

A town founded by necessity, a town made of travelers, who help travelers, while giving travelers shelter on the great Griffin Plains. This is the description of the town of Redfield. Redfield is an enclosed, tight group of 90 buildings. These buildings line the sides of multiple streets coming together in a grand crossroads. The town of Redfield is used often as a meeting place, or landmark for those leaving for or returning to Kings Watch. Muddy streets with twisting alleys and side dead ends make the town almost a spiderweb, with the Grand Center at its core. With high walls, protecting the outer buildings, the farmlands are outside the walls, which are worked from dawn to dusk.

Redfield sits in the center of five roads, at their crossing, in the middle of the Griffon Plains. Redfield lies 18 days travel west from Osten, fifteen days east from Vahnholm and fifteen days northwest from Asa's Wood. Redfield sits just northeast of the beginning of the tip of the Gothmyr High Hills, that circle the Crown Woods.

Redfield is rarely run by the same person for more than a year. Most of the time, an entire garrison of Gothmyr troops are barracked here. Their commander is often made "Standing Judge" of Redfield. Multiple administrators and court officers are permanently affixed to their offices, to aid in the running of Redfield. Currently running Redfield is Rebekka Bodenkirk, Dwarven Field Commander of the Gothmyran 5th Calvary. She is a level 7 Paladin of Palin, and level 3 Fighter.
Rebekka is a taller dwarf with a muscular build. Her auburn hair is in twin braids and her fiery reddish brown eyes burn when she's angry. She's proficient on horseback with her personal steed, a Mountain Bahtel named 'Knuckle'. She has an armored Bahtel and he dons a helm with three horns of steel, and resembles a smaller rhino.

People who call Redfield home, "Redders", are a strange lot. They are close knit, talk daily amongst themselves, and have the back of their neighbor. Town loyalty seems strangely strong here as the town is always full of visitors, those passing through, and dignitaries headed elsewhere. Friendly and cheerful for the most part, the townsfolk are always happy to help with directions or make sure a stranger gets to where they are headed. But, never cross a Redder. There is a regional unspoken truth, and that is that Redfield folk hold grudges longer than elves live. Many an adventuring party has lost their way in Redfield when their group's thief made the mistake of stealing from a Redder. Parties would often find their rogue hung by the neck and strung up on the town wall, missing at least one hand.

The town was founded as a military outpost for Ancient Kings Watch. As one troop arrived, the current troop could turn over the fort to them, and move out. This then became a base station for ground troops, and because it was in a large open space, a training ground. As time went on, new troops exchanged messages and batons of command handed off, as military moves continued. As the camp became more and more permanent, civilian people arrived: shops opened up, smiths arrived to help the military, farmers built crops to help feed the standing army, clerics brought their religions, and eventually, the town was founded.
The fields where the town now sits was the site for multiple bloody land wars - huge armies clashed and died in epic battles recorded in ages past. It was said that "fields ran red with blood. and grass would not turn green for years, the blades of grass as bloody as the steel 'that lain yett among them.'" This is where the town got its moniker. Oftentimes in the Spring, a farmer will till the ground for new crops, and turn up a rusted (or non-rusted) sword or spear from Ages gone. The smiths usually take these weapons and melt them down, so they can once again be used.

  • Comler's Goods and Exotics - Berbin Comler is a tradesman, merchant and shipping noble. He runs the goods shop and will and can ship anything for you, for a price. He has 5 employees working the shop and two crew of wagoneers at the ready.
  • The Fountain - central watering pond of town. Called the fountain as the lake is filled by a natural spring, that often times sprays water up to forty feet in the air.
  • Market Core - Strip of land where the roads of Redfield meet. Tons of tents, merchants, shops and even traveler wagons selling goods. good place to pick up work or a good sword.
  • The Forked Road Tavern - Simple tavern with well stocked ales and wines. Not basic, but not overly opulent, the place was built originally to be a watering hole for soldiers. So comfort is prime, but spartan is the design. Expect cold water (chilled in the basement) Warm cider and great mushroom soups. Run by Helga Fernj and her sons, Emus and Andru.
  • Victor's Inn - Pricey opulent visitor Inn with separate rooms and beds. Built to fleece the visiting dignitaries who stay in town. Every need is met, but at a steep steep price. You get what you pay for at Victor's Inn. Run by Aramon Toadwallen, human retyired soldier and hospitalier.
  • Hospital of the Innocent (Keylis) - Massive single room hall used for wounded and the sick. Also a place to find a bed for the night, as long as it's not needed by the sick or wounded. Run by three priests of keylis and guarded by soldiers working shifts in town.
  • Ryzzelda's House of magic and mysteries - Ryzzelda is a dark elven female (surface born) with wild white and green hair with mats, beads and often birds in it. She sells low end magic for the ignorant orth broke adventurer. She hates hearing about Merty's Shops and their prices. Take care in there, she throws curses!
  • Golden Hoof Armory - Erik and Valen of Meri'Jaa run he armory, building massive thick armor for military and selling custom gear to visitors. They have a centaur working the forges named "Furiel" who has a hoof that is covered in gold chains and wire. Prices are very good, if you wait your turn behind any Army requests.
  • "Standing Judge" of Redfield
  • Church of Palin
  • Church of Eilyene
  • The Tri-hat Sages Tower - Three sages work the tower and ground floor library. Gelnu the Ascended owns the tower, but his brothers Helmuut the Mysterious, and Arven Shadowtrekker do the research and the book binding. Gelnu and his brothers were originally Humans, but Arven has been polymorphed into a black Kobold. Stay for the information. Do not accept drinks while there!
  • Crossroads Crow Cages -The wall facing South is the location of the prison and the courthouse. Anyone found guilty enough, are hung in crow cages outside the wall, bringing crows as well as children with rocks.

Gules a fret sable in nombril a boar statant argent.  
"Standing Judge" of Redfield
Field Commander Rebekka Bodenkirk
Large town


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