Renymka (Ren-Yim-Kah)

Spider Goddess, Queen of Drow

Spider Goddess, Bitch Queen, Essence of Lolth
High Goddess, Major Power
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Drow, Evil-power, Political Intrigue
Domain Name: The Webway
Superior: O'hl (lolth-partial)
Allies: Syl'veto, Kyla'ranee,Greelynka, Arturylim,
Foes: Shu'un, Co'orensarn, Verosh, Mershin
Symbol:Gray field with downward Black Widow spider.
Worshippers Alignment: LE, NE, CE,

Renymka; the Drow Queen, Queen of the Spiders. She is the evil shadowy goddess from the abyss that tempted the drow to ignore the cries of help from when the humans, elves and dwarves began to fight back against the Dragons. Renymka is evil, cruel and vengeful. Her wrath is deadly, as her plans and plotting is spread across the universe like spider webs, tied together and spun into an intricate design. She is known by many names on many planes, but she is known as Renymka to the drow and the Dark elves of Edus.

Renymka was one of the first Dark elves that walked among the other mortals of Edus. With O'hl's portals she and a handful of other first walked out of their respective world. Renymka was approached by O'hl and offered ascension to help guide her dark elven kin. As she took a consort, she accepted the offer, but had her own dark plans. Renymka still followed the precepts of Lolth. She allowed Lolth to enter her being and share with her part of her abyssal essence as she was ascended by O'hl. The overgod banished Lolth from Edus and prevented her from touching Edus. Lolth used Renymka and took over the dark elf, corrupting her and turning her into an avatar of Lolth. 
The Great Curse:
As O'hl saw Lolth corrupting Renymka he cut Lolth off from Edus and sent Renymka into a demiplane adjacent to the Demonweb Pits.  Renymka was still accepted by some of the more evil dark elves, who called themselves drow. Renymka began to descend drow to her Unholy Court, mirroring the elven Fey court. Renymka chose a few drow and brought them to her Unholy Court. With her powers given out, O'hl saw how Renymka was beginning to unbalance the Pantheon with her evil minions. With his power, O'hl made a few slight changes and then decided to punish the Abyssal Devil. O'hl punished Renymka with what is known as The Great Curse.

The Great Curse of the Drow was one that did not hit Renymka directly, but instead affected her children. Half of all drow on the surface of Edus, were split and given enlightenment of a different life. These surface Drow call themselves "dark elves" and consider being called a 'drow" an insult of highest offense. The other half of the drow stayed and accept their goddess. The drow that come to the surface and are affected by the Curse are labeled Dark Elves. Those that stay below under Renymka's rule are considered drow.

Most drow stay underground and claw their way through the Deepdark and seek that power that Renymka holds in front of them like a carrot to a mule. They fight within their own cities and even their own siblings for Renymka's appeasement. Those who fail to appease the Goddess Renymka are transformed into driders, darpions, and even drow slime.
All evil drow pay Renymka deep, deep reverent homage and her power is usually sought above all others. Some drow do pray to other deities of the Pantheon, but as their power stems from Renymka, she still receives the boon of their loyalty.
Renymka is rarely ever seen, but from time to time, high priestesses that show particular power and skill are visited by Renymka’s handmaidens. These are lower level demons from the abyss knows as Spi’rchol. When Renymka is seen, she appears as a twelve foot tall beautiful drow female, or a huge black widow spider with the head of a female drow.

Appearance: Her essence in her demi plane is similar to Lolth's. A giant black widow's body with the upper torso of a beautiful female drow with a charisma of 20. She has been known to show as a giant spider with just a female's head, and even a full bodied female drow in long spidersilk robes.
Often times, due to the Great Curse and punishment of O'hl, Renymka will use lower abyssal demons as messengers to her loyal drow. a prayer circle of clerics to Renymka will often summon a demon from the abyss.

Specialty Priest: Webguards   Clergy: Drow, and female Clergy Alignment: LE,NE, Turn Undead: No Cmnd. Undead: yes Bonus Prof: Religion, Spellcraft, Knowledge:Abyss   Dogma:   Day-to-day Activities:   Important Holy Days/ Ceremonies:   Major Centers of Worship:   Affiliated Orders:   Priestly Vestments:  
Religious, Organised Religion


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