Reginald Dumas III of Piersdorf

Reginald Dumas III

Mayor of Piersdorf

Piersdorf is run by a Governor. Current Governor is Reginald Dumas III. He was appointed by the prince seven winters ago, after the previous Governess passed away. Governor Dumas III Is a smiling, portly man of sixty winters with graying black slicked back hair and wears a wig of powdered white when seen outside. He is liked well enough by the people of Piersdorf as he hasn't been in power long to have anyone truly judge his leadership.

Governor Dumas smiles often to the public, but behind closed doors, he worries. His worries falls upon the shoulder of his assistants, Julia Gregorr and Master Harkin Voss. Julia is head of administrative duties, and Master Voss is in charge of town security and town well being. Voss is head of the Constabulary, and work with any and all guards who arrive protecting nobility or persons of note. Governor Dumas is seen when a noble or even the crown comes to Piersdorf, or in times of festivals. He loves the credit and will take the attention from anyone upstaging him. otherwise, the day-to-day decisions falls to his two assistants.

Julia runs around as if enchanted with a speed spell, running to take4 care of things Dumas doesn't want to do, or thinks is beneath his status. She smile briefly as he speaks without pauses. Julia is warm and welcoming to strangers in town, and wants to see Piersdorf thrive. She works late into the night, and get up early to open the Governor's Office each day. Julia Has brown flowing hair (usually a mess) and auburn brown eyes. She is human and is more than fit, due to Running around for the Governor. Julia has a younger brother of eighteen winters of age, who lives with her in Piersdorf. Her mother and elder sister live in a town to the north, Vodton.

Harkin Voss is a mean, grump of a man. He is in his early forties, but is as curmudgeonly as an 80 year old man with kids upon his lawn. Harkin's short cropped hair and beard are always combed and in order. A soldier through and through, Voss casts a bold shadow over six feet in height and clad in his ceremonial studded leather armor. His silvered rapier is always on his right hip. Voss scowls whenever he is greeted, as if the joyous greeting broke some silence he was enjoying. He is polite and non confrontational to those older than he, and chivalrous to females, but strangers in his town is his job, and the task of handling problems in the town shows on his face. Harkin leads a constabulary force of eight full time constables and another fifteen can be called upon, if he blows the whistle around his neck. Harkin warms to those in town only after they show an act of defense or promotion of the town of Piersdorf. Master Harkin Is protective of Julia and was actually a related cousin to the last Governor, but still does his duty for Governor Dumas III.


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