Rasfor - The Sage

Rafor - The Sage

Custodian of the Source, The Spell Father


  Rasfor (Ras-For)
Custodian of the Source, The Spell Father
Magic, Mysteries, Spells, Wizards, Mages
Greater Deity
True Neutral
Worshipers: Any
A golden goblet, surrounded by blue flames



Rasfor is the short form of Rasfornillisevad Verdades, the god of magic’s true name. Rasfor is what mortals call him and he is known to be "Spell Father" and “The Goblet’s Keeper”. The goblet is the source of magic, an insubstantial object made into a tangible form to idolize. Rasfor refills the goblet from which all magic is drawn. The liquid in the goblet represents all magic, be it good, bad, evil, natural, otherworldly. O'hl has given this task to Rasfor, as his affinity for magic was a telltale sign of his destiny. Rasfor is said to be the source of all magic across Edus.

Rasfor was part of a legendary group of mortal heroes that walked Edus in the Fourth Age. He was a great mortal wizard who found flaws with the loose, chaotic ways magic came to those in ages past, who knew how to grasp it. He fought beside the others of ‘The Band’ to defeat an ancient great wyrm dracolich and its partner. Using his newly found knowledge of the true Source, Rasfor pulled into himself more magic than anyone had for ages, and molded the source itself into his own will, thus becoming more powerful than the previous Goddess of Magic. With the use of this new source of pure magic, Rasfor understood he was above mortals and beyond the trappings of flesh. With a single thought, the previous god of magic was extinguished and Rasfor was given the chance to become the new God of magic. He ascended shortly afterward.

Rasfor still remembers the simpler life of being mortal, and will disguise himself and walk Edus from time to time, watching those who are stumbling their way into magic for the first time. Rasfor still stays as neutral and balanced as magic itself, but he retains a small portion of his humanity, and will let it come to light when it will not affect the balance.

Many like to claim gods are above the mortal trappings of emotion, but Rasfor and Shahde’ hate each other. The shadow beneath the cup of the Source is the home of the Shadow magic, Shahde’s creation. The Shadow Source mirrors the True Source but it is black and evil. Shahde’s creation of the Shadow Source has put Rasfor and Shahde’ at each other’s throats for eternity. Most mages and sorcerers of the True Source shun Darkmantles and vice versa. Rasfor encompasses all things magical, especially lost magics, as those who adventure often find lost ancient items and bring them back to the world. Anything that allows lost magic to return to use increases Rasfor’s power. He will often come to a favored mage and show him visions of lost magical items, to prod him into adventuring to retrieve these items.
Rasfor and his followers believe that magic is free, and should be shared with those who will be responsible with it. Magic is not to be hoarded away, to be lost and forgotten in time. Unused magic is like a leak within the goblet, its precious contents lost to the world.

Those who cast spells, research spells, or are merely part of the magic in general, all of these pay homage to Rasfor. The Master of Magic is a very active deity upon Thaeed. Rasfor has a few chosen mages and sorcerers that he calls upon to help him refill the Source. Gifted mortals are born on Rasfor’s holy days and are tapped by Rasfor to help him refill the Source where all other mages draw from. They are also called up when others of the Shadow or careless users of the Source risk destroying the Goblet.

The mages and sorcerers, who become Specialty priests of Rasfor are called ‘Chosen’.  There are a few select mortals who can actually refill the source as Rasfor does are called “Custodes.” Custodes usually are gifted to ascend to work next to Rasfor from his plane and no longer interact with the known world.
Religious, Organised Religion


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