Races of Edus

Various Races of Edus



Jaan – Humans from Meri-Jaa
Massive, tall Northmen. 5.5'-7' 170-280lbs. Blonde or white hair, light skin, blue or brown eyes. Danish analog
Nordi – Humans from the Deep North
Short stocky people. Black straight hair, brown to gray eyes. Inuit analog
Lavi – Humans from Anistlav
Tall, Thick, muscular. 5.8'-6.10' 160-300lbs. brown and blonde hair, wavy. Brown or blue eyes. Eastern European Analog
Gawanese – Humans from the Jade Isles
Short, regular stock people. 4'10-6' 140-250ls. Straight black or brown hair. Asian Analog
Gothmoori – Humans from the nation of Gothmyr
Short to tall, Thin to hardy people. 5.5' - 6.6'. 140-320lbs. Brown, light, black hair. Blue, green, brown eyes. Visigoth analog
Nahki – Humans from the Preynian Fields
Short, regular stock people. 4.5' - 5.10' 130-250lbs. Long straight brown hair, brown eyes. Native American analog.
Shii – Humans from Al’Shiael
Tall, thin, sinewy. 5'-6.5' 140-240lbs. Black hair, wavy. Brown eyes. Middle Eastern analog
Amadi - Human of the Eastern sands of Al’Shiael
Tall, normal stock, muscular. 5'-6.5' 140-240lbs. Black tight curls. Brown eyes. African Analog
Zarn – Humans from Zarrlan
Medium, average build. 5'-6.5' . 140-220lbs. Brown slight wavy hair. brown and green eyes. European analog.
Luchori – Humans from Hepulchor
Medium height, avg build. 5'-6.5'. 140-220lbs. Dark brown, black hair, wavy/curly. brown and green eyes. Italian/Spain analog
Ironese - Humans from the Iron Kingdoms
medium height, avg build. 5'-6.5'. 130-245lbs. Light brown to red hair. brown and green eyes. Ireland/Scotland analog.
Anwari – Humans from Anwar
Slight build, short height. 4'-5.5'. 100-170lbs. Brown and black curly hair. brown eyes. India/South American analog.
Sovian – Humans from Barasaovia
Tall, average build, muscular. 5.8'-6.10' 160-300lbs. brown and blonde hair, wavy. Brown or blue eyes. Ottoman/Romania analog
Falciun – Humans from Pennimair
medium height, avg build. 5'-6.5'. 130-245lbs. Light brown to blonde hair. brown blue and green eyes. England/Wales analog.
Lusan – Humans from Luhjaz
medium height, avg build. 5'-6.5'. 130-245lbs. Light brown to black hair. brown and blue eyes. French analog.
Grek - Humans from Kytos
Slight build, short height. 4'-5.5'. 100-170lbs. Brown and black curly hair. brown eyes. Greek/Roman analog.
Takeshi - Humans from Takesh
medium height, avg build. 5'-6.5'. 130-245lbs. Light brown to black hair. brown blue and blue eyes. Persian analog.



Wood/ Green Elf +2 Dex, -2 Con
High/ White Elf –2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int
Gray Elf +2 Dex, -1 Con, -1 Cha
Drow / Dark Elf +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Aquatic/ Blue Elf +2 Dex, -1 Wis, -1 Cha

Wood/Green: 4’ – 5’ Brown or black hair. Green or brown eyes. tan skin to green tints
High/White: 4.5’ – 6’, white, blonde hair, green, yellow, silver eyes. whitish golden skin
Gray: 5’ - 5.5’, white, gray, black hair, silver, blue or hazel eyes. Gray tanned skin
Drow: 4’ – 5.5’, shock white hair or silver, red, purple or white eyes, black skin with purple/gray tint
Aquatic/Blue: 4’ – 5’, greenish yellow or blue hair, green or blue eyes. Tan brown to white skin with green tint.



Mountain Dwarf +2 Con, -1 Cha
Hill Dwarf +2 Con, -1Dex
Gray Dwarf +2 Con, -2Cha
Wild Dwarf +1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha

Mountain: 3.5’-5’ black, brown, gray hair, brown eyes, tan to brown/reddish skin.
Hill: 4’-4.5’ Brown, red or black hair, brown or blue eyes, tan to whitish tan skin.
Gray: 3’- 4’ Gray skin, white or red eyes, gray skin.
Wild: 3’ – 5’ brown or blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin



Plains Halfling +2 Dex, -1 Str, -1 Con
Deephollow Halfling +1 Dex, +1 Int, -1Str, -1 Cha

Plains: 3’ – 3.5’ brown or red hair, brown or green eyes, Light brown to tan skin.
Deephollow: 2.5’’- 3.5’ black or brown hair, tint of blue, blue or gray eyes, deep brown to light brown gray skin.



Gray Gnome +1 Con, +1 Wis, -2 Str
Green Gnome +2 Dex, -1 Str, -1 Con

Gray: 2’-3’, Brown to black hair, Steel gray or black eyes, Gray to grey brown skin
Green: 2.5’ – 3.5’, Black to reddish brown hair, blue or brown eyes, tan to light skin


Half Orc

+1 Str, +1 Con -1 Int, -2 Cha

5.5’ – 7.5’, Brown, black, red hair or bald, black or red eyes, skin from reddish to brown to grey blue.


Half Ogre

+2 Str, +1 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha

6’ - 8’, Bald or black hair, brown or green eyes, skin from pinkish to tan to yellowish, under bite.



+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha

5.5’ – 7’ at head, brown or black hair, eyes brown or blue, human skin always tan or brown. Horse skin differs.



+1 Wis, -2 Cha

4’ – 6’
Urth Mentari- Brown-grey skin, deep set dark eyes, slow and purposeful and strong willed.
Water Mentari- Blue to green hued skin, hair flowing and eyes like pools, dynamic and adaptable, yet firm.
Air Mentari- White or blue hued skin or hair, hair always moving in breeze, flighty and capricious.
Fire Mentari- Red to tan skin, orange to red eyes, hair moving like a flame, rash, rude and quick to anger.



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