
Three Danes Minertown

Sudersholt is the middle town along Gothmyr's western border, edging the Wildreach. The town is alive due to the mines established into the Vestwatch Mountains. The mines produce silver in large quantities, but also the veins point toward small pockets of Moon Opals. The ultra rare moon Opals are imbued with latent magic energies and also can be enchanted to higher levels. The run -down town is still sturdy. Stone buildings carved from the stones in the mines. The roofs are of slate. The cold mountain water from the Bleakwater river runs through the town dumping into Iron lake, giving the town fresh water.

Sudersholt is run by a Land Baron. A man whos family has established the mines in Sudersholt and have lorded his land ownership in the faces of all nobles and those who matter. Baron Gorax Von Jager and the Jager family run and rule Sudersholt. He is a greedy Half Orc who rules as much with law and order, as violence and a iron fist. His thirteen sons help Gorax hold onto not only control of Sudersholt, but also the flow of Moon Opals. Wizards, weaponsmiths, and enchanters alike will pay a hefty price and even other magical items to get their hands on the smallest Moon Opal. Baron Von Jager knows this and charges accordingly.
The Von Jager Thirteen run and command all aspects of life in Sudersholt. From constabulary, Mining and mining rights, Food import, Liquor import, Iron/silver export, and even rumors say some even control the local thieves guild.

The people of Sudersholt are oppressed. Baron Gorax Von Jager doesn't allow the freedoms that most others in Gothmyr's lands enjoy. Most stay because they make quite a good living mining the moon opals from the mines. The Von Jager family keeps most in the town cowering and their heads down, averting their eyes. It would look like Gorax rules as a militant Tyrant, but no one outwardly complains... Possibly out of fear.
Outsiders or visitors who come to town, showing skill with a blade or throw coins showing wealth are treated as any town would. Smiles and comforts afforded to them. But if the stranger seems common or too inquisitive about Baron Von Jager, the town shuts down and no townsfolk will give any answer longer than one word. Stocks will be sold out, and food will be pricey for outsiders, to push them out of town. This is actually told to be done by the Von Jager Thirteen, who will be watching newcomers from a distance.

Places of Interest:
  • Castle Von Jager
  • The Gorax Mine
  • The Picks Rest Inn
  • The Blue Peak Smithy
  • The Venom Jar (Apothecary)
  • Rothgax Gaming Hall (Gambling and festhall)
  • Moneda's Coin exchange
  • The Hostels

Baron Gorax Von Jager

Duro Von Jager
Town Exchequer and Guildmaster of Miners

Merino Von Jager
Constable and Guildmaster of Merchants

Ogun Von Jager
Shire Reeve and Guildmaster of Workers



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