Silvein - The Father


The Father

  Silvein (Sil-vain)
(The Father, The Green Man, The Leaf )
Full Deity on Prime Material Plane
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Nature, Wilderness, Druids
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Astral grove, The Beastlands
Superior: O'hl
Allies: Eilyene, Prens, Rasfor, Palin
Foes: Nimbos,Shade', Brauun, Caen
Symbol: A blue water droplet within a gold maple leaf
Worshippers Alignment: Any



  Silvein is known to most as the “The Father”, he who encompasses all nature and things dealing with the wilderness. His neutrality shows his duality, as both nature and its calm gentle ways, as well as unleashed nature, fury of storms and earthquakes. When someone lost in the woods is led out to civilization by a deer or a fox, that is Silvein. When a wagonload of animal furs is lost to a freak earthquake, or when hordes of Orc are gathering up for a siege are torn apart by lightning and tornados…that is Silvein. Silvein almost never comes directly to Edus but will often use wilderness animals as his messengers. When Silvein needs more direct contact, he will send a magical beast like a unicorn or a treant.e Silvein, like his followers, is always true neutral. Nature in itself is neither loving nor harsh, but both at the same time. The same loving nature that grows beds of flowers in a sun-kissed field is the same nature that sends tornadoes into orphanages or brush fires into baby bear dens.
Silvein is part of a large family of deities. His partner is Eilynne, his son is Nimbos, and his daughter is Nolukele. Silvein and his son Nimbos are constantly at odds. It is rumored when a massive or particularly strong storm rolls through, it is the anger of Nimbos at losing an argument with his father.



Silvein looks like a elder man in his seventies with large 12 point stag horns sprouting from his head. He has a fox tail and often times he is depicted with skin like leather of a tree. Other times he is seen as a man with horns, but wearing an entire outfit, cloak included, made of branches and leaves of greens and browns.

Other manifestations:

He has been seen as a bipedal fox, as a bear with an old man's face, as a tree, or even as a flock of robin birds. His favorite form to take is that of a wind blown pile of leaves, spinning in a dust devil, but as the leaves move, it forms a face in the air.

The Church:

There is no established church of Silvein. His entire ethos is to be out in nature, so no building would do the God of Nature justice. Instead, most holidays and holy ceremonies are held in druid groves, or in parks or green areas within cities. Often times duids of Silvein will just stop outside a town and use a large boulder as a pulpit. There is no established organization or hierarchy to the clerics, other than calling each other brothers and sisters.


Worshippers of Silvein or those who protect the woods, call themselves “The Sildren”. Specialty priests of Silvein are rare, but their numbers are growing. They call themselves "Leafguards". Druids are labeled “Shapers.” Summer and autumn solstices are two of Silvein’s major holidays. Spawning season for fish and crop harvesting are also blessed days for the Sildren.
  Druids that dedicate their worshipping to Silvein, are called Shapers, and are gifted abilities by Silvein.
At 3rd level, Shapers are gifted a wildshape of a living creature at 1/2 their human HD. They can stay in that form for 1 hour/level.. This can be split into multiple transformations per day. Wildshaping takes 1 round of doing nothing but shaping their form. This increases to 2 hours/level at 5th, and 3 hours/level at 7th. They also gain the addition of another creature each level. Eg. 1 animal form at1st level, 2 forms at 2d, 3animal forms at 3rd, etc.   Worshippers do not stop destruction of the land or nature, unless it's wanton meaningless destruction. Cutting trees for homes, or hunting a deer for meat and hide for clothes isn't something that is against Silvein's teachings. Instead, followers seek to be the creative side of nature. planting crops, purifying water, blessing groves, making sure fallen trees have water for mushroom growth. These are some of the actions the clerics and druids of Silvein do daily.


There are not many Specialty Priests to Silvein. Most who wish to further worship the Father become druids. Clerics who worship Silvein, or Leafguards, are more nature-y and find powers given by the Father. Leafguards are those tasked with keeping greenery and nature thriving within a city. Keeping a balance between stone and wood, and the green flora of Edus within a civilized area. often small towns or baronies are protected from without by close druids, but protected from within by Leafguards.

  At 3rd level clerics gain the spell Tree once per day.
At 5th level Leafguards can cast Entangle 1/day in addition to their spells give

Druid of Silvein (Anistlav)

Shaper Druid (Jade Isles)


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