Sisters of the Queen's Gambit

Sisters of the Queen's Gambit
Overview: The Sisters of the group known as the Queen's Gambit is a group of fraternal triplet females, who have taken three drastically different professions to grow their family's holdings within Gothmyr. The Sisters have a multiple-headed group of holdings that span from mining to Shipping overseas. The three women hold power among many of the wards, and sit on multiple committee's or guildhouse councils. Their power even touches the throne of Gothmyr, and one sister or another has frequent meetings with Prince Jeggred on topics related to both of their interests.

The Queen's Gambit is a family group. They call themselves and are titles as Queens of the Gambit. it is unclear whether the name means anything, or the mix of titles and family holdings is a trick, but all know Gothmyr has no known queen. The three women claim they family is the Queen's Gambit. Whether that means they themselves are a gambit for an unknown Queen, or their existence is a gambit for the existence of a Queen, it is unknown what their title actually means.

Allisandra Belask
The three sisters are very different, as different as their own looks. First is Dame Allisandra Belask, First Born, Queen of the Gambit. Allisandra or "Alli" is a tall statuesque female half dark elf with white hair and piercing blue eyes. Allisandra always wears full covered clothing with mainly black leathers and brocades. She wears her symbolic tricorn hat , given to her by her father. She wields an oversized six-shot heavy crossbow chu-ko-nu, and her magical Rapier and main gauche sits on her hips. She's been known to use explosive runes as well as chemical potion bottles with explosives in it as well.

Lerissa Belask
Second is Lady Lerissa Belask, Second born, Queen of the Gambit. Lerissa, or "Rissa" is a shorter Female half dark elf with oft-braided white hair and green eyes. Rissa wears long gowns and is the company's Ambassador and she is involved in many social circles and royal events. Rissa has a metallic left arm, intricately built which replaced her arm, which was taken at a younger age. Her arm was gifted to her on her Ageday (became an adult) by Prince Jeggred himself. Rissa rarely fights, but her psionic ability as well as her divine spellcasting from her faith in Shu'un make her powerful from afar.

Andresa Belask
Third, and not last, is Andresa Belask, Final Born, Queen of the Gambit. Andresa is a short female half dark elf with a cropped white bob, and grey eyes. Her face is usually adorned with a black eyeshadow covering her entire upper half of her face. Andresa is the 'dark daughter', running many organizations that are not quite morally or legally viable. Andresa cleans up messes and does jobs the other sisters of the Queen's Gambit won't publicly acknowledge. Andresa wields a classic katana with a nodachi handle, offering her more power in her swings, she has been known to throw darts, or "queens tears" until she can close with the magical sword. The blade enhances her speed, agility, as well as her strength when wielded.

Known Family Holdings:
The Queen's Gambit Estate - 14 building sprawling walled estate in the North Ward. full stables with 20+ Horses. 22 servants, personal militia of 40 on premises.
The Queen's Gambit Festhall - 8 building festhall and gambling hall in the Western part of lantern Ward. employs 17 people.
"The Queen's Gambit" - 120 ton Gothmyri Galleon, manned by 100 sailors, gunners, and crew. Helmed by Commodore Allisandra Belask. Additional 13 various ships in her fleet.
The Gambit - Fine dress and seamster house within the Crown Ward. Known to outfit Ambassdors and visiting dignitary for Court. 30 servants, seamsters and aids work the shop and attached warehouse.
Belask Lumber - Large wood mill in the narrows, run by 40 men, with warehouses holding stock, another 20 men, 18 wagons and 4 half giants.
Queen's Passion- Perfume and scent shop with 3 locations within King's Watch. selling perfumes, oils, tinctures and aromatics from all over Edus. Church of Shu'un - Fifteen thousand square foot fortified church, temple as monastery within the North Ward. 15 acolytes and another 10 servants.

Not known Holdings:
Black Dagger Assassin guild- North Ward branch run by Andresa, 120 registered members.
Montique's Holdings- Bank and vault service in the lantern Ward. Belask family owns land, deed and 30% of profit. 10 Employees
Havenrun Trading- 30 wagon trading company with contracts to Iron Kingdoms. Belask family owns all wagons and 25% of profit. 65 employees
Palento's Apples - Western farmland and orchard. Along with two stalls in merchant Ward and West Ward. Belask family owns the farmland and rents the stalls to farmers.

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