
God of Protection, Guardians, Loyalty

(The Soldier, The Shield, The Cross)
Demipower on Plane of Law
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Protection, Guardians, Loyalty
Aliases: The Cross, The Shield
Domain Name: The Tower, Throne of the Shield.
Superior: Palin
Allies: Rasfor, Eilyene, Fonton
Foes: Hek'Ra, Caen, Shade', Brauun
Symbol: Black longsword vert, blade down, on silver shield
Worshippers Alignment: lawful, Lawful Neutral, Lawful good.

The Pantheon of deities that reside over Edus are ruled by O'hl. When O'hl needs one of his deities punished, he calls upon Prens. Any deity that oversteps their bounds and crosses lines set by O'hl, Prens is the one to right those wrongs. Prens is the deity of protection, guardians and patron to those who are loyal. Shieldsmen, military guards, and even hired caravan guards pay homage to Prens. The deity watches anyone who risks their own lives to protect or guard another. Those who do so with loyalty and without coin get special attention from Prens. Warrior has a tale of while in battle, they saw a hit on them coming that they could not block. A hit that would have killed them, but instead, the shot is blocked by some force. Some call it fate, but the truth is much more simple: Prens.   Prens is a direct vassal of Palyn, and takes the paladin's side whenever questioned, but Prens takes his orders from O'hl directly. Many full deities attempt to control Prens, but the lesser deity's honor and loyalty are unshakable. Prens hates Brauun, Caen and Shahde' but keeps his opinions to himself unless directly confronted.

Prens appears as a fifteen foot tall man in full platemail. He wields a longsword or purest black and a silver shield. His sword is made of celestial energy, and wounding a deity with the sword causes their immediate lock from their worshippers and their removal from the Source. If a deity is killed with the sword of Prens, they will not come back, no matter the amount of their worshippers. O'hl will simply replace the deity with another he creates.

  Other Manifestations: Prens appears as a full plated knight on a celestial Pegasus, he has been seen as a singing sword of magical blackness. In The Jade Isles its claimed he appeared as a Massive pillar of shields and black swords.

  -----------------------------------------------   The Church:
Churches to Prens are very common. Many estates make a grand temple on their grounds for their guardsmen and their soldiers to use. Clerics of Prens always work tirelessly at keeping their temples clean. Followers of Prens are often guardsmen, House soldiers, or even Royal military men and women. Those who serve, and are loyal to someone or something else give homage to Prens. Paladins who protect churches, Fighters who protect the wizard party member or even the hired muscle that guards his crime boss give prayer to the Deity of Protection.
Specialty priests of Prens are simply called "Guardians" and wear a steel breastplate and carry a shield. Worshippers of Prens will never join with a known member of the church of Caen or Brauun, and will leave the room if any follower of those two deities enters a room, displaying their deity's holy symbols.
  Clergy: Guardians (Specialty priest)
Clergy Alignment: Lawful
Turn Undead: Yes
Cmnd. Undead: No
Bonus Prof: Leadership (cha +1) , Endurance,
Weapon prof Bonus: Long sword.

The dogma of the Church of Prens is simple: Loyal Protection. Those who follow Prens are loyal, and it is a sin to be disloyal in any aspect of life, to friend, to family, to king or country. The specialty priests of prens, Guardians, seek to maintain that loyalty and see those who do their duty and protect those defenseless are awarded by the church. A selfless act guarding others is awarded by Guardians of Prens.

  Day-to-day Activities:

Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:

Major Centers of Worship:
All capitol cities in the known world have churches to Prens. Kings Watch has a expansive cleric college attached to the Church of Prens. The church of Prens in Citadel Sahn is fourteen buildings and over seven acres. The underhalls rumor to be able to hold 3/4 of the population of the capitol city. A church of Prens cannot be formed unless there is at least three warriors or knights willing to protect the clergy and the townsfolk who pray.

Affiliated Orders:
Order of the Ebon Blade (Gothmyr), Order of the Shield and Sword (Iron Kingdoms), Brotherhood of the Guardians (Hepulchor), Order of the Protecting Shield (Anistlav)

Priestly Vestments:


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Guardian of Prens


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