public relations with visitors and the rest of Fort Regna.

Jaleel also has some investment in the Goldstone tavern, as well as mother Norinka's shop. He is also the one member of the Shining Shield that has constant contact with the Red Dragons inside the Fort proper. much of his shipping influence has brough supplies for the town that seem to come at just the right moment to help the fort survive.    
Bulvar Whitecap
An average looking man in his sixties. Bulvar has white hair and a white handlebar mustache with slight goatee. His frame is thin, but still muscular. His face is surprisingly sparse with wrinkles but his eyes tell untold volumes of his wisdom. Bulvar has a bastard sword strapped to his back and can be seen in his layered leather armor with steel spaulders and elbow cops. A strange device with a handle is holstered on his chest, which is a gnomish-built repeating hand crossbow, build for his size.
Bulvar comes across as quiet. A man of little words, and when he does speak, his voice is usually the voice of reason. Thought always preludes voice, and his mannerisms are that of a bored guardsman accompanying a client. His smile shows his one missing lower tooth, replaced with a silver one, done in fine craftsmanship and the runes carved into the silver give it a glint when light hits it. His Shining Shield badge is always prominently displayed and he is often found in the company of Jaleel VenDroggan.
Mother Norinka
Mother Norinka is a ninety year old half orc female. Stooped low with a curved spine from age, her muscles under her old skin still show she has natural strength. Her glazed white eyes still see better than most young elves. She claims her lack of normal vision allows her access to look into the spirit realm. She seems to talk to others around her, when left alone, and continues her humming and murmuring to otherworldly visitors in her hut. Her fingers, while gnarled with age, are all tattooed and stained with protection and ability enhancing sigils. She has four large horns growing out of her shoulder blades, spanning out and up. Mother Norinka walks with a staff of gnarled mangrove wood covered with baubles and trinkets, which jingles and tinkles as she walks.          
Alik Barrowhill
Alik Barrowhill is the owner and operator of bBrrohill Lumber. He is a brown haired and bearded Gothmyri man of sixty winters. He and his two sons, Timothy and Lukas run the manufacturing and control of wood products raw and finished, into Fort Regna. Alik is known in Gothmyr as a Coin noble and his estate is on the western wall of Kings Watch. 
The Barrowhill Lumber Mill employs adventurers and craftsmen of all kinds. those who swing a sword better than an axe, are hired to protect the lumberjacks from dangers in the jungle as they work.  Timothy and Lukas both run the wagons in and out of the jungle, clearing a path east along the south bank of the Regna River. Alik will pay per day, silver coin and will pay lumberjacks a full days wage, plus a note of meal for free at the Goldstone tavern. Some men who come working the woods, camp out around the Barrowhill lumber mill, and act as watch for their hard earned lumber.   Alik is in Regna for a reason that he keeps to himself, and will adamantly refuse to return to Gothmyr, almost out of fear. Timothy is courting a female half elf cleric of the Temple.      
Edgor Duggon and Vena Duggon
Duggons Smithy
Edgor Duggon and Vena Duggon are sibling owners of the Duggons Smithy. The smithy is a new building, recently granted land rights by The Fort. The smithy is a low, squat building that anyone over 5 foot 10'' will need to duck between beams. Built for the two dwarves that run the smithy, Vena is the better smith for armor and weapons, while Edgor runs the shop, sales and works better on nails, shovelheads and pickaxes.
The smithy smells of burning coal and oiled metal. The clanging sound of Vea or her apprentice, Dunx (Dunks) a hald orc warrior from Hepulchor is always heard. The prices in the smithy are fair, but they quality is far superior to Jacob's smith goods.
Amir Nerizad
Amir is a large dusk skinned male human of forty five winters. He stand at5'10'' with receding hair, braided into thin braids. Is always has his workshop apron on, adorned with various tools and small instruments. He wears a pair of glass half-circle glasses that sit on his nose. His well manicured goatee hangs small silver embellishments. Amir is well learned, and well mannered Sage, known in Regna as a man who knows many things. He is sought after for his ability to find information out for many antique and ancient items found in the jungles.
  Amir runs a small shop, but it has no actual storefront. It is his home, but he has turned his entry foyer and sitting room into a workshop front of sorts. His shop is open from dawn till dusk, and works fast, using a small group of other sages he has long distance communication with, back in Kings Watch.                    
Priest Nellan Vonruk


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