Quicksilver Couriers

Quicksilver Couriers
"Fastest news next to Magic"

  "Quicksilver? Oh, aye. I use 'em almost every day. You can hire 'em to send a message, or even a package. Using 'em guarantees privacy. Sealed scrolls that don't need other eyes a'peekin' arrive without tamperin'. Oh sure, you can use magic but if you ain't a finger twiddlin' kind, then the message still needs read by someone else. You can teleport a package, but there isn't any guarantee it'll show up! Trust me when I tell you, I used Quicksilver, and got a message sent to my brother in Scarsburg within a day! Privacy and guaranteed delivery is worth the coin."
-Professor Regina Cromwell-Tark, King's Watch

Quicksilver Couriers, or QC, is a personal delivery and messenger company found within King's Watch and every baronial capital city. The business will take any package of any size, or message written or prerecorded, and deliver it anywhere on the surface of Edus. From package delivery to letter and communication back-n-forth, Quicksilver Couriers is the fastest and most reliable in Gothmyr. Agents of QC can be seen running around the city, over bridges, even flying overhead, making their way to their destination. Most agents of QC can be identified with the silver plume in their hat, or the small wings on their silver boots.
Quicksilver Couriers has been known to deliver packages of all sizes - as large as a dozen trebuchets to a land baron defending his home, to that of a single word message hundreds of miles away to a negotiating merchant.

In 285AF, A small halfling male named Rothenberg Restoterol Esquire bought a small single floor room from a tailor. Rothenberg was known as "Quicksilver" due to his sole magical item, an ancient Necklace of Haste he found during a small outing with a band of adventurers. Rothenberg made an agreement with the tailor, (whose name is lost to history), that Rothenberg would run errands for him, letting clients know when their clothes were finished being made or mended. He ran all the streets of every ward within King's Watch, and soon, no one knew the streets, alleys and shortcuts better than Rothenberg. Rothenberg soon began getting offers from other businesses in the Lantern Ward to deliver small packages and letters or sealed scrolls. Rothenberg was beginning to make good money, and soon founded the Quicksilver Couriers' Service.   Rothenberg hired others, for shorter runs, and even managed to buy a few other magical speed enhancing items to increase his profits and decrease service time for customers. Rothenberg bought out the tailor, took over the full building and soon expanded into the neighboring building.

Currently, the owner of Quicksilver Couriers is a very thin and attractive Dark elven female named Lady Annera Kasin-Zahdoc. Her short cropped pixie-cut silver hair is always finely coiffured, with her flashy blue eyes and sweet smile always welcoming anyone into the shop.

QC specializes in secure and timely delivery of all manner of messages and packages by their agents. Each package and message is the most important. Money, payment, contracts, spells, deeds, sensitive messages - anything that does not need someone else knowing its contents or movements are what QC prides itself on. If a package can fit into a Bag of Holding for easier transport or a word-of-mouth message needs to be sent verbatim, QC is up to the task. Agents possess in-depth knowledge of the city and all the routes from their Ward's Office to anywhere else in World, and are regularly tested for their integrity and discretion through the company.

Messaging services and package delivery is the official list of services that the QC offers. Delivery is guaranteed up to 1000gp. Messages, scrolls, and other missives make up the bulk of their business. Alerting people farther away costs more, and as the distance increases so too does the cost.
There have been quiet rumors that the QC have used their service to whisk people out of the city or to sneak criminals out of the Watch's view. There are people who claim to have seen someone tossed into a portable hole or stuffed into a package. These packages are then allegedly smuggled out of town, although no one can confirm.
  No one has the power to stop a QC agent, except the Prince.

Active Members:
  • Annea Kasin-Zahdoc - F Dark Elf Fighter - Owner and current proprietor for the QC office in the Lantern Ward (Main Guildhall)
  • Joanna Silvervein - F Dark Elf Ranger - Manager and owner of QC office in the Temple Ward
  • Ambrose Tully - M Halfling Rogue - Manager and owner of QC, Narrows Ward
  • Aggaron Lapis - M High Elf Wizard - Manager of QC, Shield Ward

Annera Kasin-Zahdoc
Owner of the Quicksilver Couriers.

Joanna Silvervein
Manager of Temple Ward QC Shoppe

Ambrose Tully
Guild, Professional


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