Shahde’ - The Mistress

Shahde' - The Mistress

Shahde’ (Shah-Day)
The Mistress, Night Singer, Mistress of Night, The Dreamer
Darkness, Night, Loss, Deception, Dreams
Greater Deity
True neutral
Worshipers: N/NG/CG/CN
A black circle framed in silver.



‘Mistress of the Night’, ‘Nightsinger’, ‘Lady of Loss’, or ‘The Darkness’. All these names evoke Shahde’. She is rumored to be the first born and eldest of O'hl's powers incarnate. Shahde’ encompasses all things of blackness, darkness, voids, and loss, as she is the goddess of these. Shahde’ controls what most people lock their doors at night over. She is the creeping blackness, shadows that cross graves, and the dark, deep caverns that fill people with unknown fear. Shahde’ is known to be Brauun’s Lover, and her portfolio of darkness in general causes fear throughout the world, which feeds to free her lost Lover. It is rumored the loss of Brauun is what gave her the portfolio of Loss. She is secretive and her followers also play everything ‘close to the vest’. They are those you see in taverns, whispering in the corners, or those talking low at the shadowed mouth of an alley.
Shahde' often appears to her faithful and can do so in many ways: As a feminine mouth made from pure darkness; other times, she has appeared as a Solid orb of night, complete with motes of stars or as a black flame, melting the candle as the black flame speaks.
Shahde' is bitter rivals with the Deity of Magic, Rasfor. Often they have come to direct opposition as her followers fight his. Shahde’s actions caused the creation of the Shadow Source, and thus, created Zzisulb, demigod of liches and necromancy. The demigod acts as her advisor and ally, but often he is working against her from gaining too much power, as her position in charge of the Shadow Source is wanted by others.



Shahde' clergy are a secretive group known as “Darkmantles”. They are rumored to be an organization that pursues subversive tactics rather than direct confrontation with rivals.
All of her faithful wear black and keep their heads covered when out at night. When in public, they title themselves as Watchers. There are unconfirmed reports that Paladins of Shahde' called Nightblades exist, but none have been discovered, as yet.

Specialty Priest: Darkmantle

Darkmantles (in church) / Watchers (public)
Alignment: CG,N,CN
Favored Weapon: Dagger or Short Bow
Weapons Allowed: Any Cleric or Thief
Bonus NWP: Astronomy (INT)
Maj=Charm, Divination, Necromancy, Healing
Min=Protection, Combat, Creation, Wards
Barred= Animal, Light, Sun
  Turn Ability: None

Watchers are the specialty chosen of Shahde'. Watchers control truth in their towns and keep secrets from those who would use them to their benefit. There are, thankfully, few churches of Shahde', or at least few known by the public. Shahde's chosen are seen skulking in shadows in the taverns, or under the awnings of market stalls. Watchers are often employed as spies or messengers of dark tidings. Some Watchers even act as generic clergy to help the condemned confess any crimes; these secrets are taken into the church. Watchers are usually wearing black or dark clothing, and often wear silver, if they wear any visible jewelry. Decorations of crescent moons or pairs of eyes are usually the adornment of choice.

A few of the Watcher's Ethos or Edicts:
  • Light is untruthful. Shadows and darkness are where masks are removed and truth is revealed.

  • Loss is life. Embrace loss from those around you, and promote loss for others.

  • Deception is the Darkening, the truth. This is controlling the truth through Deception.

  • Secrets are currency. Obtain currency for the church, and yourself.

  • The moon is the Light of Shahde'. Embrace the night.

  •   Restrictions:
  • Cannot be healed by Clerics of Eilyene.

  • Must pray during the evening, or if not possible, before dawn - twilight hours are the best for contemplation.

  • Items stolen must be given to the church.

  • Cannot turn Shadows or shadow creatures.(blasphemy)


    Abilities: (all 1/day unless otherwise noted)
    Level - Ability
    1. - Steel Shadows: Gain +3 armor bonus and +3 shield bonus to AC for 1hour/level.
    3. - Carpet of Shadow: Transform the ground into shadowstuff, impeding movement.
    5. - Voice of Shadow: As the spell command, but also affecting intelligent undead and constructs.
    7. - Bend Perspective: Change point of view, as though you were standing elsewhere.
    9. - Dusk and Dawn: Create an area of shadowy illumination.
    11. - Life Fades: Deal nonlethal damage and cause fatigue.
    13. - Mesmerizing Shade: Daze subject for 1 round or cause –1 penalty on attack rolls, checks, saves.
    15. - Warp Spell: Steal the energy of another caster’s mystery or spell.
    Spells of Shahde':


    Dariska Vouh - Darkmantle of Shahde'
    Religious, Organised Religion


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